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Question about PFC Remote Instrument Controller

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Hi Pete,

I had sent my Cirrus2 for repairs and got it back yesterday but it still doesn't work properly. They allowed me to open the unit and sent me a replacement controller board but it didn't help. To track down the culprit I need to know wether the little switch labelled Nav Select one/two on the Remote Instrument Controller should show up on the test page of the PFC driver. Every single rotary or button shows up there exept for that switch plus the gear indicator lights don't work (they remain dark whatever I do). I suspect one of the cables between the Didital Avionics and The RIC to have gone.

Thanks in advance and kind regards,


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To track down the culprit I need to know wether the little switch labelled Nav Select one/two on the Remote Instrument Controller should show up on the test page of the PFC driver.

It doesn't get to the PC at all -- it changes the codes returned by the rotary next to it (OBS) -- you can see this both in Test mode and in FSUIPC's Buttons page.



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It doesn't get to the PC at all -- it changes the codes returned by the rotary next to it (OBS) -- you can see this both in Test mode and in FSUIPC's Buttons page.

Ah, I see. Thanks a lot, Pete.



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The switch on the RIC changes the value of the OBS encoder only

So you have 1 OBS knob instead of 2 it doen't send a code out

Now the gear lights try and reverse the flat ribbon cable it doesn’t work if it is plugged in backwards

what is the problem you are haveing to suspect the switch?????

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Now the gear lights try and reverse the flat ribbon cable it doesn’t work if it is plugged in backwards

yes, that's what I did after checking the cable with a multimeter :) .

There should be a note about that in the documentation shouldn't there?

what is the problem you are haveing to suspect the switch?????

Nothing, as I said, I suspected one of the cables to be defective and wanted to know wether that switch doing nothing could be an indicator.

Thanks anyway.

Meanwhile it's fixed :D :D :D 8)

The folks at Verkosoft were very friendly and helpful.

But that Cirrus2 was surely made on a monday or something.

Two bad potentiometers, a bad avionics master switch, a bad soldering junction in the power line to the avionics, a defective protection diode in the power line to the avionics and last but not least a bad soldering spot on the controller board. Phew....

But now I'm a happy simmer again :D



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But that Cirrus2 was surely made on a monday or something.

Interesting that Mondays in your country are the 'bad days'. Here we tend to blame bad stuff on Fridays -- because folks have their minds more on what they'll be doing that weekend. Also known as Poets Day ("P*** Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday"). :)

Glad your system is okay again / at last! Let's hope it now has a long and healthy life!



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Hi Pete,

Interesting that Mondays in your country are the 'bad days'.

that's because on Mondays they're all still tired and half drunk from all the parties over the weekend. :D :wink:

Glad your system is okay again / at last! Let's hope it now has a long and healthy life!

Thanks for that Pete, it is exactly what I hope too. :)

Kind regards,


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