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Does anyone have any idea if its possible to simulate wake turbulence behind an aircraft using FSUIPC and an external program?

It doesn't have to be perfect. I am building software to track Air Racing online. Since flightsim doesn't simulate an aircraft wake on its own I was wondering if there was a way to say attach some turbulence to an aircraft inside flight sim. Seems very complicated I was just curious if it was possible and if anyone had a clue to do it.

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Does anyone have any idea if its possible to simulate wake turbulence behind an aircraft using FSUIPC and an external program?

It doesn't have to be perfect. I am building software to track Air Racing online. Since flightsim doesn't simulate an aircraft wake on its own I was wondering if there was a way to say attach some turbulence to an aircraft inside flight sim. Seems very complicated I was just curious if it was possible and if anyone had a clue to do it.

I think you would have to read the AI aircraft data (supplied for use in TCAS gauges and the like) and somehow work out where the turbulence areas would be, second by second. Obviously you'd disregard light aircraft and maybe even only concentrate on the bigger jets.

Then, when the user aircraft passed through an area you had worked out as turbulent (bearing in mind that this will be moving with the air mass, so you need to adjust for wind speed), you could try to impose turbulence on the aircraft -- maybe through control interference, or maybe trying to write to some or the assorted accelerations and velocities (those used for aircraft carrier catapults and tail hook operations).

I'm sure it could be done somehow, but it would take someone far more knowledgeable in spherical trigonometry and fluid dynamics than I, and it sounds like a lot of work, indeed, much of it experimenting to see what might work.

Oh -- a fast machine would help too, once the computations get complicated!



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