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Capital keys on widefs

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I'm using FreeFD ND on client pc and sending keys trough widefs.

It all works fine with normal keys functions "v,n,i,ecc.." but not with capital ones "A,R,V,ecc..."

This is a part of my wideclient.ini:


KeySend9=67,8,Run2 ( c keypress )

KeySend10=65,9,Run2 ( A kepress )


The problem is with the "A" kepress, because the ND get it as "a" and so it shows another function.

This happens for every capital key: it seems it's alwais non-capital, even if i wrote the "9" parameter in keysend lines and not "8".

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance

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It all works fine with normal keys functions "v,n,i,ecc.." but not with capital ones "A,R,V,ecc..."

This is a part of my wideclient.ini:


KeySend9=67,8,Run2 ( c keypress )

KeySend10=65,9,Run2 ( A kepress )


The problem is with the "A" kepress, because the ND get it as "a" and so it shows another function.

This happens for every capital key: it seems it's alwais non-capital, even if i wrote the "9" parameter in keysend lines and not "8".

Sorry, I don't know why that should be. The keys are passed on separately to Windows as 'shift' KeyDown, 'a' KeyDown, 'a' KeyUp, 'Shift' KeyUp". Such a sequence of messages through Windows also generates a "WM_CHAR" message which would derive the captital 'A'. There is no Windows keycode for capitals, only the separate operations for shift and so on.

Maybe it is the way the program is written, something to do with the way it is processing the messages. But I really can't see how it could get it wrong.

Can you try, temporarily, substituting, say, Notepad.exe for the program so you can see the characters actually being typed on screen?

Another idea would be to see if you can re-assign the key usage in the target program so that it doesn't need to differentiate between A and a in the first place. Or are the assignments fixed?

Finally, is the author still active? Maybe he could give some advice on this?



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Hi Pete,

I've had trouble with some sims when there was insufficient delay between the character changes. If the key changes didn't happen one change per

frame, the sim missed the modifier. It had to see:

Frame 1 - Shift Down

Frame 2 - "a" Down

Frame 3 - "a" Up

Frame 4 - Shift Up

If the shift and "a" went down or came up in the same frame, the sim missed the modifier. The release sequence mattered, too. It originally showed up when I started emulating HID keyboards for USB devices because I had the shift and the "a" in the same packet, I suspect the delay inherent in the PS2 keyboard transfers got around it in earlier times.

Best regards,

- Bob

The StickWorks


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Hi Pete,

unlucky there is no possibility to reassign the keys in the software.

I tried using notepad.exe instead of the ND instrument as you suggested, but no keys are typed in notepad, normal or capital.

I don't know if it's a notepad problem for this.

I really don't know what to do now.

Maybe it's a delay about "shift" pressing as Bob said?

Waiting for news

Thanks again


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I tried using notepad.exe instead of the ND instrument as you suggested, but no keys are typed in notepad, normal or capital.

I don't know if it's a notepad problem for this.

You must have something wrong, then. I've run it with these parameters in the [user] section of WideClient.ini:







This makes WideClient load up Notepad, just as it should be loading up your ND program.

The assigned KeySend1 button on FS then consistently types an 'a' in Notepad, and KeySend2 types an 'A'.

I've tested this with Windows XP and Windows 98SE. If your Notepad is not seing the keypresses you have something wrong for sure. Get that working first, then retry your ND.

Checking the keyboard message sequences produced using Microsoft's Spy++ program, I see:

001003B2 P WM_KEYDOWN nVirtKey:'A'

001003B2 P WM_CHAR chCharCode:'a' (97)

001003B2 P WM_KEYUP nVirtKey:'A'

for the lower case 'a', which is correct, and:


001003B2 P WM_KEYDOWN nVirtKey:'A'

001003B2 P WM_CHAR chCharCode:'A' (65)

001003B2 P WM_KEYUP nVirtKey:'A'

001003B2 P WM_KEYUP nVirtKey:VK_SHIFT

for the upper case. The order is always 100% consistent in these, and you'll note that Windows has correctly generated the CHAR messages with the 'a' ASCII code and 'A' ASCII codes, respectively.

Maybe it's a delay about "shift" pressing as Bob said?

I really don't know how that might happen. The message sequences being generated by WideClient are done by the Windows Journal Playback facilities. If you set "Log=DebugAll" in the INI file you'll get the messages saying what it is doing. For example, for my KeySend1 above I get:

(Note, this is probably more for Bob's benefit that yours. It is a bit technical).

4532 Action request for "Run1", KeySend0 - looking for Window<1:1>

4532Okay, found, sending 0 request <1:1>

4532 Setting hook for KeyHook action 1 <1:1>

4547 Hook set okay <1:1>

4547 Checked KeySend[5]=1, DoneOne=-1 <1:1>

4547 Actioncall for HC_GETNEXT<0:1>

4547 [wnd=140690, msg=256, paramL=0041, paramH=001E]done <0:1>

4547 Actioncall for HC_GETNEXT<0:0>

4547 [wnd=140690, msg=256, paramL=0041, paramH=001E]done <0:0>

4547 Actioncall for HC_SKIP<0:0>

4547done HC_SKIP <0:0>

4547 Actioncall for HC_GETNEXT<0:0>

4547 [wnd=140690, msg=257, paramL=0041, paramH=001E]done <0:0>

4547 Actioncall for HC_SKIP<0:0>

4547done HC_SKIP <0:0>

4547 Unhooking now <0:0>

The "HC_GETNEXT's are where Windows is asking for the next action. Message 256 is the "KEYDOWN", 257 is "KEYUP", and, in this case, the Key is hex 41 (65 decimal).

For the KeySend2 there are more steps:

16282 Action request for "Run1", KeySend1 - looking for Window<1:1>

16282Okay, found, sending 1 request <1:1>

16282 Setting hook for KeyHook action 2 <1:1>

16282 Hook set okay <1:1>

16282 Checked KeySend[6]=2, DoneOne=-1 <1:1>

16282 Actioncall for HC_GETNEXT<0:1>

16282 [wnd=140690, msg=256, paramL=0010, paramH=002A]done <0:1>

16282 Actioncall for HC_GETNEXT<0:1>

16282 [wnd=140690, msg=256, paramL=0010, paramH=002A]done <0:1>

16282 Actioncall for HC_SKIP<0:1>

16282done HC_SKIP <0:1>

16282 Actioncall for HC_GETNEXT<0:1>

16282 [wnd=140690, msg=256, paramL=0041, paramH=001E]done <0:1>

16282 Actioncall for HC_SKIP<0:1>

16282done HC_SKIP <0:1>

16282 Actioncall for HC_GETNEXT<0:1>

16282 [wnd=140690, msg=257, paramL=0041, paramH=001E]done <0:1>

16282 Actioncall for HC_SKIP<0:1>

16282done HC_SKIP <0:1>

16282 Actioncall for HC_GETNEXT<0:1>

16282 [wnd=140690, msg=257, paramL=0010, paramH=002A]done <0:1>

16282 Actioncall for HC_SKIP<0:1>

16282done HC_SKIP <0:1>

16282 Unhooking now <0:1>

This shows the extra steps for the Shift being pressed before the 'a' and being released again at the end.

The number of the left in each line is the elapsed time since WideClient started, in milliseconds. The fact that it doesn't change throughout each example does mean that the whole sequence is over and done with within a millisecond. Maybe this is a factor, though I don't know how -- if the ND program is processing the individual KEYDOWN/KEYUP messages then is should still see them in the order they are generated -- they don't overtake each other in Windows' queues. If the program interprets the WM_CHAR values instead, you can see these are being generated correctly by Windows too.

One other thing: you aren't setting "PostKeys=Yes" in WideClient.ini are you? Don't do that if you are using "Run" or "RunReady" to load the program. You need class names for reliable posting.



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Further to my last (rather technical) message, once you have got things working with NotePad (for without it working there I really don't see how it will work with anything else), if your ND still has difficulties with the Shifted characters, please try the attached interim version of WideClient (6.223).

All I've done is made that Client thread sleep for a millisecond before returning each step of the key sequence. This actually works out usually to 5-15 milliseconds because other threads and programs in the system grab what they can.

There are facilities in the Journal Playback feature in Windows to impose delays in the playback, but it seems these actually stop the whole system for the period specified, which seems a bit daft to me!

I don't see why this slowing down of the sequences will help, but let's hope so. If not then I'm afraid there's nothing else I can really do. You'd need to get in touch with the author and see why his program does what it is doing.

Please let me know how you get on,




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Hi Pete,

I really feel bad cause I forgot "postkeys=yes" in the client.ini and now all works ok.

I really thank you for all your support and please forgive me to have used your time for a thing of my fault.

Thanks again so much


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I really feel bad cause I forgot "postkeys=yes" in the client.ini and now all works ok.

Do you mean you had included "PostKeys=Yes", and now you've taken it out, or the other way round? Here Notepad, for instance, doesn't work with 'PostKeys=Yes'.

I really thank you for all your support and please forgive me to have used your time for a thing of my fault.

No problem, glad it is solved.



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