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questions about ai bridge

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I fly with a friend of mine via wireless LAN and try to use the version of ai bridge that is compatable with fsipc 3.xx and it only works on the host computer. Is there more info out there besides the readme that comes with the .exe? When both of us try to use the bridge, on the computer that joins the multiplayer session the program goes not responding and if the player that has joined uses it they only see themself and gets a collision warning. Can all the players use the bridge to keep track of eachother, or is it only for the host? Both of us are using registered versions of fsipc, and the tcas we are using is fsflightmax.

Thank you, Chris.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay in replying -- I've been on holiday with no Internet access. I'm just trying to catch up with an enormous backlog now!

I fly with a friend of mine via wireless LAN and try to use the version of ai bridge that is compatable with fsipc 3.xx and it only works on the host computer.

FSUIPC-interfacing programs need WideFS to work across a Network. FSUIPC itself contains no Network code.



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