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Everything posted by Frédéric-O DUCHEMIN

  1. Ok Paul I have 2 errors with those changes. But the problem why the reader stop to read in first line ? And why if my Sim not running give me a Gate ? Just I woul like understand. Thanks Fred FsuipcData.vb
  2. the code Public Function getgate(ByVal icaocode As String) As String Dim lon As FsLongitude = New FsLongitude(playerLongitude.Value) Dim lat As FsLatitude = New FsLatitude(playerLatitude.Value) ' Get the point for the current plane position Dim currentPosition As FsLatLonPoint = New FsLatLonPoint(lat, lon) ' Returns the current gate or "" is not parked at any gate. Dim pathto As String = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath Using MyReader As New FileIO.TextFieldParser(pathto & "\g5.csv") MyReader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited MyReader.SetDelimiters(",") Dim gatename As String Dim gatenumber As String Dim gatereturn As String = "" Dim currentRow As String() While Not MyReader.EndOfData Try currentRow = MyReader.ReadFields() If currentRow(0) = icaocode Then gatename = currentRow(1) gatenumber = currentRow(2) Dim aaa As String = currentRow(3) Dim bbb As String = currentRow(4) Dim aaaa As Double = Double.Parse(aaa, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) Dim bbbb As Double = Double.Parse(bbb, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) 'Dim rwyThresholdLat As FsLatitude = New FsLatitude(aaaa) 'Dim rwyThresholdLon As FsLongitude = New FsLongitude(bbbb) Dim gateRadius As String = currentRow(5) Dim gateRadiusKm As Double = Double.Parse(gateRadius, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 1000D 'Dim thresholdCentre As FsLatLonPoint = New FsLatLonPoint(rwyThresholdLat, rwyThresholdLon) 'Dim trueHeading As Double = rwyMagHeading + rwyMagVariation 'runwayQuad = FsLatLonQuadrilateral.ForRunway(thresholdCentre, trueHeading, rwyWidth, rwyLength) Dim LatitudeAircraft As Offset(Of Long) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Long)(&H560) 'Latitude Dim LongitudeAircraft As Offset(Of Long) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Long)(&H568) 'Longitude ' *** Distance now returned in Km *** Dim distance As Double = FsuipcData.distance(LatitudeAircraft.Value, LongitudeAircraft.Value, aaaa, bbbb, "K") If distance <= gateRadiusKm Then 'gatereturn = gatename + " " + gatenumber gatereturn = gatename + gatenumber MyReader.Close() MyReader.Dispose() Return gatereturn End If End If Catch ex As FileIO.MalformedLineException 'MsgBox("Line " & ex.Message & "is not valid and will be skipped.") End Try End While MyReader.Close() MyReader.Dispose() Return "" ' Not near any gate End Using End Function 'convert decimal degreees to radians Function deg2rad(ByVal Deg) deg2rad = CDbl(Deg * pi / 180) End Function 'convert radians to decimal degrees Function rad2deg(ByVal Rad) rad2deg = CDbl(Rad * 180 / pi) End Function Public Function distance(ByVal lat As Double, ByVal lon As Double, ByVal lat2 As Double, ByVal lon2 As Double, Optional ByVal unit As Char = "M"c) As Double Dim LatitudeAircraft As Offset(Of Long) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Long)(&H560) 'Latitude Dim LongitudeAircraft As Offset(Of Long) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Long)(&H568) 'Longitude Lat1 = LatitudeAircraft.Value Lon1 = LongitudeAircraft.Value Lat1 = Lat1 * 90 / (10001750D * 65536D * 65536D) Lon1 = Lon1 * 360 / (65536D * 65536D * 65536D * 65536D) 'd = distance(Lat1, Lon1, lat2, lon2, "N") 'distance between 2 Pos Dim theta As Double = Lon1 - lon2 Dim dist As Double = Math.Sin(deg2rad(Lat1)) * Math.Sin(deg2rad(lat2)) + Math.Cos(deg2rad(Lat1)) * Math.Cos(deg2rad(lat2)) * Math.Cos(deg2rad(theta)) dist = Math.Acos(dist) dist = rad2deg(dist) dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515 If unit = "K" Then dist = dist * 1.609344 ElseIf unit = "N" Then dist = dist * 0.8684 End If Return distance End Function call departure_gate = FsuipcData.getgate(lblDeparture.Text) Me.lstGateDeparture.Items.Clear() Me.lstGateDeparture.Items.Add(departure_gate.ToString()) The problem it's give me the first entry to airport from g5.csv LFML,Park,83,43.446349,5.216847,20.0,277.0,5,WLX,FPO,TAY LFML,Park,82,43.445926,5.217253,15.0,274.5,5,WLX,FPO,TAY LFML,Park,7,43.434318,5.205118,5.0,315.4,13 LFML,Park,11,43.434292,5.225378,14.0,329.8,3,CIV LFML,Park,12,43.434142,5.225051,10.0,328.5,2,CIV LFML,A,1,43.439212,5.224703,18.0,264.9,4,AFR,RAE LFML,A,2,43.438822,5.224675,18.0,266.2,4,AFR LFML,A,5,43.439184,5.222840,18.0,26.9,4,AFR,CCM,RAL,RAE,BZH LFML,C,8,43.440494,5.220750,36.0,49.6,4,MDG,CRL,REU,XLF,XLA,IYE,RAM,DAH,SVA,ELY,SYR,TSC LFML,A,9,43.441017,5.220390,23.0,24.8,4 LFML,C,9,43.441089,5.219935,18.0,55.3,4,AAF,REU,RAM,DAH,TUN,ELY,OHY,KLM,SWR,DLH,BAW,AMC,BIE,BMM,CSA,DBK,LGL,SYR,TAP,XLA,XLF,TAR,MSA,MDP,RNV,DBK,TCV LFML,Park,19,43.439581,5.223592,5.0,331.7,13 LFML,Park,81,43.445413,5.217760,35.0,55.8,5,FXI,ICE,TNT LFML,C,10,43.441624,5.219152,18.0,64.6,4,AAF,REU,RAM,DAH,TUN,ELY,OHY,DLH,BAW,AMC,BIE,BMM,CSA,DBK,LGL,SYR,TA,XLA,XLFP,TAR,MSA,MDP,RNV,DBK,TCV LFML,C,2,43.438494,5.224803,18.0,308.0,4,AFR LFML,A,20,43.438083,5.224739,14.0,332.7,2,TJT,CCM,RAE,RLA,AFRX,TLB,HOP LFML,C,20,43.437962,5.224119,14.0,3.8,2,TJT,CCM,RAE,RLA,AFRX,TLB,HOP LFML,A,3,43.438032,5.223518,23.0,3.6,4,AFR LFML,C,3,43.438147,5.223014,18.0,73.4,4,AFR LFML,B,4,43.438602,5.222990,18.0,73.2,4,AFR,CCM,RAL,RAE,BZH LFML,A,6,43.439695,5.222241,18.0,28.7,4 LFML,C,6,43.439698,5.221780,18.0,62.1,4,SAB,SNB,KLM,AFR,CCM,DLH,BAW,SAS,IBE,TAP,EIN,AEE,AMC,CSA,KLC,LGL,TAP,XLA,XLF,MSA,MDP,RNV LFML,A,7,43.440092,5.221551,18.0,31.6,4,DLH,BAW,SAS,IBE,TAP,EIN,SAB,SNB,KLM,SWR,AEE,AMC,BIE,BMM,CSA,DBK,KLC,LGL,SYR,TAP,XLA,XLF,TAR,MSA,MDP,RNV,DBK,TCV LFML,A,10,43.441522,5.219599,18.0,30.8,4,AAF,REU,RAM,DAH,TUN,ELY,OHY,DLH,BAW,AMC,BIE,BMM,CSA,DBK,LGL,SYR,TAP,XLA,XLF,TAR,MSA,MDP,RNV,DBK,TCV LFML,E,46,43.440977,5.216507,23.0,313.4,3 LFML,C,46,43.441264,5.216926,23.0,314.5,3 LFML,Park,40,43.440156,5.218395,36.0,314.6,4,MDG,ELY,REU,XLF,TSC LFML,C,34,43.438978,5.219587,17.0,135.3,2,TJT,CCM,RAE,RLA,BZH,PWF,ANS,IBEX,DNM,AFRX,PGA,DLHX,CLH,MDM,ANS,TLB,HOP,TUX,DNM,FCT LFML,E,34,43.439334,5.219940,18.0,136.0,2,CCM,TJT,RAE,RLA,BZH,PWF,ANS,IBEX,DNM,AFRX,PGA,DLHX,CLH,MDM,ANS,TLB,TUX,DNM,HOP,FCT LFML,D,30,43.438905,5.220578,17.0,315.2,2,TJT,CCM,RAE,RLA,BZH,PWF,ANS,IBEX,DNM,AFRX,PGA,DLHX,CLH,MDM,ANS,TLB,TUX,DNM,HOP,FCT LFML,B,30,43.438589,5.220160,17.0,313.8,2,CCM,TJT,RAE,RLA,BZH,PWF,ANS,IBEX,DNM,AFRX,PGA,DLHX,CLH,MDM,ANS,TLB,TUX,DNM,HOP,FCT LFML,PkN,61,43.443193,5.211945,35.0,300.0,5,DHL,EAT,BCS LFML,PkN,68,43.444329,5.214451,25.0,33.8,5 LFML,A,48,43.443161,5.217429,18.0,268.4,3,PGT,RYR,EZY,EZS,GWI,JFU,NAX,TUI LFML,C,48,43.442578,5.216753,18.0,244.0,3,RYR,EZY,EZS,JFU,GWI,PGT,NAX,TUI,JAF LFML,E,48,43.442099,5.216753,18.0,153.6,3,RYR,EZY,EZS,BMI,JFU,PGT,NAX,TUI,JAF LFML,E,47,43.441613,5.217415,18.0,89.1,3,RYR,EZY,EZS,PGT,NAX,TUI,JAF LFML,C,47,43.442123,5.218132,18.0,90.8,3,JFU,RYR,EZY,EZS,NAX,TUI,JAF LFML,A,47,43.442537,5.218663,18.0,89.6,3,GWI,RYR,EZY,EZS,GWI,TUI,JAF LFML,C,5,43.439281,5.222365,23.0,61.5,4 LFML,Park,25,43.437561,5.221096,14.0,313.9,3,TJT,CCM,RAE,RLA,BZH,PWF,ANS,IBEX,DNM,AFRX,PGA,DLHX,CLH,MDM,ANS,TLB,TUX,DNM,HOP,FCT LFML,D,25,43.437837,5.221438,14.0,313.9,3,TJT,CCM,RAE,RLA,BZH,PWF,ANS,IBEX,DNM,AFRX,PGA,DLHX,CLH,MDM,ANS,TLB,TUX,DNM,HOP,FCT LFML,Park,48,43.442341,5.214728,30.0,309.7,6 LFML,Park,49,43.442726,5.215217,30.0,308.6,5 LFML,Park,50,43.443000,5.215647,25.0,309.7,5,FPO,VIZ LFML,Park,51,43.444883,5.215483,10.0,341.4,2 LFML,Park,52,43.445013,5.215917,10.0,340.5,2 LFML,Park,53,43.445121,5.216378,10.0,347.2,2 LFML,Park,84,43.434610,5.224591,10.0,326.6,2,CIV LFML,Park,85,43.433932,5.224705,10.0,326.7,2,CIV LFML,Park,86,43.435038,5.224918,10.0,327.3,2,CIV LFML,Park,87,43.433750,5.226086,10.0,308.9,2,CIV LFML,Park,88,43.433365,5.226423,10.0,316.1,2,CIV LFML,Park,11,43.435624,5.223327,10.0,327.2,2,CIV LFML,Park,10,43.435789,5.223701,10.0,323.7,2,CIV LFML,Park,18,43.436082,5.222770,10.0,329.3,2,CIV LFML,Park,17,43.436204,5.223065,10.0,325.3,2,CIV LFML,Park,16,43.436324,5.223344,10.0,321.1,2,CIV LFML,Park,15,43.436369,5.223698,10.0,329.2,2,CIV LFML,Park,14,43.436518,5.223943,10.0,326.7,2,CIV LFML,Park,96,43.436682,5.222985,10.0,327.7,2,CIV,FDO LFML,Park,21,43.436761,5.222358,10.0,328.6,2,CIV,FDO LFML,PkN,60,43.442832,5.211579,35.0,294.9,5,DHL,EAT,BCS LFML,PkW,63,43.443649,5.212673,14.0,61.9,3 LFML,PkSW,63,43.443452,5.212726,10.0,60.9,2 LFML,PkSE,63,43.443233,5.212963,10.0,62.0,2 LFML,Park,65,43.443398,5.213506,10.0,244.1,2 LFML,Park,71,43.443929,5.215219,7.0,331.1,2 LFML,Park,72,43.444016,5.215457,8.0,332.7,2 LFML,Park,73,43.444111,5.215707,7.0,332.8,2 LFML,Park,74,43.444238,5.215910,6.0,315.7,2 LFML,Park,75,43.444377,5.216093,6.0,313.7,2
  3. Thanks Paul I have understood this part (you make for me runways using runways.csv, thanks again) Public Function getrunaway(ByVal icaocode As String) As String Dim lon As FsLongitude = New FsLongitude(playerLongitude.Value) Dim lat As FsLatitude = New FsLatitude(playerLatitude.Value) ' Get the point for the current plane position Dim currentPosition As FsLatLonPoint = New FsLatLonPoint(lat, lon) Dim pathto As String = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath Using MyReader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(pathto & "\runways.csv") MyReader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited MyReader.SetDelimiters(",") Dim runawayst As String Dim runawaynum As String Dim runawaydes1 As String Dim runawaydes2 As String = "" Dim runawayreturn As String Dim currentRow As String() While Not MyReader.EndOfData Try currentRow = MyReader.ReadFields() If currentRow(0) = icaocode Then runawayst = currentRow(1) runawaynum = runawayst.Substring(1, 2) runawaydes1 = runawayst.Substring(3, 1) If runawaydes1 = "0" Then runawaydes2 = "" If runawaydes1 = "1" Then runawaydes2 = "L" If runawaydes1 = "2" Then runawaydes2 = "R" If runawaydes1 = "3" Then runawaydes2 = "C" If runawaydes1 = "4" Then runawaydes2 = "W" Dim aaa As String = currentRow(2) Dim bbb As String = currentRow(3) Dim aaaa As Double Dim bbbb As Double aaaa = System.Convert.ToDouble(aaa) bbbb = System.Convert.ToDouble(bbb) Dim rwyThresholdLat As FsLatitude = New FsLatitude(aaaa) Dim rwyThresholdLon As FsLongitude = New FsLongitude(bbbb) Dim rwyMagHeading As Double = CDbl(currentRow(5)) Dim rwyMagVariation As Double = 0 Dim rwyLength As Double = CDbl(currentRow(6)) / 2 Dim rwyWidth As Double = 254D Dim thresholdCentre As FsLatLonPoint = New FsLatLonPoint(rwyThresholdLat, rwyThresholdLon) Dim trueHeading As Double = rwyMagHeading + rwyMagVariation runwayQuad = FsLatLonQuadrilateral.ForRunway(thresholdCentre, trueHeading, rwyWidth, rwyLength) If runwayQuad.ContainsPoint(currentPosition) = True Then runawayreturn = runawaynum & runawaydes2 Return runawayreturn MyReader.Close() MyReader.Dispose() Exit Function End If End If Catch ex As Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.MalformedLineException 'MsgBox("Line " & ex.Message & "is not valid and will be skipped.") End Try End While MyReader.Close() MyReader.Dispose() End Using Return "" End Function So missing so explaination here : lat1 ? lon1 ? lat2 ? lon2 ? to adapt to my code Public Function distance(ByVal lat1 As Double, ByVal lon1 As Double, ByVal lat2 As Double, ByVal lon2 As Double, Optional ByVal unit As Char = "M"c) As Double Dim theta As Double = lon1 - lon2 Dim dist As Double = Math.Sin(deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.Sin(deg2rad(lat2)) + Math.Cos(deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.Cos(deg2rad(lat2)) * Math.Cos(deg2rad(theta)) dist = Math.Acos(dist) dist = rad2deg(dist) dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515 If unit = "K" Then dist = dist * 1.609344 ElseIf unit = "N" Then dist = dist * 0.8684 End If Return dist End Function
  4. Hello, Can you please share the complete code ? and explain please this Dim distance As Double = Form1.distance(Functions.getAircraftLatFS(), Functions.getAircraftLonFS(), aaaa, bbbb, "M") Regards Fred
  5. I try also to translate this function to my form so I never detect the good gate
  6. Just function To draw in real time with values of wind component. I have already offset and formation to receive values. I try now rotate arrow depending of where come from wind. Here the code : Function Rotation(ByVal AngleDegre As Integer) Dim G As Graphics 'on mémorise la longueur de l'image 'je pars de l'hypothèse que j'utilise une image carré Dim Largeur As Integer = FrmMain.Windirimg.Image.Width Dim Hauteur As Integer = FrmMain.Windirimg.Image.Height 'on mémorise l'image présente dans la picture box Dim IMG = FrmMain.Windirimg.Image 'définition de la picturebox comme espace de dessin G = FrmMain.Windirimg.CreateGraphics() 'on efface G.Clear(FrmMain.BackColor) 'on transforme l'angle en radians Dim Angle As Double = AngleDegre / 180 * Math.PI 'on calcule les nouvelles coord X et Y de l'image Dim PosX As Single = Math.Sqrt(2) * (Largeur) * Math.Sin(Angle / 2) * Math.Cos(Math.PI / 4 + Angle / 2) Dim PosY As Single = -Math.Sqrt(2) * (Largeur) * Math.Sin(Angle / 2) * Math.Cos(Math.PI / 4 - Angle / 2) 'on fait la rotation G.RotateTransform(AngleDegre) 'on dessine l'image rotée aux nouvelles coordonnées G.DrawImage(IMG, PosX, PosY, Largeur, Hauteur) 'on libère ! G.Dispose() End Function Trying also to find runways in use by METAR and if AI Trafic are in use works with AI Trafic and not by METAR Regards Fred
  7. Hello Paul, What's the way to catch Wind & speed and draw in realtime an Arrow to a form, for my acars system reports in vb.net ? I'm looking for a function you to do that. Public Function getrunaway(ByVal icaocode As String) As String Dim lon As FsLongitude = New FsLongitude(playerLongitude.Value) Dim lat As FsLatitude = New FsLatitude(playerLatitude.Value) ' Get the point for the current plane position Dim currentPosition As FsLatLonPoint = New FsLatLonPoint(lat, lon) Dim pathto As String = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath Using MyReader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(pathto & "\runways.csv") MyReader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited MyReader.SetDelimiters(",") Dim runawayst As String Dim runawaynum As String Dim runawaydes1 As String Dim runawaydes2 As String = "" Dim runawayreturn As String Dim currentRow As String() While Not MyReader.EndOfData Try currentRow = MyReader.ReadFields() If currentRow(0) = icaocode Then runawayst = currentRow(1) runawaynum = runawayst.Substring(1, 2) runawaydes1 = runawayst.Substring(3, 1) If runawaydes1 = "0" Then runawaydes2 = "" If runawaydes1 = "1" Then runawaydes2 = "L" If runawaydes1 = "2" Then runawaydes2 = "R" If runawaydes1 = "3" Then runawaydes2 = "C" If runawaydes1 = "4" Then runawaydes2 = "W" Dim aaa As String = currentRow(2) Dim bbb As String = currentRow(3) Dim aaaa As Double Dim bbbb As Double aaaa = System.Convert.ToDouble(aaa) bbbb = System.Convert.ToDouble(bbb) Dim rwyThresholdLat As FsLatitude = New FsLatitude(aaaa) Dim rwyThresholdLon As FsLongitude = New FsLongitude(bbbb) Dim rwyMagHeading As Double = CDbl(currentRow(5)) Dim rwyMagVariation As Double = 0 Dim rwyLength As Double = CDbl(currentRow(6)) / 2 Dim rwyWidth As Double = 254D Dim thresholdCentre As FsLatLonPoint = New FsLatLonPoint(rwyThresholdLat, rwyThresholdLon) Dim trueHeading As Double = rwyMagHeading + rwyMagVariation runwayQuad = FsLatLonQuadrilateral.ForRunway(thresholdCentre, trueHeading, rwyWidth, rwyLength) If runwayQuad.ContainsPoint(currentPosition) = True Then runawayreturn = runawaynum & runawaydes2 Return runawayreturn MyReader.Close() MyReader.Dispose() Exit Function End If End If Catch ex As Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.MalformedLineException 'MsgBox("Line " & ex.Message & "is not valid and will be skipped.") End Try End While MyReader.Close() MyReader.Dispose() End Using Return "" End Function Public Function getWindDirectionFromMETAR(metar As String) Dim heading As Integer = 0 Try Dim endPos As Integer = metar.IndexOf("KT") If endPos >= 0 Then Dim startPos As Double = metar.LastIndexOf(" ", endPos) If startPos >= 0 Then heading = metar.Substring(startPos + 1, 3) End If End If Catch ex As Exception End Try Return heading End Function Thanks Regards Fred
  8. Seems to work, need to remove XP Styles to work ;) But I'm not sure the pourcentage is good. Thanks for all Paul Fred
  9. Sorry Paul I don't understand this part ProgressBar1.Value = VASMb If VASMb = 4096 Then ProgressBar1.ForeColor = Color.Green If VASMb <> 3072 Then ProgressBar1.ForeColor = Color.Orange End If If VASMb < 2048 Then ProgressBar1.ForeColor = Color.Orange End If End If Fred
  10. Thanks Paul, It's working great so there is a way to indicate in the form all memory and used memory with color like green:good , orange:middle, red: bad Thanks again Fred
  11. Both if you can you told me to learn C# Fred
  12. Hi Paul, Can you please make for me a form to monitoring VAS available and used with the correct way to connect to FSX. In that way in can view howto do in the correct way, Thanks Fred
  13. Hello, Happy New year for all ;) 1) Howto monitoring VAS Value to Vb.net in my ACARS system ? 2) Request Pay Service to help me to make good ACARS system (in the good way) communicate to phpvms and an other for monitoring simple Google MAP datas via Php / MySQL (with source code) Thanks hope receive answers. Regards Fred
  14. Hi Raimund, Thanks for take the times to help me :) Like my ACARS system but only log and send V/S to my database with (the name of the aircraft,ICAO,V/S). Just to start to code in C# with FSUIPC.dll or/and simconnect. Like this project: https://lrmlive.com/live Thanks Fred
  15. Thanks Raimund, for the explanations send you a PM. Regards Fred
  16. Hello, I would like to make one little app in VB.Net or C# to report V/S at landing and post the result to a MySQL database. So I have make research into Google to find some codes but nothing. Someone can help me ? If you have some links please. Regards Fred
  17. If I put the function in FsuipcData.vb in the window log each time timer makes loop I have Strobes lights, etc populate my window log. So I need to place pmdg737sdk() in FrmMain.vb to avoid crash but now I have information only when Get flight I give you some files if you can look please. ------------------------------------------------------- I would like make function for displaying GS, TAS, Mach, Fuel Flow in Real-Time Flight Information How can do that? Thanks Fred FsuipcData.vb FrmMain.vb
  18. Yes I have do this. (I'm using Fs2crew needs SDK enabled). the offset in the first start seems to be active but after nothing. Maybe need to make a timer or hold old value somewhere? Fred
  19. I'm working to Strobe lights (777) to make a test, but nothing are returned...And I would like save status state in one offset Fred
  20. Paul, A ploblem occur because some lights are present here: Private Enum LightType Navigation Beacon Landing Taxi Strobes Instruments Recognition Wing Logo Cabin End Enum I would like to check if PMDG in use and use only PMDG offsets For Public Sub pmdg777sk() Try FSUIPCConnection.Process() Catch ex As Exception End Try 'Dim autopilot_A As Boolean = MCP_AP_Sw_Pushed.Value > 0 'If MCP_AP_Sw_Pushed.Value > 0 Then ' Dim vtg As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot On" & vbCrLf ' My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(logname, vtg, True) ' Dim xmlg As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot On " & "*" ' My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(reportname, xmlg, True) 'End If 'If MCP_AP_Sw_Pushed.Value = 0 Then ' Dim vte As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot Off" & vbCrLf ' My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(logname, vte, True) ' Dim xmle As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot Off " & "*" ' My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(reportname, xmle, True) 'End If Dim strobeLights As Boolean = LTS_Strobe_Sw_ON.Value > 0 If LTS_Strobe_Sw_ON.Value > 0 Then Dim vta As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Steady On" & vbCrLf My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(logname, vta, True) Dim xmla As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Steady On " & "*" My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(reportname, xmla, True) End If If LTS_Strobe_Sw_ON.Value = 0 Then ' Off Dim vtb As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Strobe lights Off" & vbCrLf My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(logname, vtb, True) Dim xmlb As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Strobe lights Off " & "*" My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(reportname, xmlb, True) End If 'Dim autopilot_B As Boolean = MCP_annunCMD_B.Value > 0 'If MCP_annunCMD_B.Value > 0 Then ' Dim vtd As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot CMD B On" & vbCrLf ' My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(logname, vtd, True) ' Dim xmld As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot CMD B On " & "*" ' My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(reportname, xmld, True) 'Else ' Dim vtd As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot CMD B On" & vbCrLf ' My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(logname, vtd, True) ' Dim xmld As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot CMD B On " & "*" ' My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(reportname, xmld, True) 'End If End Sub now I have do this but not working in FsuipcData.vb i have already posted [18:15] PMDG 777-21HLR Emirates B77L [18:15] Flight SDAK003 is ready to depart EHAM with a final destination of LEBL [18:15] Zero Fuel Weight: 408011 lbs - 185071 kg [18:15] Take-Off Weight: 725444 lbs - 329056 kg [18:15] Max Gross Weight: 768000.0 lbs - 348359 kg [18:15] METAR For Departure: 2016/09/28 17:55 EHAM 281755Z 23012KT 9999 FEW035 18/14 Q1021 NOSIG [18:15] Boarding [18:15] Refueling Mid-Flight suspect !!! [18:15] Steady On [18:15] Engine 1 ON [18:15] Engine 2 ON [18:15] Parking Brake Applied
  21. Thanks Paul for the details Regards
  22. PMDG 777 SDK 6485 3 BYTE x 3 LTS_LandingLights_Sw_ON[3] Booleans Left/Right/Nose 6488 1 BYTE LTS_Beacon_Sw_ON Boolean 6489 1 BYTE LTS_NAV_Sw_ON Boolean 648A 1 BYTE LTS_Logo_Sw_ON Boolean 648B 1 BYTE LTS_Wing_Sw_ON Boolean 648C 2 BYTE x 2 LTS_RunwayTurnoff_Sw_ON[2] Boolean 648E 1 BYTE LTS_Taxi_Sw_ON Boolean 648F 1 BYTE LTS_Strobe_Sw_ON Boolean how to translate ?
  23. Ok thanks Paul I have put this in my fsuipcData.vb Public Sub pmdg737sk() 'FSUIPCConnection.Process() Dim MCP_annunCMD_A As Offset(Of Byte) = New Offset(Of Byte)(&H6545) Dim MCP_annunCMD_B As Offset(Of Byte) = New Offset(Of Byte)(&H6547) Dim LTS_TaxiSw As Offset(Of Byte) = New Offset(Of Byte)(&H64FA) Dim LTS_AntiCollisionSw As Offset(Of Byte) = New Offset(Of Byte)(&H6501) Dim LTS_PositionSw As Offset(Of Byte) = New Offset(Of Byte)(&H6500) Dim autopilot_A As Boolean = MCP_annunCMD_A.Value > 0 If MCP_annunCMD_A.Value > 0 Then Dim vt As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot CMD A On" & vbCrLf My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(logname, vt, True) Dim xml As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot CMD A On " & "*" My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(reportname, xml, True) Else Dim vt As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot CMD A Off" & vbCrLf My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(logname, vt, True) Dim xml As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot CMD A Off " & "*" My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(reportname, xml, True) End If Dim strobeLights As Boolean = LTS_AntiCollisionSw.Value > 0 If LTS_PositionSw.Value = 0 Then ' Steady Dim vta As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Steady On" & vbCrLf My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(logname, vta, True) Dim xmla As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Steady On " & "*" My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(reportname, xmla, True) ElseIf LTS_PositionSw.Value = 1 Then ' Off Dim vtb As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Strobe lights Off" & vbCrLf My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(logname, vtb, True) Dim xmlb As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Strobe lights Off " & "*" My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(reportname, xmlb, True) ElseIf LTS_PositionSw.Value = 2 Then ' Stobe and Steady Dim vtc As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Strobe lights On" & vbCrLf My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(logname, vtc, True) Dim xmlc As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Strobe lights On " & "*" My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(reportname, xmlc, True) End If Dim autopilot_B As Boolean = MCP_annunCMD_B.Value > 0 If MCP_annunCMD_B.Value > 0 Then Dim vtd As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot CMD B On" & vbCrLf My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(logname, vtd, True) Dim xmld As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot CMD B On " & "*" My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(reportname, xmld, True) Else Dim vtd As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot CMD B Off" & vbCrLf My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(logname, vtd, True) Dim xmld As String = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("[HH:mm]") & Chr(32) & "Auto-pilot CMD B Off " & "*" My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(reportname, xmld, True) End If End Sub Auto Pilot doesn't work and Strobe is not logged like Steady state. help please ? Fred
  24. Thanks Paul for your quick answer so, I have a litle problem You tell me to do this: Dim MCP_annunCMD_A As Offset(Of Byte) = New Offset(Of Byte)(&H6545) Dim MCP_annunCMD_B As Offset(Of Byte) = New Offset(Of Byte)(&H6547) Dim LTS_TaxiSw As Offset(Of Byte) = New Offset(Of Byte)(&H64FA) Dim LTS_AntiCollisionSw As Offset(Of Byte) = New Offset(Of Byte)(&H6501) Dim LTS_PositionSw As Offset(Of Byte) = New Offset(Of Byte)(&H6500) So I don't know how to put this in my file. Can you help me please? Regards Fred FsuipcData.vb
  25. Hello Paul, I don't understand how I can use PMDG offsets in VB.net. I know dand I have read two PDF talking about those offsets I would like check AP, taxi lights, navigation lights and strobe lights. 6545 1 BYTE MCP_annunCMD_A Boolean 6547 1 BYTE MCP_annunCMD_B Boolean 6564 1 BYTE MAIN_annunAUTO_BRAKE_DISARM Boolean 6500 1 BYTE LTS_PositionSw 0: STEADY 1: OFF 2: STROBE & STEADY 6501 1 BYTE LTS_AntiCollisionSw Boolean 64F4 2 BYTE x 2 LTS_LandingLtRetractableSw[2] 0: RETRACT 1: EXTEND 2: ON 64F6 2 BYTE x 2 LTS_LandingLtFixedSw[2] Boolean 64F8 2 BYTE x 2 LTS_RunwayTurnoffSw[2] Boolean 64FA 1 BYTE LTS_TaxiSw Boolean This is for 737NGX offsets. Someone can help me to do this please? If easiest to do in C# Where I can find a converter translate vn.net to C# ? Thanks Regards Fred
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