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ai radar

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I used to run aiview.dll with FS2002. Nice little program showing a sort of radar screen and a list of all ai aircraft surrounding my own craft.

Now... aiview.dll seems not to work with FS2004.

I really miss this! It was wonderful picking out of the list one aircraft and following then its flight on my display...

Is there an alternative program, eg based on the data of trafficlook.exe, that can replace aiview.dll?

I found this little program aiview some time ago on http://www.altingsoftware.com ( and it is also available on other websites ) but it is no longer there...

I would, and others would as well, I guess, really enjoy an updated ai radar program for FS2004!

Has anybody more information on this subject?



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I used to run aiview.dll with FS2002. Nice little program showing a sort of radar screen and a list of all ai aircraft surrounding my own craft.

Now... aiview.dll seems not to work with FS2004.

Aiview was almost identical to the TrafficToolbox utility made by Microsoft.

The official FS2004 version is available on the Microsoft site:




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Thank You!

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

Why do so few flighsimmers know about this tool? I was looking around on several fora and other places on the web, asking for a aiview-like program... Got no answers at all.. at least no satisfying ones!

Once again: thankx,also for all the nice things you made!



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