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FSGarmin530 and WideFS

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When I start FSGarmin530 on the client PC I get the following message: "Cannot connect to Microsoft Flight Simulator. Please ensure Flight Simulator has finished loading and you have FSUIPC.DLL in the Modules folder in Flight Simulator.

If you do not have this DLL then please copy FSUICP.DLL from D:\FSGARMIN530\ to your Modules folder"

I have the FSUIPC.DLL in the Modules folder in FSFS on de server PC

This are the ini- and logfiles of the client and the server


; PLEASE SEE the documentation for parameter details

; ==================================================





; -----------------------------------------------




;Run2=D:\ActiveSky wxRE\wxRE.exe

; ===============================================




********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.22] *********

Using blocksize guide of 4096 bytes

Date (dmy): 01/03/04, Time 12:38:58.139: Server name is STEMBERT

0 Couldn't run: "D:\FsGarmin530\FsGarmin530.exe" [Error=3]

68844 Initialising server socket now

538719 Restarting service due to total lack of use


; PLEASE SEE WideFS documentation for parameter details








; -----------------------------------------------






********* WideClient.DLL Log [version 6.22] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 01/03/04, Time 13:23:24.090: Client name is GENTLE

264 Attempting to connect now

1238 Trying TCP/IP host "STEMBERT" ...

1238Okay, IP Address =

1500 New Client Application: "FSGARMIN530" (Id=-266343)

2720 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10061] Connection refused

2810 Ready to try connection again

2816 Attempting to connect now

605137 Reception maximum achieved: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

605137 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0

605137 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 1, Alloc 70 Freed 70 Refused 0) *********

I use FSUIPC V 3.201 and Widefs V6.22 (registered)

FSGarmin 530 is on the client PC with in the ini file settings "remote=1"

and "RemoteDirectory=\\STEMBERT\D van Ste\Flight Simulator 2004|

I hope that somebody has the answer



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Is the D:\ drive physically on the Server PC or the Client PC?

It looks like both WideServer and WideClient are trying to run FSGarmin. You should realy only be trying to run it from the client. I would suggest putting it into a drive on the client PC (If it isn't already) rather than have the client run it across the network from a drive on the server PC.


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Hi Richard,

"Is the D:\ drive physically on the Server PC or the Client PC?"

The FSGarmin530 folder is physically on the D:\ drive of the client There is no FSGarmin530 folder on the server

Flight Simulator 2004 is on the D:\ drive of the server

I agree with you that I have the same path i.e. Run1=D:\FsGarmin530\FsGarmin530.exe in the server.ini and the client.ini.

But in the manual doc I understand that in both ini files the run= etc have to be written

I also have altered twice the path in the server.ini (The Server is named STEMBERT)

1st :Run1=\\Gentle\D:\FsGarmin530\FsGarmin530.exe(GENTLE is the client)

2nd: I have deleted this path at all in the server.ini

Thank you for the very quick respons!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay in replying -- I've been on holiday with no Internet access. I'm just trying to catch up with an enormous backlog now!

Hi Richard,

I agree with you that I have the same path i.e. Run1=D:\FsGarmin530\FsGarmin530.exe in the server.ini and the client.ini.

But in the manual doc I understand that in both ini files the run= etc have to be written

No, you only run the program on the machine in which you want it to run. I don't know FsGarmin530 but if it needs two parts running -- one on the Server and the other on the Client, then they will undoubtedly have different names.

Maybe you need a different module which running remotely? I think this was the case with other programs from the same stable, like FlightMax. It certainly seems that the module is trying to find the actual physical file FSUIPC.DLL rather than simply trusting the interface.

Alternatively maybe it's a question of parameters in its own INI or CFG file?



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I hope you had a good weather holiday. I got an answer from Richard in California with offcourse always a good climat. You see the whole world comes together on your forum

I am working on my problem, I will let you know the outcome

Kind regards


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