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bcooley66 last won the day on October 21 2017

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  1. How do I determine what size of airplane can park at each gate at KLAX? I'm mainly concerned, which gates can accommodate the heavy aircraft? ANy help on this would be greatly appreciate. Thanks!
  2. Can anyone tell me about the RC Pack 1 (textpack_RC Pack 1) and how to get it? I've searched the prior threads, and I'll I can find is that those who wanted it had to sign up for it by a certain date, in order to get it. Is it possible to still get it?
  3. Real Color Manifest Master List_v26.xlsx
  4. The reason that you are experiencing white planes, is that the aircraft are present in the airplane.txt file, but you don't have a Real Color file to cover the exact aircraft. You can use the Real Color manifest file as listed above, to see what Real Color airports you need to purchase. Or simply change the aircraft to match what real color that you already have installed
  5. The easiest thing to do, is to purchase and install ALL of the real color add on's. You will then have access to all of the aircraft at any airport you wish
  6. LAX,SFO,E75,YX,2965,12:00,07:00,1,YX This is the first flight in the schedule and it is a departure
  7. Tried running the game from 0600 hours klax_airlines.txt klax_terminal.txt
  8. I've been creating custom schedules for quite some time now, and have never encountered any errors that I couldn't figure out. I am including the part of the schedule that is giving me fits as well as the output log. I'm working on the Terminal 4 and 5 at KLAX, with American Eagle flights. When I load the game, it gets to 99% and spins there for a while before loading. When it does load, it's only allowing the inbound flights. When I look at the output log, the Departure flights are saying NO FREE TERMINAL. I have looked this over and can't figure this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!output_log.txtoutput_log.txt output_log.txt klax_schedule.txt
  9. I have multiple RC liveries that I've purchased for several airports and my question is this. For example, Southwest Airlines. How can I get the newest paint livery to show up when I'm in the game at KLAX?
  10. Anyone know how to solve the Stick Key issue from popping up while playing the game?
  11. While inside of the game at a specific airport, is there a way to see other views around the airports, other than the view of being in the tower view?
  12. I mainly use KLAX, but I have purchased almost all of the real color files. My question, is how do I force the new Southwest livery to appear on my schedules. I have the 737 and the 738 in my klax_scheule file, but the real color is not using the New Livery that is now available in the other Real Color files that I posses. Hopefully this makes some kind of sense? I would also like to utilize the new United liveries as well.
  13. It will definitely keep you on your toes!
  14. This is a real world schedule for KLAX that took place on February 20, 2020, according to Flightradar24 website. I have also added additional flights, in order to increase the fun and realism for the day. To use this schedule, I have attached the text files that you will need. You will need to be put these files in your main Extensions\Airfields\KLAX sub directory for Tower3d Pro. Before you insert these files and overwrite your existing files, it is highly recommended that you make a backup of your existing text files first, using the following example. klax_schedule.bak.txt. This way, you won't lose your original files, in case you want them back. Once you have renamed these files, you can just drag the attached files into your sub directory. I've also attached the Excel spreadsheet that I used in order to create the custom schedule for your enjoyment. Also, if you want all of the Real Color Airlines to show up and to not just have white airplanes, this custom schedule schedule uses aircraft from the following Real Color Add On's in the schedule. You may or may not have all of these purchased. You only need to purchase the Real Color Add On's and not the airports, for the aircraft to show up. TIST, KPHL, KLAX, KJFK, KSAN, KATL, KPHX, EDDM, KMCO, KMEM, LFPG, KRDU, RJTT. I have done extensive testing for weeks on this schedule, making tweaks and adjustments where needed, and everything seems to be working as advertised. The attached schedule file covers the times from 12:00a until 23:59p. there are 894 Arrivals, and 891 Departures klax_schedule.txt klax_terminal.txt klax_airlines.txt klax_airplanes.txt Thursday, February 20, 2020.xlsx
  15. If I've deleted the email that was sent to me when I purchased an add on for Tower3d Pro, is there any way to get the activation code for the product back?
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