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FS9 Update & FSUIPC problems

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:cry: Hi,

:?: Can you help please? And please bear with me......

I've downloaded FS9 update and FSUIPC 3.4, but everytime I load a flight the whole screen goes blank at some point after the a/c is on the tarmac!

It's weird 'cos I've followed the installation directions to the letter.

In my modules folder I have the new FSUIPC version and all the other .dll files (none duplicated). I also have a FSUI.dll (FS9 module) file and a FSUIPC (config settings) file with underneath. Should these be there?

Hope you understand, cos I'm not a computer whizz, but I am annoyed!! :evil:

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I've downloaded FS9 update and FSUIPC 3.4, but everytime I load a flight the whole screen goes blank at some point after the a/c is on the tarmac!

It's weird 'cos I've followed the installation directions to the letter.

So far I think all those with that problem missed the part about Active Camera. It isn't related to FSUIPC at all. Check the FS2004 Forum.



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Sorry Peter, but not sure what you mean!

Can you please explain to a 58 yr old PC illiterate simmer?


What's being a young 58 year old got to do with it? I'm 61. :wink: There was nothing technical at all about what I said, so which bits didn't you understand? All I can try is to puit the same words in a different order, will that do? Here goes:

I don't know what the error is in Active Camera, but ithe symptoms of NOT updating it for FS9.1 seem rather similar to those you describe. There are threads about it in the FS2004 forum.

I really don't know how else to explain it. I have no other ideas about anything else which can cause what you are seeing. This is why I suggested to look at forums where they are reported.

If you don't use Active Camera then you will probably need to start looking at other add-ons or possible driver problems.

You said some other stuff I didn't comment on because I didn't understand it: viz

In my modules folder I have the new FSUIPC version and all the other .dll files (none duplicated). I also have a FSUI.dll (FS9 module) file and a FSUIPC (config settings) file with underneath. Should these be there?

What does a "file with underneath" mean? I cannot picture that at all. (BTW, you cannot duplicate files in a folder, Windows only allows one of each filename).

And why are you "annoyed" at me and blaming FSUIPC? Have you any grounds for this. Quite honestly I don't see any connection between you loading a flight and it going wrong, and FSUIPC. Can you elaborate on that for me?

I get the blame for many things, but it seems better when at least someone can offer a reason, however slight it may be. Okay? :wink:




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Whoa, whoa Peter, :?

I am certainly not annoyed with you, I was /am annoyed that I can't get the thing (FS9) to work properly!

The reason I queried your first reply is because I don't know what Active Camera has to do with FSUIPC and the Update. See what I mean about computer illiterate?

At the moment I have your latest version of FSUIPC loaded and I'm going to try the update again tonight.

I'm very sorry you took it that I was annoyed with you, nothing could be further from the truth. I have the utmost respect for all you Sim developers! :)


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The reason I queried your first reply is because I don't know what Active Camera has to do with FSUIPC and the Update. See what I mean about computer illiterate?

Well, Active Camera has nothing to do with FSUIPC, it is another add-on altogether. The problem it may have with FS9.1 is published in the read me for FS9.1 and, indeed, on Microsoft's web site where you got the patch.

I really don't think FSUIPC can have anything to do with the problem you are having either. Maybe the patch didn't install correctly. You can check that all the correct FS9.1 DLLs are installed -- I have added a list of those changed by the Install to my FS Update announcement at the top of this Forum.

If you are going to try reinstalling the patch, run the FS9UpdateUninstall program you'll find in the FS folder, then delete the BACKUP folder -- but don't do the latter first or you'll probably end up having to reinstall FS altogether.



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