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Important question for Mr Dawson

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Pete m8, I have noticed that you have worked on FSUIPC and others for a long long time. You strive to deliver a perfect system of what you do, and yet I notice, or missed, that you haven't (in the time that I have been a member of this forum) taken a holiday.

If I am wrong, and you have taken a break/holiday, then stop reading here.

BUT if I'm right, then its about time you took one. You do a great job in what you do, and your support is as best as they come, but those who need support could wait a week or two, hint hint, while you refresh yourself. It's not like its a life or death situation.

This is just my thoughts, and if there is anybody out there who feel that this man deserves a break, then help me by posting your support.

If your one of those that believe's that you paid your money and he should be there 24/7...................get a life. (being very polite)

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I notice, or missed, that you haven't (in the time that I have been a member of this forum) taken a holiday.

How long have you been here? :wink: I was away for three weeks, from Feb 19 to Mar 13. My good lady and I had a two week break in Cuba, a Steam Railway tour, followed by a week's stay in Madrid with my son, who works there. :) . No Internet access at all in that time!

BUT if I'm right, then its about time you took one.

Thanks for your kind thoughts. Actually, we would normally take another break soon, August time, a relaxation in somewhere like Madeira (our most favourite Island in the World), but my wife is going in for a hip replacement soon, and I am due to have operations on my eyes for cataracts (they are making the world fuzzier every day! :? ), so we are not booking anything more at present. When things are settled again, do not worry, we will take a break! :D :D :D

If your one of those that believe's that you paid your money and he should be there 24/7....

No, not at all. Believe me, I've been just as responsive over all of the last eight years or so. It is possibly more visible with a Forum, but this is actually less work for me than replying to the 100-200 emails per day which it had built up to over the years. The trouble with email support only is that each reply benefits only one reader, so I find myself repeating things so often. Here it is a lot better. Though it doesn't eliminate repetition, it does at least build a resource which helps answer many folks who would have otherwise emailed me individually.

By the way, my surname is actually Dowson, not Dawson -- a much rarer variety! :wink:



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How long have you been here?

:oops: Since August last :oops:

I was away for three weeks, from Feb 19 to Mar 13.

You snook that 1 in, :wink: Cuba? How cool is that, I'd love to go there. From what I gather, it's like traveling back 50 years.

When things are settled again, do not worry, we will take a break!

Hope everything works out OK for your good lady and yourself.

By the way, my surname is actually Dowson, not Dawson -- a much rarer variety!

Forgive Sir, I'm not worthy.................. :? :wink:

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Cuba? How cool is that, I'd love to go there. From what I gather, it's like traveling back 50 years.

Cool? It was pretty warm, I can tell you! :) .

The 50-years back reputation comes mostly I think from the old American (mostly) cars there. Some beauties -- I bet some of them would be worth quite a bit in the U.S. to collectors and enthusiasts.

Most of these you see in Havana, not so many out in the country at large. We only spent a couple of days in Havana. Mostly out in the country on sugar plantations riding both narrow and standard gauge steam trains! Covered almost the entire length of this rather large island in the two weeks. Really enjoyable, and lovely people everywhere, really friendly.

It also made quite a change being in a country like this without meeting any U.S tourists. Lots of Canadians (short journey for them, compared to ours). The only U.S Americans we saw were a group of Missionaries, I guess trying to indoctrinate the nice friendly local "heathens" (in their eyes! :wink: ).

Hope everything works out OK for your good lady and yourself.

Thank you!



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