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FSuipc mod for Fokker50 Espen Oijordsbakken ?

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Hy Peter !

I got a question for you ..

I got this problem here. I'm building my cockpit around Espens famous Fokker50 panel ( http://www.fokker50.be.tf if you want to check what I got so far )

Now this panel uses it's own variables most of the time.

Since I'll be using FSbus to interface most of my cockpit I'll be able to use keys / buttons / 7seg LED displays / LEDs.

The situation is as follows:

The data for the LED displays, like altitude setting of the autopilot, hdg, crs, com and nav will not be a problem to get out of FS via fsuipc I think.

Then there are the inputs I make via my cockpit towards the panel. For that Espen is making me an updated version of the gau file with hard-coded key commands, so there again, no problem.

Then there is the issue of the LED's.

All LED's that are in switches that go on/off on a keypress will be no problem. I'll get an FSkey card from FSbus and the input is registered by the FSbus controller and can be sent to FS via fsuipc (or directly via keypress hardcoded in the gauges) as well as back to FSbus controller cards. So when I press eg the switch for the lights, the FSbus controller will register the input and turn on the lights in FS via fsuipc and will turn on the led in the cockpit which is connected to an FSled card. Ok, so far so good.

The green leds for the gear will be no problem since this is a basic FS function and FSbus will notice this change via fsuipc and will change the leds in the cockpit as needed.

But then the problem occures. Mostly this is for the autopilot functions.

There are a number of LEDs in the cockpit which should go out when an event in FS takes place. This event is not registerable via FSuipc since Espen used his own vars. Eg of these are:

ASEL (option that is set to monitor if the plane has reached a specific alt. if it does, the led goos out)

Emergency lights


Now for my question :? Could you .. (and i know you would be very kind & generous if you would) .. make me a dll plugin for FS which could get me that data out of FS ? Maybe a special version of the FSuipc dll or such ?

I know some programming in .Net and VB6 and Java, but I got no idea how to make gauges or FS plugins myself :oops:

If you would want to make this work for me, I'd first ask Espen the names of the vars or the location in the memory or whatever it is that you'd need and then pass it to you. I hope then that I can make the FSbus system locate these data changes in the computer and make it output to my cockpit. Would be awesome !

In fact .. the emergency panel is optional. Indeed when something goos wrong I'd be happy to know what is wrong (I'll hear the beeper anyway) but if I have to I can make a switch under the emergency panel in the cockpit which pops up the emergency gauge panel on my outside vieuw panel and thus I could check what is wrong. So that's not high on my priority list.

It's the ASEL option and maybe a few others that are more important. if I can't make these work, I'll turn on the LED by pressing the button (the option will be ON in fs as well). Then in FS the option goos out but the LED remains ON. Then when i press the switch again, the LED goos out but the option in FS goos ON :?

U C .. it would be quite confusing after a few hours of flight :wink:

I'll check to see which options I'd like other than the ASEL. Maybe it's the only one, I'm not sure.

Hope to get an answer from you here :)

Happy Holidays btw

Philippe Vanagt

BTW, did I ever send you the data on how to code for fsuipc via .Net code ? Cuz the default code in the SDK didn't work.. if you can remember. I was trying to make some sort of FS-benchmark program at the time and get the FPS out of FS2002 If not :? .. cuz I lost the source of that program due to a virus :evil:

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Hi Philippe,

In the example you mention an event, whereby something happens on reaching a certain altitude.

Could not write a simple polling function to check the Altitude via FSUIPC and depending on the returned value do something yourself?

I'm not sure how you are toggling the LEDs, but if it were me, I'd look at writing some kind of 2-way interface DLL, one querying information from FS via FSUIPC and the other sending information to your cockpit controls.

Just my 1.5 Euro's worth ;)


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Now for my question :? Could you .. (and i know you would be very kind & generous if you would) .. make me a dll plugin for FS which could get me that data out of FS ? Maybe a special version of the FSuipc dll or such ?

FSUIPC already gets all the useful data it knows about out of FS. What is it that FS knows and which you cannot get from FSUIPC as it is? If it is stuff buried in some cockpit gauges surely it is up to the programmer of those gauges to provide your access? He can use FSUIPC if he wishes, maybe optionally.

If you would want to make this work for me, I'd first ask Espen the names of the vars or the location in the memory or whatever it is that you'd need and then pass it to you.

No, that is not the way to do it. Espen can ask me for an allocation in FSUIPC's memory, and he can then interface to FSUIPC and use those locations. You can then read and write them through the normal IPC interface to FSUIPC. This is thay is should be done and has been done for several implementations already.

BTW, did I ever send you the data on how to code for fsuipc via .Net code ? Cuz the default code in the SDK didn't work.

Everything I have received for the SDK is in the current version except for a recent correction to the code the C#.Net and VB.Net, which will be published soon enough. I have no other reports of problems with code in the SDK.



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