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Hi Peter!

I use WideFS 5.40 and the IPX/SPX Protokoll and on all Computers runs Win98SE!It runs but in the WideServerLog stand many lines like that

:Auto send stopped before all datas send and I have some stutters in my network!In my WideClientLog are standing many jumped sequences!I don't know what I can do anymore!I adjust everthing in my IPX/SPX properties Frame maximum connections and sockets!

Could you help me!

best regards and sorry for my bad english but I left shool for more than ten yars!

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Hi Peter!

I use WideFS 5.40 and the IPX/SPX Protokoll and on all Computers runs Win98SE!It runs but in the WideServerLog stand many lines like that

:Auto send stopped before all datas send and I have some stutters in my network!In my WideClientLog are standing many jumped sequences!I don't know what I can do anymore!I adjust everthing in my IPX/SPX properties Frame maximum connections and sockets!

Could you help me!

best regards and sorry for my bad english but I left shool for more than ten yars!

Why send this twice in two separate threads?


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