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Everything posted by simbio

  1. Just for info, The problem of the CTD with the PMDG 747 is caused by LUA script and LINDA. If you disable, them works fine.
  2. Thank's I did but need to stick with 5.122 If I want to fly with the 747. LM put something in the code before release 4.2 as PMDG didn't have any trouble in RC but with the RTM things change.
  3. I am sorry Pete, So you didn't hear anything from PMDG. Good to know. best Fabrizio
  4. Hi Peter, Just to inform, I have the 747 pmdg on a P4D and with the latest 5.123b/c it does crash after terrain loading going back to 5122 works fine.
  5. simbio

    Pete's Cockpit

    Thank for sharing, it was something I ask you sometime ago. Nice game room, many of us would be like kids, and don't see the sun for days.LOL
  6. Thank's for reply WOW the dream for any simmer. You just need a 6 DOF and you are in a leveld. Look forward, but you don't use any IFLY or PMDG just Project Magenta right? does it simulate better dynamic and behave? Thank you Fabrizio
  7. Hi, Just by curiosity wich hardaware do you use to fly on FS, sorry if it's personal but didn't find any email to ask personaly. Thank's Fabrizio
  8. You see all this messy it's caused by Saitek and the result is to bother us on difficult setup. First in FSUIPC.ini write as it state [LuaFiles] 1=PMDG737NGX_AP 2=PMDG737NGX_OVH on the modules folder file must be rename in that way PMDG737NGX_AP.LUA PMDG737NGX_OVH.LUA I think that maybe it's not working because you have a profile Buttons.boeing737ng Another test is to check in FSUIPC Logging TAB LUA Log LUA plug-in and Debug/Trace Lua Plugins then check Send to console window and click on new log. The window will tell you if you trigger the right command. by the way if you use linda it can be a problem so try to uninstall it just to be sure. Start from scratch backup your file then proceed with a new fsuipc4.ini just remouve the old one, once fsx start a new will be create by FSUIPC itself, do this or you will loose more time the if it works just copy and paste portion of the old one to create profile it's really easy.
  9. Try to clean up file like FSUIPC4.ini i mean remouve it and also the Default.ini inside SPad folder after backup them and restart FSX and Spad. Try this is FSUIPC.ini [buttons] ButtonRepeat=20,10 1=R1,0,C1001,0 2=U1,0,C1002,0 3=R1,5,K35,8 4=R1,4,K36,8 5=P1,2,K90,8 6=P1,3,C65860,0 7=P2,2,K113,8 8=P2,0,K113,8 9=P2,4,K190,10 10=P2,5,K191,9 11=P64,0,CL1:R,33 12=P64,1,CL1:R,27 13=U64,0,C0,33 14=P64,3,CL1:R,22 15=P64,4,CL1:R,31 16=P64,5,CL1:R,32 17=P65,4,CL1:R,8 18=P65,5,CL1:R,7 19=P64,2,CL1:R,28 20=P64,6,CL1:R,30 21=P65,0,C65595,0 22=P65,1,C65603,0 23=R66,0,CL1:R,17 24=R66,4,CL1:R,13 25=R66,5,CL1:R,14 26=R66,6,CL1:R,16 27=R66,1,CL1:R,18 28=R66,2,CL1:R,19 29=R66,3,CL1:R,20 [LuaFiles] 1=PMDG737NGX_AP 2=PMDG737NGX_OVH This is in spad Default.ini [MultiPanel1] RotUpActionCRS=VButton,66,9 RotUpActionALT=VButton,66,1 RotDownActionALT=VButton,66,2 ButtonActionAP=VButton,64,1 ButtonActionHDG=VButton,64,2 LongButtonActionAP=None LongButtonActionHDG=None AutoThrottleActionOFF=VButton,65,5 AutoThrottleActionARM=VButton,65,6 ButtonActionNAV=VButton,64,3 ButtonActionIAS=VButton,64,4 ButtonActionALT=VButton,64,5 ButtonActionVS=VButton,64,6 ButtonActionAPR=VButton,64,7 ButtonActionREV=VButton,64,8 LongButtonActionNAV=None LongButtonActionIAS=None LongButtonActionALT=None LongButtonActionVS=None LongButtonActionAPR=None LongButtonActionREV=None RotUpActionVS=VButton,66,3 RotUpActionIAS=VButton,66,5 RotUpActionHDG=VButton,66,7 RotDownActionVS=VButton,66,4 RotDownActionIAS=VButton,66,6 RotDownActionHDG=VButton,66,8 RotDownActionCRS=VButton,66,10 FlapsActionDOWN=VButton,65,2 FlapsActionUP=VButton,65,1 Good luck
  10. IMHO FSUIPC is one of the main door to let hardware interact with FS, you can read that many simmer, use it to fix their problem for situation. I think saitek panel and not only have a lot's of handycap on the conception and costumer that payd several hundred euro should be aware of those tedius problem. If there was more public state cosumer will not get trap on those situation and for shure saitek will change is behave. People that start to buy hardware like yoke and panel I think they are flyng more then Fsx aircraft and deal with addon such PMDG. Here a review does it mention about any incompatibility or that the multipanel is not recognize as a standard HID device. http://www.flightsim.com/main/review/appanel.htm First there are two file on the post from Billydragon One is PMDG737NGX_AP.LUA you must copy and paste from -- PMDG NGX737 module v. 1.4 -- to END The other one is PMDG737NGX_OVH.LUA same story on pasting on the text. Place them in FSX\Modules Normally FSUIPC will recognize them as you start FSX otherwise paste in FSUIPC4.ini those line below [LuaFiles] 1=PMDG737NGX_AP 2=PMDG737NGX_OVH Open spad go to multipanel rotary tab chose FSUIPC Virtual Button Open FSX Go to FSUIPC tab Button+Switches Select FS control and choose PMDG737NGX_AP Click send button to Flight Sim In Parameter of tab Button+Switches field type 15 for HDG clockwise the same that there is in the list from Billydragon if you want you can change the order --function NGX_AP_HDG_inc () if ipcPARAM == 15 then then go ahead with the same method for couter clockwise and for the other function. Hope that help It's similar with the macro method but it's more pawerfull for function like increase fast rotation and other SDK aspect.
  11. I think if Peter dosen't want that people ask support for FSUIPC in connection with saitek multipanel, I am shure It would let know everybody and stick a post like someone else has done. Who knows what are the backstage of all this agreement or illegal aspect between company, when you buy staff you can't be aware if there is any info on forums. If I knew about all this problem I wold not buy those panel, you are the only one talking about this illegal permission since i start to search for info to use those panel with addons. Go ahead and post about this manner on all forums that we know like avsim simflight simforum vatsim flightsimworld flightsim just a few if you need support is the best way. Got it only Autothrottle dosn't work I think there is an error, as you can arm but not disarm. Thank you.
  12. Sorry to chimie If i undesrstand I place PMDG737NGX_AP.LUA inside FSX\Modules then play with virtual joystick to link as control sent when button pressed in FSuipc. But then how i link virtual button to a PMDG action i try to LuaSet PMDG737NGX AP and the use a parameter found on your list but didn't do anyting. What is the correct method Thank you
  13. lol oK I have to read and find info on how to interact. I really wish to have a lot's of money to buy Flightdeck or similar, so the driver was already created.
  14. Hi I have enable SDK 737NGX_Options.ini. I use Spad, I set it with virtual Button then in FSUIPC tab Buttons+switches I select for FS control choose in the list PMDG 737NGX: AT or if use a rotary switch PMDG 737NGX: Course moins. But there is no action. What is the best solution to process. Thank you
  15. I follow this thread since the beginning and also ngx forum but forgot to watch the updates page. Finally we can intercat with PMDG stuff, the wall is down no more macro and boring keybord shortcuts. Thank you very much, Pete, I am your Fan. Fabrizio
  16. Hi Any green light from PMDG to implement NGX SDK in FSUIPC. Thank you Fabrizio
  17. This is what i do the problem is that after a while i got problem with AT disconnect and it's annoyng. I didn't know about "UseAxisControlsForNRZ=Yes i will have a look. But what it bother me is that the NGX it's like a wall like all aircraft from PMDG. You have to create macro to interact with panel you have to search to find solution for problem and at the end you get state like you don't have to use Fsuipc because you get conflict. Everybody use FSUIPC for every kind of stuff it's like a magic door to solve all comminication. I am sorry but this is a behavior that i don't appreciete, first because I pay for it and second because make things working it's a duty on all kind of work. I really hope that this NGX SDK will open this door if you find an agreement.
  18. Hi. I have started a thread in avsim about compatibility between the two product. I have sometime problem with saitek hardware and NGX but then Ryan said: "We specifically state in the NGX intro manual not to use FSUIPC to process joystick axes - we do our own processing of them and using FSUIPC processing as well conflicts with this.." I have everything set with fsuipc so this is really annoyng what is this conflicts, that they are talking about. http://forum.avsim.net/topic/366827-ngx-fsuipc/ thank you Fabrizio
  19. I am also experience this problem with saitek rudder that become unavailable after some time attached to USB 3 without installed saitek driver. I use also Yoke, quadrant and multipanel and they are assigned via direct function to FSUIPC, I have completely remove all axis from Standard.XML in FSX and also desactivate in fsx control.(I got autothrottle disconnect in NGX and also with ifly autopilot if i left active in FSX). I will try to test port and settings to see what it is but please report any info. Thank you
  20. Hi soory if this as been already mention but couldn't find any 3d with Airtrack. I find this very intresting and a possible integration with FSX. If Mr dowson can check this website an maybe find some intresting development would be great. It is an App for Apple device that can interface with guage visualization and tool with Xplane. http://air.ipobjects.com/products/airtrack Hope for future integration. Fabrizio
  21. I am sorry for my English and way to describe. :oops: For the saitek I understand now a little bit more so it is only the key and bottom assign to FSUIPC that fix the problem and no need to use also axis assignment. I thought, to solve the problem with the yoke I have also to assign axis in FSUIPC and remove all assignment in FS. For 767 leveld which is another situation. If I setup in totally (axis and button) in FSUIPC and deactivate everything in FS, the FS9 version of leveld have problem with LNAV, I never understand why and which assignment cause this. In other add-on like PMDG it works fine. Hope this time to explain my self. Fabrizio
  22. Thank' s for reply sorry to be imprecise. The fix is for Saitek yoke which in defective stock gives some random phantom button problem, but if we add in the FSUIPC.ini file the EliminateTransients=Yes and the pollinterval=50 this solve the problem. Here the thread in saitek forum. http://www.saitekforum.com/showthread.php?t=12871 For the 767 leveld the old FS9 version, there is a problem with the lateral navigation which disable the lateral navigation on autopilot, I never understand which element cause the problem. But in the new FSX version it works fine as read in the leveld forum. I would really love to keep fsuipc to do all key & lever assign because FS is really crap and imprecise. Here the thread in leveld forum. http://www.leveldsim.com/forums/forum_p?TID=15578 Thank you Fabrizio
  23. I am asking here if someone use the 767 leveld. With this fix all other plane works perfectly but the lateral navigation on the 767 dosen't work. This is because if you delete in FS and use FSUIPC direct axis assign I don't know why in other plane like PMDG or FT ecc. Fabrizio
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