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Everything posted by Ursli80

  1. Hello John, yes, I am aware that I am using an older version. I have two reasons for this. I am not using FS 2024 and therefore do not need a version that works with both simulators. Then the traffic problem with Prosim starts with 7.5. Those are my two reasons why I want to stay with 7.4.18. Best regards Urs
  2. Hello everyone, I have the problem that FSUIPC suddenly shuts down. This happened to me yesterday and today. It always worked without any problems and now this. No updates were carried out during this time. I hope you find something. Best regards an Thanks from Switzerland Urs Translator FSUIPC7.log
  3. Hello John, thank you very much for your quick response and efforts. It's nice to read that AS and you are trying to implement it. Thank you very much for everything. Best regards Urs
  4. Hi John, that sounds good. Thank you very much in this matter. Best regards Urs
  5. Hello everyone, HiFi has announced an AS version for FS2020 and 2024. Now I'm wondering whether the weather radar image can then be displayed in Prosim like in P3D? Thank you very much for your efforts. Best regards Urs
  6. Hi John, ok it looks like i was looking for the wrong criteria. I am very sorry. I will of course test them. Thank you very much for that. Best regards Urs
  7. Hallo John, ich entschuldige mich für meine Frage, ob ich es im Handbuch hätte finden sollen. Aber leider habe ich es nicht gefunden. Ich nutze Prosim mit dem FS2020. In meinem Setup habe ich ein hausgemachtes RMI und ISFD alles funktioniert. Prosim sagt, man solle den Simconnect-Modus verwenden, aber dann kann kch die +/- am ISFD nicht mehr bedienen. Dann kam mir die Idee, dies über FSUIPC einzubinden. Aber irgendwie finde ich die Variablen nicht wo ich sie in Prosim eingeben muss.. Ich habe mit der Suchfunktion gesucht.. Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir diese Variablen benennen? Nochmals vielen Dank für eure Hilfe. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Urs
  8. Hi John, no I haven't tried that yet. But I'll try that next time. I'll let you know then. Should I test this with the beta version of FSUIPC or with the final current one? Best regards Urs
  9. Hi John, you are absolutely right. The MSFS2020 is still a big beta in my opinion. But thank you very much for your efforts Regards Urs
  10. Hi John, Inoticed something else. When I start the simulator as admin, it doesn't start FSUIPC itself. However, whom I start normally. And Wide Client works fine if I only start after the plane is loaded. Regards Urs
  11. Hi John, Ohh sorry for the confusion in this case I thought since it was installed on the desktop (with MSFS lettering) it was FSUIP. Shouldn't it be on the desktop? do I have to move/delete it? But you are right. I started WideClient earlier each time. So still in the main menu of FS2020. As far as I can remember, died was never a problem. I will test it when I have the plane loaded and loaded in this case. Many many thanks for the support John. Best regards Urs
  12. Hi John, so if FSUIPC doesn't start with the sim and you want to start it via the desktop icon, it doesn't start. From the installation folder it works. But WideClient does not build a connection. Although Fsuipc says Connectet. I don't really understand the whole thing. Regards Urs
  13. Hello John, here are the files. I attached screenshots to the post earlier. Many thanks to you. Regards Urs FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.log WideClient.ini WideClient0.log
  14. Hello John, I am now having the same problems as yesterday. Regards Urs
  15. Dear John, I agree with you that you shouldn't look for problems, they come by themselves 😊 No, joking aside. Of course, I restarted both PCs several times before my entry and it did not connect. I also noticed that FSUIPC wasn't always started when I started the sim (which I always start as admin). I also sometimes had trouble starting FSUIPC manually. But I'm glad it works again. Thanks for the great support. Best regards from Switzerland. Urs
  16. Hello John, thank you very much for your answer. I would be happy to send you the files you want. Yes everything was switched on. After what felt like 100 PC restarts, it now seems to be working well again. But I haven't changed anything. Regards Urs FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini WideClient.ini
  17. Hi Peter, I've had problems since DU 10 that Wide Client can no longer establish a connection. I installed and tested FSUIPC 7.3.9f without success. Edit: FSUIPC also rarely starts with the simulator. Best Regards Urs WideClient.log WideClient0.log
  18. Hello Thomas, thank you very much for your answer and help. I will test it of course as soon as possible. Best regards Urs
  19. Hello John, many thanks for your answer and help. Best regards Urs
  20. Hello John, many thanks for your answer and help. Then I'm glad I or better said. Dr. Google interpreted this correctly:-) May I ask why it is limited to 9? Best regards Urs
  21. Hello Thomas, many thanks for putting together my WildeClient.ini. It works so well now. I only have the problem that it opens only up to 9 the programs. 10 and 11 will not open. This is possibly a limitation? The documentation also mentions only 1-9, but I have not read any explicit limitation. Thank you for your efforts, this is very nice. Best regards Urs
  22. Hello John, Thank you so much for your answer. In this case, I must either have had the wrong document opened or misinterpreted it from Google Translator. But I will try it with RunReady1 = .... under User in WideClient.ini. Thank you very much for your help and efforts. Best regards Urs
  23. Hello Pete, I hope you are well? Sorry my answer was so long, but I had a lot to do. Attached you will find the logs of WideClient. I really do not know why the programs do not start up. Thank you for your tireless work and help. Best regards Urs WideClient.ini WideClient.log
  24. Hello Pete, thanks for your detailed answer. I thought there might be some kind of command to wake up the wakeup PC like on a network from another PC. But now I have the general problem that the programs will not start anymore. No matter if Manuel or in the startup. Even with your suggested RunReady command, it does not work anymore. Best regards Urs
  25. Hello Joh, many thanks for your quick reply. Too bad this can not be started with FSUIPC. Yes exactly what I meant. And yes, when I start it with the help of the ICON (desktop shortcut), the Extrene programs that I have entered in the WildeClient.ini start. But I will still test and test your option. Best regards Urs
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