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DaveG last won the day on February 6 2019

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  1. Hi John, Using 7.3.9f, default Cessna 172. Axis commands do not work if assigned as "Send to FS as normal axis". This goes for aileron, elevator, throttle, rudder etc. I've tried both "axis aileron set" and "aileron set" etc. The axis does work if assigned via "Send direct to FSUIPC calibration", but only after either reloading the flight or restarting FSUIPC. Hope this helps.
  2. Just to confirm, I'm seeing the same. Button commands are ok, but not axis controls.
  3. I've set my throttles up as "Throttle1 Axis Set Ex1", "Throttle1 Axis Set Ex2" etc, and the prop pitch as "Prop Pitch Axis Set Ex1" which seems to work fine. Only issue for me with this is the "map 1->12, 2->34" option on the calibration page doesn't work with these. Also, if you have the PMDG AFE turned on, in some situations he overrides your throttle commands, so they don't appear to work.
  4. If you haven't bitten then bullet yet and reinstalled, you could try MSFS Add-on Linker, available at flightsim.to. That let's you install add-ons anywhere and then links them to the community folder. https://flightsim.to/file/1572/msfs-addons-linker
  5. Thanks for the update John. Is it safe to assume I can use my existing ini file & profiles with V6?
  6. I just disable controllers entirely in p3d (there's a checkbox for it) and assign everything via fsuipc.
  7. There's some lines from the begining of the DLL.xml posted above. If that's the complete contents then that would cause the XML not to be read.
  8. Theyll be custom coded items, rather than default commands.
  9. Sorry, I don't know the answer to your problem.
  10. Pete is on holiday until the 19th.
  11. Erm, just backup your FSUIPC5.ini before updating. My ini had been with me since fsx days.
  12. To use ON/OFF/ON switches, in FSUIPC you can set the command to be sent when the button/switch is released, so you would set one ON position to your fuel pump Hi (make sure it's not set to repeat) then set the fuel pump OFF command to sent on switch release. Do the same for the fuel pump Lo position.
  13. Pete is on holiday until the 23rd. See the post at the top of this page.
  14. Have a look in this thread : http://forum.simflight.com/topic/84933-prepar3d-v42-simconnect-and-fsuipc-5123c/ Thomas posted links to both 5.122 and 5.123b
  15. I use 5.122 at the moment with no problems. Updated to 5.123c and had the issue mentioned here with the dialog not showing. Went back to 5.122 and all is OK again.
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