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  1. Thank you John, I will do this now. Trev
  2. Nevermind, your talking about moving your eyepoint while your flying...
  3. Pete, I am sure you already know this, but in the cameras.cfg file adjust these...
  4. Thanks Thomas, Was trying to figure out where it was coming from. Trev
  5. Hi Guys, While trying to get sound.play and sound.path to work, I was trying to locate if my sounds were playing, and I came across something strange when turning on the "Event Logging" Now, keep in mind I tried searching all of my .lua scripts for the effective controls being sent, but wondered if you were aware of something hammering FSUIPC. Can you confirm the attached log, event logging occurs on your end with the King Air, or is this something that is happening strictly on my machine? What I am referring to is the 2 lines hammering control event logging. 734782 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65962 (0x000101aa), Param= 19 (0x00000013) FUEL_SELECTOR_SET 734782 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66523 (0x000103db), Param= 20 (0x00000014) FUEL_SELECTOR_2_SET Please see the attached log, this seems odd to me.FSUIPC7_prev.log Thanks guys. Trev
  6. Enrico, There is a bunch of files in the aircraft directories that have "Defaults Set in them" ie apron.flt Seems there is a .flt file for every "Start point for the aircraft", and it defaults the frequencies. So regardless what they are set to the aircraft seem to revert to these values, I haven't tried, but perhaps if you delete those lines of code in the .flt files, they may not revert. Just letting you know. Trev
  7. Hi Guys, Usually, we complain about things that don't work. Today I might add I am clapping. Turns out FS INTERROGATE Does work with FSUIPC7. Thanks Guys, again for taking the time to make this stuff work so well. Trev
  8. Morning John, The log showed no more TransmitClientEvent failures at all. Was a 2.5 hour Flight and never had a hiccup, unless it was a fluke. I will run it again today and see what happens.
  9. John, I just wanted to Thank you for the new version today. Just completed a 2 hour flight, no disconnects. Everything perfect. Don't know what you changed as a work around but it worked. Trev
  10. No disconnects yet! Looking good so far! Thank you. Better than it was in anycase.
  11. Ok thanks I will try it now Trev
  12. Thanks John, Literally FSUIPC closes completely. disappears from the system tray completely. I have tried adjusting to this TransmitErrorsReconnect=3 to see if it will help. *Here is crossing our fingers* on the next build / patch. Thanks, Trev
  13. I am going to add to this, because this is what I am experiencing. Today was the first day I got to experiment with the new patch, and this seems to happen often. Here is my Log.
  14. Enrico, that’s actually how I had accomplished this. When I saw the cameras.cfg file did that right away. just have to be cautious to see if PM functions will interfere with the built in ones. Ie the MCP fighting with the one in the panel.cfg Trev
  15. Thanks James.... And when For me I have been doing this over 22 Years.... And the fact I am a grandfather, I do qualify as OLD LOL
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