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Wide FS & MaxiVista?

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Hi Pete,

I just received a new lap top, and I, of course, want to incorporate it with my FS program.

I guess I am a little confused, again. Are Wide FS and MaxiVista used together, are they complimentary or do they both provide the same function and do the same thing?

Thanks a lot,


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I guess I am a little confused, again. Are Wide FS and MaxiVista used together, are they complimentary or do they both provide the same function and do the same thing?

They are totally unrealted and do completely different things. I think you are mixing WideFS up with WidevieW. Certainly, from what I know, MaxiVista may be an alternative to WidevieW. I have no idea what the performance is like though.

If you are interested in WideFS, just download it and read the documentation. See if it does anything you want.



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