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Everything posted by BAW019
New Weather Interface (NWI) offsets
BAW019 replied to BAW019's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Sorted! (Funny how the answer only ever comes to me once I've published my ignorance to the world!) The VB6 "&H" prefix returns negative numbers for large hex values which is no good for FSUIPC. A simple conversion function to return the true Long value of a hex code fixes this (ie returns big friendly positive numbers) . Ian -
I'm trying to read the NWI offsets at xC024 onwards but VB6 is having none of it, just returns zero for each variable. I don't believe it's my code as I'm just adding extra reads to a program that works fine for loads of other offsets (altitude speed etc). I believe I'm using the correct data types eg Private RC As Long Private WindCeiling As Integer FSUIPC_Read &HC0FC, Len(WindCeiling), VarPtr(WindCeiling), RC and it appears be only having trouble with the weather offsets and above, so any ideas would be gratefully received. Anyone else had trouble with these offsets in VB6? (Using FSUIPC 4.2.5) Many thanks Ian
How to get the airport names?
BAW019 replied to lordofwings's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
I extracted a ton of data from the BGLs for my FSX For Google Earth file (search for fsxge.zip in http://www.flightsim.com) Anyway, I've dumped the ICAO=Airport name data into a simple text file you can download from my site here:- http://www.fsbuddy.com/fsxairports.txt Hope it's what you're after, All the best Ian -
SimConnect, FSX and GoFlight
BAW019 replied to Ray Proudfoot's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
It's more to do with what Windows does to recognise that particular folder. Not too sure what that is but there's more to it than just re-creating it when you run setup. Anyway give it another try! As for GoFlight customer support, good luck. They really don't care. Ian -
SimConnect, FSX and GoFlight
BAW019 replied to Ray Proudfoot's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Did you run the repair before running FSX? After you delete that folder you need to use the install disc to repair FSX which will re-create the folder and (with any luck) do it right this time. I've done this myself and am happy to report FSX and GoFlight work fine. Ian -
flying from point a to point b
BAW019 replied to Graham Pollitt's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
You can keep calculating the distance between you and another point to see if it's getting nearer. The following does it in kilometers but the units don't matter - if the number's shrinking you're flying towards it. Distance=6371*ACOS(COS(RADIANS(90-Lat1))*COS(RADIANS(90-Lat2))+SIN(RADIANS(90-Lat1))*SIN(RADIANS(90-Lat2))*COS(RADIANS(Long1-Long2))) You can chop off the first word (Distance), drop this into Excel and change the Lat1/Lat2/Long1/Long2 to cell addresses to check it out. Long and Lat should be decimal and positive for North/West , negative for South/East co-ordinates. Have fun! Ian -
How To Invoke the FS Controls (eg TOGGLE_WATER_RUDDER)
BAW019 replied to BAW019's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Thanks again Pete. If I bump into any other 'funnies' with untested offsets I'll let you know. All the best! Ian -
How To Invoke the FS Controls (eg TOGGLE_WATER_RUDDER)
BAW019 replied to BAW019's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Hi Peter, thanks for the reply. That was what I needed - the 3110 offset. I wasn't aware of it - but I've only been dabbling with FSUIPC programming for a little while so I don't feel too guilty :roll: I've tried a few different values from -13383 to -100 to 100 to 13383 but can't write to the Water Rudder offset at all. Also having similar troubles with the Fuel Valve offsets 3950/4/8/C so if anyone else has a bored moment perhaps they could have a go? Thanks again for the help! Ian -
Hi Peter, Realise this is quite a basic question but how do I invoke the FS Controls like TOGGLE_WATER_RUDDER (66482)? I understand the offsets and have successfully built a hardware interface that maps switches to various offsets such as the autobrake (&H2F80) and I've knocked up a little EICAS form in VB that displays lots of graphical info (as you'd expect!) from the offsets listed in the FSUIPC4 Offset Status.PDF doc. Some of the offsets don't appear to work (eg Water Rudder Handle Pos at &H2A88) and I'd like to invoke the relevant TOGGLE_ control from the List Of FS2004 Controls Word Doc. Is this possble with FSUIPC4 and is it as straight forward as programming the offsets? For info, I've tried monitoring this offset with FSInterrogate and although the value does indeed get changed by my hardware mapper the change isn't 'obeyed' by FSX and nothing appears to happen. Just to confuse matters the offset for this handle is listed as &H2A9E in FSInterrogate so I've been testing with both addresses. All the best Ian ps I noticed in one of your other posts that you have your own cockpit - was that you in the 'Kings Of Sim' documentary I saw a few years back?
Wierd one - pushback ignored with FSUIPC4
BAW019 replied to BAW019's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Peter, do you ever go do bed?!! Thanks again for looking at this, you're right on the money with the AxisIntercepts flag. I've reset this to 'No' and the pushback is restored in all it's glory. I think I set this a little while ago. I'd noticed writing my own DirectX throttle interface just how many input events are created by 'jitters' on analog pots and hoped that this flag would steer the code away from any un-neccessary processessing. I guess I forgot I'd set it. Really MUST start keeping a change log.... Thanks again, All the best Ian -
Wierd one - pushback ignored with FSUIPC4
BAW019 replied to BAW019's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Hi Pete Thanks again for your replies. OK, so this time I did the following steps:- First, to check it really is ok with no add-ons running at all:- I rebooted my pc Deleted all Simconnect Logs Deleted all FSUIPC4 logs Renamed EXE.XML as OLDEXE.OLD Renamed DLL.XML as OLDDLL.OLD Renamed FSUIPC4.DLL as FSUIPC4.20FEB07DLL (In fact I also renamed all non-microsoft dlls and exe's in the FSX\Modules directory just to be sure nothing was loading sneakily) Closed down TrackIR Started FSX (a little pushback truck appears in front of my 747) FSX started without FSinn, TrackIR or FSUPIC4 and pushback worked as expected. Next, to see which module invokes the behaviour:- I re-enabled Simconnect logging (with simconnect.ini) Renamed FSUIPC4.20FEB07DLL as FSUIPC4.DLL (to reactivate it) Renamed OLDDLL.OLD as DLL.XML (ditto) Started FSX (curiously, the pushback truck is missing despite loading same default flight as before) Enabled FSUIPC4 logging with all check boxes ticked Waited a few seconds without any input from me Stopped the logging This time FSX started with FSUIPC4 but still without TrackIR or FSInn and pushback failed. I zipped up the logs and uploaded them to http://www.fsbuddy.com/FSUIPC4_IAN_NIBLO.zip Sorry to spell it all out like this but sometimes it helps! Ian -
Wierd one - pushback ignored with FSUIPC4
BAW019 replied to BAW019's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Hi Peter, thanks for getting back to me, I'll try the Add Attachment to show you the info you need. If it fails you can download the info from my website at:- http://www.fsbuddy.com/SimConnect0.Log http://www.fsbuddy.com/FSUIPC4.log http://www.fsbuddy.com/FSUIPC4.ini It's probably worth noting that I took a peek in the logs and was suprised to see a lot of TOGGLE_PUSHBACK commands (all setting the parameter to 0 which would explain why I can't make it work). I was curious to know if I was somehow triggering these events so I renamed my EXE.xml file to prevent FSX loading any other 3rd party apps and got FSUIPC4 to create its log while I sat back and thouched nothing for a few seconds. Hopefully that eliminates any human input or 3rd party interference. Any ideas? Cheers Ian -
Wierd one - pushback ignored with FSUIPC4
BAW019 replied to BAW019's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Hi Francois, thanks for the info. I did try just FSX and FSUIPC without starting up FSInn and still get the problem. I had problems a while back with some 3rd party software upsetting Simconnect and reported it to Peter and MS. Uninstalling it solved the problem but perhaps it's left something lying around that's upsetting FSUIPC4. -
Hi Peter, I've been experiencing a wierd problem with pushback requests being ignored by FSX, the planes just sit there refusing to move back. After an un-install, a reboot, a clean, successfull install and hours and hours of methodical testing I've found that I can generate the problem at will by disabling or enabling the FSUIPC4 entry in the DLL.XML file: Disabled, pushback works. Enabled, pushback is ignored and does nothing. As an aside, I also found that FSinn (my only current add-on) seems to work fine if I delete FSUIPC4.DLL and erase the entry from DLL.XML. Ordinarily I'd shrug and live without FSUIPC4 but my home-build has reached a phase where I need to start networking PCs together. Is the file required by WideFS.dll or are they independent of each other? All the best Ian
Thanks as always Peter, will investigate. (Yep - FSX) All the best Ian
Can anybody point me in the direction of an offsets list I can use to control the Nav Display and it's various knobs and switches (default A321 and 737-800) Goflight have released a hardware EFIS that does this so I guess it must be possible but I can't find anything that works in the thousand or so offsets I have in my own keymapper. Any help appreciated - bear in mind it took me years to stumble over the fact that Kholsman Inc/Dec = alitmeter pressure inc/dec!!! All the best, Ian
Hi Peter, I know about one of them and have suspicions about the other. Juniper Software write network connectivity 'solutions' (don't you hate that word. Everything's a solution nowadays). My employer uses it to so we can work from home and it installs some components the first time you access the employer's home-working 'portal' on the internet. (And that's another one! I'm screaming inside you know). I could be wrong but I have a feeling the first time through it also installs the Futuremark software to check your system and verify that it comes up to the necessary security levels (virus checkers, firewalls etc). Certainly the webstie for Futuremark says it measures performance, strengths and weaknesses of your PC. I've spoken to the techies at work who tell me there's nothing that's installed that could conceivably interfere with Flight Sim X or FSUIPC but since we didn't write these progs I doubt their opinions and besides they forgot to mention the Futuremark thing. Anyway, hope this helps. I'm off to my breakfast solutions provider to see if there are any eggs in the fridge portal. All the best Ian
Beta Innovations Plasma Lite Switch Mapping
BAW019 replied to BAW019's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Hi Peter, Just a quick followup to this as I did some digging and knocked up a simple little program in VB6 to read device inputs using Direct Input (DirectX8). I really wanted to get a handle on why it's so hard and it turns out it isn't. Moreover it provides input for up to 128 switches per hardware device (not 64!) plus the usual array of POVs, sliders and axiis. Obviously I use my new prog to map my BetaInnovations switches but it's a program that I don't want and shouldn't really need so I was wondering: given the relative simplicity of the code is there any chance you can provide Direct Input support in some future release or patch of FSUIPC? I dare say legions of cockpit builders would be mighty grateful, All the best Ian -
Beta Innovations Plasma Lite Switch Mapping
BAW019 replied to BAW019's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Hi Peter, thanks for such a swift reply. Looking through your text and putting two and two together I think it must use directInput since only a handful of switches are visible to Windows and FS9. I like the idea of HID drivers to emulate one or more Joysticks and will post a message in the Beta Innovations forums to see if that's possible. Thanks again Ian -
Hi, I have a Beta Innovations Plasma Lite v2 card plus it's GT64-X expansion card. Together they give me 88 switches to play with but for some reason only a few are visible to FSUIPC. I'd really like to be able to program all the switches from FSUIPC so I can dispense with the BetaInnovations key mapping software which is a little twitchy. Plus I guess it makes more sense to have the controls running from one bit of software rather than spread across multiple resource grabbers! Can you tell me if there's something I can do to reveal these switches to FSUIPC. If not, are there are any plans to make this possible in the future? If it's just not possible is there something sensible and meaningful I can pass on to BetaInnovations that they could maybe do to the firmware to make this possible? (You'll have to excuse my ignorance on this subject!) Many thanks Ian
Thanks Peter, I thinnk I'll get the FSUIPC licence. I've been uhmming and aahing for a while - looks like I found a good reason lol ! Ian
I just installed a new GoFlight module and at the same time I installed TrackIR4. Now when I start flight sim 2004 I get nagged about a non-accredited file. I've used Peter's page to copy and paste the AIBridge key into FSUIPC and even took care to check the product name etc was ok (it's v2.3) but still get this message so I guess it's another file. Can anyone help? I seem to be jinxed when it comes to computers, lol!