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cutoff, reverse, TO/GA offset

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Hi Peter

Today I have wired all button od throttle at my EPIC.

I think that engine1 cutoff is: 3af0

I think that engine2 cutoff is: 3a30

I think that engine3cutoff is: 3970

I think that engine4 cutoff is: 38b0

I don't understand the istruction that I must send at this offset, becouse I read =0 & =1. this is bit same maganta command?


Can you explane me how can do?

Ettore Mele

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Today I have wired all button od throttle at my EPIC.

I think that engine1 cutoff is: 3af0

I think that engine2 cutoff is: 3a30

I think that engine3cutoff is: 3970

I think that engine4 cutoff is: 38b0

Why use those, when there are simpler Mixture controls in the normal engine areas, 0890 for Engine 1, and so on? To use the ones you mention you need to supply double floating point values, whereas 16-bit integers suffice for the original (FS98 compatible) areas supported by FSUIPC for all FS versions.

I don't understand the istruction that I must send at this offset, becouse I read =0 & =1. this is bit same maganta command?

Sorry, I don't understand this part. Where do es Magenta come in?


I don't know EpicMapper. Have they got a support site?



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