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Memory and/or Sound Problem since FSUIPC 3.x

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Since i have changed from Version 2.95 to the payware version 3.21 i have a Memory Problem when i using FSUIPC and WideFS on my FS2002.

I flying for ca. 2 hours then my engine-sounds goes off but not in the menu ! but i hear nothing.

And sometimes a Memory Crash is detected by windows XP, and the FS2002 close automatical.

I have enough RAM (1024 MB) and a large Temporay file.

With old FSUIPC i don't have this Problem.

Whats that for 35 € ?

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Since i have changed from Version 2.95 to the payware version 3.21 i have a Memory Problem when i using FSUIPC and WideFS on my FS2002.

With old FSUIPC i don't have this Problem.

There's nothing changed which will do that, apart from the fact that there are many more facilities in the later versions (and of course the list continues to grow), so FSUIPC's memory occupancy changes. This in turn could cause other parts of FS, or more likely add-ons, to load slightly differently. Even simply replacing the DLL in the Modules folder can change the order of the DLLs in the directory file for that folder, making FS load the files in a different order.

All this amounts to revealing some problem you had already, the symptoms of which were not so evident until this change.

I'm afraid that just about the only way of resolving such problems is to either start from a fresh installation of FS and gradually add your add-ons one at a time, testing each time, or, perhaps a little easier, the other way around -- uninstalling them one at a time.

And sometimes a Memory Crash is detected by windows XP, and the FS2002 close automatical.

FSUIPC version 3 traps any crashes which occur whilst it is in control, and these are logged and recovered. If it is seeing any you will find full details in the FSUIPC.LOG file (in the Modules folder). By all means let me see that.

However, it does not attempt to trap and recover from errors anywhere else in FS -- it would have no idea how to recover in the first place. For those you need to try to capture some details -- use DrWatson, for instance. If you like I can look at any such results and see if it points to anything obvious.

One of the things to certainly try is to reduce your Sound hardware acceleration -- I can't remember exactly how to do that, but probably by running DxDiag. I have heard of timing problems caused by the way sound files are buffered.



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