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New IVAP offsets and FSUIPC

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Hi all,

the new release of IVAP has the feature to read specifics offsets for Squawk mode and Ident button from FSUIPC.

I'd like to know how to add in the FSUIPC.INI buttons or keys doing this job, (changing squawk mode an Ident) cause i tried with no success.

This is the IVAO page about the offsets:


Can Pete or someone please help me?

Thanks in advance


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I'd like to know how to add in the FSUIPC.INI buttons or keys doing this job, (changing squawk mode an Ident) cause i tried with no success.

You don't need to mess about in the INI file. Go to Keys or Buttons pages and program them using any one of the several Offset controls in the drop down list. When you select an Offset control you will be able to enter the hexadecimal offset (x....) and the value or mask or increment and limit to be used. There's some discussion of this is the FSUIPC User documentation, and definitions of the resulting INI parameters in the Advanced guide.



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Hi Pete and thanks for reply,

i read about it in the user section and also tried make it to work with no success.

What kind of offset should i set (Byte set, Word Set, Dword Set, Byte Setbits, ecc...) for the IVAP functions as said in the upper link?

The parameter i think must be 0 or 1 according Charlie mode or standby.

I'm sorry but i'm not good with hexadecimals and offset stuff.

Thanks again


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What kind of offset should i set (Byte set, Word Set, Dword Set, Byte Setbits, ecc...) for the IVAP functions as said in the upper link?

The parameter i think must be 0 or 1 according Charlie mode or standby.

Sorry, I've not really had time to follow the link. I tend to be stuck answering emails and messages here too much. Perhaps if you'd actually state exactly what you want to try to do I can tell you, but I really cannot examine someone else's documentation and translate it for you -- if you really want that I think the author of those facilities (IVAP) would be the best place to go.



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Hello !!

First many thanks for the trick that make possible to use widefs to activate the PTT button for TeamSpeak !!!

What kind of offset should i set (Byte set, Word Set, Dword Set, Byte Setbits, ecc...)

Perhaps if you'd actually state exactly what you want to try to do I can tell you,


What he want to do ? Et bien, like me :

Simply send these offsets to IvAp (idem for SquawkBox3) via widefs, using keypress or button

0x7b91 size 0 squawk mode c

0x7b91 size 1 squawk mode standby

0x7b93 size 1 squawk Ident

Wich Control do we have to sent ?

Many Thanks,



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Simply send these offsets to IvAp (idem for SquawkBox3) via widefs, using keypress or button

WideFS doesn't really come into it. All WideFS clients are reading the FSUIPC offsets needed by whatever programs they are running, in any case. That part is automatic.

If you mean the button or keypress is on the Client, wellFSUIPC can be programmed for button presses on a client PC, but it really isn't advisable to use Key Presses from a Client.

0x7b91 size 0 squawk mode c

0x7b91 size 1 squawk mode standby

0x7b93 size 1 squawk Ident

Wich Control do we have to sent ?

Sorry, I don't understand this "specification". First, you seem to have two uses for offset 7B91 -- but one of zero size? How can any information be stored in anything with no size? I think you must have an error there.

In the other cases, what is "size 1"? Is that 1 bit, 1 byte, 1 word, or what, please? The units are important.

And what values have to be written to do what?

Using the FSUIPC "Offset" controls (in the Buttons drop down list) you can set bits, bytes, words and double words, you can clear bits, you can increment and decrement values in bytes and words. Please take a look at the FSUIPC User Guide (and if you like the list in the Advanced Guide), but mainly just work out what you want to do.

If you can say what you want to do and you still don't understand which control will do it, by all means come back.

And have you checked for documentation or help from the author of the program you are trying to use? It seems odd for him to provide these facilities and not tell folks how to use them.



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Hi guys,

The offsets used by IvAp are discussed on this page:


The offsets are currently shared with SB3 to make it easier for people using both clients.

To use them? Just write the value 0 (with size = 1 byte, so this is the char datatype in C/C++, if using VC++ there is a BYTE defined already) in offset 0x7b91 to set transponder to mode charlie, and write value 1 (with size = 1 byte) to the same offset to set mode standby.

Ident works by writing 1 (size = 1 byte) in offset 0x7b93. IvAp will reset the offset to 0 once it has read it.


Kenny Moens

IVAO Software Development

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