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Dynamic Weather Locks Up FS2004

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Is it possible for FSUIPC.dll to completely lock up FS2004?

I've never heard of a way. Mostly it isn't doing anything in any case, and it includes its own error trapping as well.

Something has happened in the last month to completely break Dynamic Weather, and I can't determine what it is.

What exactly do you mean by "dynamic weather", and what has that to do with FS2004 getting locked up? Sorry, but you seem to have omitted much more than you are saying.



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Starting a Flight and trying to enable dynamic weather. I goto Change Weather or whatever and click OK, and it just hourglasses.

Only a reboot gets my computer back.

Some people have said that it's Temporary Internet Files are full, I've cleared them.

Some people have said it's the NOCD, but I've used it since the initial install with no problems.

I just don't get it.

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Starting a Flight and trying to enable dynamic weather. I goto Change Weather or whatever and click OK, and it just hourglasses.

I'm afraid still don't know what you mean by "enable dynamic weather". Do you mean the slider which tells FS whether to change the weather quickly or slowly? Or are you trying to tell FS to download real weather from the Internet?

If the latter, then it sounds very much like your Internet connection is not working for FS is some way. I think the parameters for that are in its CFG file, so possibly finding that and deleting it will make FS begin afresh.

Otherwise, maybe you can get some assistance over in the FS2004 Forum.



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Starting a Flight and trying to enable dynamic weather. I goto Change Weather or whatever and click OK, and it just hourglasses.

Only a reboot gets my computer back.

Some people have said that it's Temporary Internet Files are full, I've cleared them.

Some people have said it's the NOCD, but I've used it since the initial install with no problems.

I just don't get it.

It has happened to me several times, but each time I noticed that the Internet access was problematic. It seems that sometimes FS2K4 does not "know" how to deal with the internet connection status and instead of ignoring bad connections, it locks. In my case it had nothing to do with FSUIPC, etc.

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It has happened to me several times, but each time I noticed that the Internet access was problematic. It seems that sometimes FS2K4 does not "know" how to deal with the internet connection status and instead of ignoring bad connections, it locks. In my case it had nothing to do with FSUIPC, etc.

Yes, but this is "Real-world weather". I am assuming that the original post was really referring to this, not "dynamic weather" which is just a slider on the same page, that determines the speed at which whatever weather is being used is changing.

Thanks for clarifying the issue of Internet connection problems, it does indeed seem the FS is not very resilient to these at all.



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Sorry. Real World Weather.

It's the NOCD.

MS has now made sure that it checks for the original EXE when updating weather.

I've just burned my Disc 4 IMG to my HD and mount it to a virtual drive via Alcohol 120%.


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