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FDC vs WideFs

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I use FDC via WideFS on a second machine. On this same machine I also use TeamSpeak, FSMeteo and ServInfo.

The problem is that when WideFS is not on top of all programs you don't hear any sound from FDC.

Because sometimes I need swichs to a other program on the same PC and WideFS stops giving sound(only when I push on the Window-Icon it starts playing again)

Is there way to let WideFS operate on top so I alway's have sound with FDC?



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The problem is that when WideFS is not on top of all programs you don't hear any sound from FDC.

Because sometimes I need swichs to a other program on the same PC and WideFS stops giving sound(only when I push on the Window-Icon it starts playing again)

Is there way to let WideFS operate on top so I alway's have sound with FDC?

WideClient contains no sound code whatsoever. It isn't WideFS which is controlling the sound. It sounds like FDC needs the Focus to produce the sound -- why it regains focus when you give it to WideClient I couldn't say, but it sounds like FDC is making itself a "child" of WideFS (i.e. a "child" of the FS window).

This is the same sort of thing that FS itself does -- its sounds stop when you transfer focus to other programs. This certainly isn't a necessary behaviour of programs making sounds, it is down to the way they are programmed.

If there were an option for WideFS to keep focus, then with it enabled how would you ever be able to access your other programs? A facility to keep the window on top is not relevant, it is the focus which is needed.

Sorry, but I think your only recourse is to ask the FDC author for an option for the sounds to be maintained even without focus.



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