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AdvDisp 2.13 disappears

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The AdvDisp 2.13 docked communications box keeps disappearing especially if I go back and forth to spot plane view in FS9. I can easily get it back by choosing the "undock" option under the modules menu but this is kind of troublesome.

I am using the latest FSUIPC.

I have had this occur with iFDG MD-11 and PMDG-737NG.


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The AdvDisp 2.13 docked communications box keeps disappearing especially if I go back and forth to spot plane view in FS9. I can easily get it back by choosing the "undock" option under the modules menu but this is kind of troublesome.

I am using the latest FSUIPC.

I have had this occur with iFDG MD-11 and PMDG-737NG.


The change between the previous version and this one is extremely minor -- it simply doesn't now bother to check whether a newly-loaded aircraft is different to the previous one, as it used to.

Did you have such a problem with the previous one? Is this observable with default aircraft?


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I cannot reproduce the AdvDisp 2.13 disappearance using the default C-172.

There have been some similiar disappearance reports on the AvSim Radar Contact forum, including mine.

Hmmm. Are they all with complex add-on panels, do you know? You are the only one reporting this to me, that's all I have to go on. If others have anything to add they should really come here. I don't have time to scan other places.

I'm not sure how the small changes I made (and they are indeed very small -- just one line commented out, to stop it comparing the name of the new aircraft loaded with that of the previous one) can really affect the normal use of the program, but I will try to reproduce it here.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I experiance a simular problem when flying the PMDG 737,Along with Radar Contact. When I turn on the landing lights, AD text flickers on and off. When I turn off AD the fkicking stops and AD works normal. I tried same combination with orther AC, but it seems to only happen with the 737,RC combo.

Bill M 8)

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I experiance a simular problem when flying the PMDG 737,Along with Radar Contact. When I turn on the landing lights, AD text flickers on and off. When I turn off AD the fkicking stops and AD works normal. I tried same combination with orther AC, but it seems to only happen with the 737,RC combo.

The thing with the landing lights was reported once some time ago, but neither I nor PMDG could reproduce it. I think the original person reporting it was using an older version of the aircraft than either of us, so it might be worthwhile trying an update.

I can't really imagine how the landing lights can have anything at all to do with text displays in a completely separate window, but I presume it's something to do with video drivers and complex interactions at that level.



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I just reinstallled the 737 700, 800/900 AC yesterday and made sure all drivers were up to date. But I don't understand why I get the flicker when using Radar Contact and when I activate the landing lights.

No, we didn't understand that before. It doesn't happen here and PMDG couldn't reproduce it. I can only think it is specific to particular video cards and/or drivers. Try windowed mode, try 2D panel instead of VC or vice versa, try different options in FS (eg render textures option).

If we could get the two folks reporting this together to say what video cards and drivers they are using then maybe there'd be a clue. Have you looked on the PMDG forum to see if there are others there?



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Yes I posted there at PMDG maybe 3 Months ago. But I never got a response back.

I wrote to them about then and asked them, and they said they couldn't reproduce it. I think this is the main problem. I expect if either they or I could reproduce it we could track down what is going on.

Is your Advdisplay window locked or docked? if it is docked, can you look at the Advdisplay section in the PANEL.CFG file for the panel, and see what it is docked to, please. Better, show me the section entirely.

If it is docked, see if it happens with it "locked" instead.

I had this problem ever since I upgraded to thier 800/900 models.

That's why I thought originally that it must be something in their code that was somehow interfering, but if it is I don't understand why it is so rarely occurring (or at least reported), and why we can't reproduce it at all.



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But I had this problem ever since I upgraded to thier 800/900 models. I just learned to live with it.

Since you can reproduce the flashing Advdisplay text so reliably, perhaps you can help nail it, or at least work out whether it really is the video drivers or something in the PMDG code.

In the FSUIPC Options, find the Logging page and enable IPC Write logging.

Now reproduce the error. Don't make a long flight, please -- in fact best to stop after you've made the error happen (say, langing lights on, see error, landing lights off, close down). ZIP the FSUIPC.LOG file you'll find in the FS Modules folder and send it to me at petedowson@btconnect.com.

Next time you load FS don't forget to go into Logging and turn the IPC write logging off, else it will gradually fill your disk! :wink:

One other thing to try. Right click on the AdvDisplay window and set it to operate with multiple lines only -- this should filter off single lines (to the normal FS display) leaving multi-line usdes such as Radar Contact. Let me know, please.



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Hello Pete

Thanks for your reply.

I sent the log file per your request. I also tried turning on the multi line option with AD. When I turned on LL's, the display stayed on. But I got the scrolling text across the top. When I close the scrolling window, AD text blanked out again. Hope the helps.

Bill M

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Just wanted to let you know that I'm experiencing the same malady with the Adventure Display.

I fly mainly the PMDG 737 6/700 although I do have the 8/900 upgrade. Text in the Adv box flashes then disappears. It can be turned on and off with the "L" key (all lights on/off) but it seems to be unstable even not hitting the L key. Often now when I open at the airport the dialog box is not visible at all even though the ADV Disply is checked in the menu. If I uncheck it and check it again it does appear but also with the green text band. Now I must reset to clear the green band.

I tried it with the stock 737-400 and it looked like all was fine but within a few minutes the dialog box was blank.

I even reloaded RC. . . same results.

I think this started about a week ago it seems. I did add FS2Crew.

I'm using an nVidia FX5900XT card.

Thanks - Terry

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I sent the log file per your request.

It still hasn't arrived. From what you say it certainly sounds like something is writing to the display control area in FSDUIPC. The log would tell me thast. Please check you sent it to the right email address, the one I gave you.

I also sent you an email yesterday, saying the same thing. Still no reply yet.



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I fly mainly the PMDG 737 6/700 although I do have the 8/900 upgrade. Text in the Adv box flashes then disappears. It can be turned on and off with the "L" key (all lights on/off) but it seems to be unstable even not hitting the L key.

It certainly sounds like something related to the 800/900 upgrade is writing to the FSUIPC area controlling the display. There's absolutely nothing I can do without information. I've been asking for logs. if it is easy to reproduce, then go into FSUIPC options, turn on IPC write logging, then reproduce the problem. Close FS, ZIP up the FSUIPC.LOG (from the FS Modules folder and send it to me at petedowson@btconnect.com.

It seems several folks can reproduce this problem but no one has yet provided any information. Once i can identify what is doing it, i can tackle the relevant author.

Often now when I open at the airport the dialog box is not visible at all even though the ADV Disply is checked in the menu.

What "dialog box". Do you mean the AdvDisplay window? That sort of problem is related to how it is docked. Check the PANEL.CFG, or try locking it instead.

If I uncheck it and check it again it does appear but also with the green text band. Now I must reset to clear the green band.

I don't have anything to do ewith any green band. that's FS. close it by right clicking it and closing.

I tried it with the stock 737-400 and it looked like all was fine but within a few minutes the dialog box was blank.

Some parts of the PMDG install are DLLs, not gauges, and are running all the time. Try removing the PMDGoptions.DLL.

I think this started about a week ago it seems. I did add FS2Crew.

I don't know FS2Crew -- is that using the text display facility too? They may be clashing.



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