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PFC TQ Flap Switch

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Hi Peter,

Two questions if I may,

having installed my registered versions of WideFS & FSUIPC do I need to install the new version of Wide Client, are there any benefits in doing so.

is it possible to re-assigne the flap switch on my PFC TQ to activate the ND range on my PM ND installed on a client PC

Many Thanks For Your Time



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having installed my registered versions of WideFS & FSUIPC do I need to install the new version of Wide Client, are there any benefits in doing so.

Wideclient is part of WideFS. If you install an updated WideFS this means installing both the Client and Server parts. If you only install part of it you (a) won't get any of the improvements or fixed included in that part, and )b) risk incompatibility between the two. So, yes, always install all parts when updating.

is it possible to re-assigne the flap switch on my PFC TQ to activate the ND range on my PM ND installed on a client PC

If the flap switch is recognised by FSUIPC when you operate it, yes. Just assign it in the FSUIPC buttons page. I don't have a GF TQ unit to check it on I'm afraid. some units but that was a while ago. He must have forgotten).



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