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Runway Assignments 2002

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Just as a suggestion, I think there should be a fix to the ATC engine in FS2002 to allow ATC to assign any runway at an airport for landing or takeoff and not just the longest. It gets tiring taking off and landing on the same runway all the time. I know you can change it in AFCAD, but that's only to either close or open completely for either takeoffs and landings. Maybe a fix for this can be included in an FSUIPC version if it's possible.

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Just as a suggestion, I think there should be a fix to the ATC engine in FS2002 to allow ATC to assign any runway at an airport for landing or takeoff and not just the longest. It gets tiring taking off and landing on the same runway all the time. I know you can change it in AFCAD, but that's only to either close or open completely for either takeoffs and landings. Maybe a fix for this can be included in an FSUIPC version if it's possible.

No, sorry, I have absolutely no idea how to do that.



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I know you can change it in AFCAD, but that's only to either close or open completely for either takeoffs and landings.

there's something more you can do with AFCAD. Load the airport, bring up the runways properties and change the length of all runways to read exactly the same number as the longest one. This does not change any visuals in FS2002 but it makes ATC "think" all runways are of equal length. It will then assign the correct runway based on the wind direction. But be sure to only equalize runways that were similar in size before or you may be assigned a short grass strip for your next 747 landing otherwise :) . You'll have to do that for every airport you want to use more than one runway on.



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