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widefs error

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after a new install of winxp and fs9 on main computer, i get the following message when i wan't to start up widefs on my second pc

wideclient error

Error: tcp/IP needs servername or IP adress

********* WideClient Log [version 6.44] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 27/12/04, Time 14:36:20.858: Client name is LAPTOP

240 Attempting to connect now

3315 Error: TCP/IP needs ServerName or IP address!

3315 Failed to connect: waiting to try again

4336 Attempting to connect now

6750 Error: TCP/IP needs ServerName or IP address!

13429 Reception maximum achieved: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

13429 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0

13429 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********

i was using widefs before together with as 2004 and it worked perfect, i am no expert with computers, and i tried to find the answer in your forum.

can you please help me?


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Hi Rick,

check the wide client.ini on the client pc. There should be either an entry stating the name of the main computer or an entry stating its IP adress. Make sure this points in the right direction since name and/or IP-adress may have changed due to the reinstall of windows. Also make sure your network is working properly (open the network neighbourhood on each and check if you can see the other one) and both computers are using static IP-adresses (right click on network neighbourhood on your desktop, choose properties, right click on the network adapter, also choose properties, in the list click on TCP/IP and then on the button labeled "properties" and assign a static IP adress and subnet mask).




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Hi Rick,

glad you got it working. But you should assign static IP adresses as I described in my first post:

right click on network neighbourhood on your desktop, choose properties, right click on the network adapter, also choose properties, in the list click on TCP/IP and then on the button labeled "properties" and assign a static IP adress and subnet mask

I have a german windows so I don't know the exact names of everything on your system but they should be similar.

The IP adress should be for the comp that connects to the internet (in case you use ICS) and for the other one. The subnet mask should be on both.

I seem to recall users reporting stutters in FS when the IP adress assignment is left up to windows.

You can check the IP adresses by opening a DOS-box, typing ipconfig and then hitting . In Windows98 it was via start->run and then entering winipcfg.



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i checked with ipconfig and it says a different adres as you are pointing. do i need to change them to the ip adress which you are saying or the one which came out in ipconfig. i am flying on ivao a lot and stutters is the last thing i want. By the way if i change the ip adress doesn't this affect my internet provider settings etc etc etc.

thanks for the reply



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tried to make static adress, but then when i do that as you prescribe, i have no more interner connection, and when i put him back on auto i have internetconn. again am i doing something wrong?

You don't actually need static IP addresses to use WideFS. All you need is to tell WideClient (via the INI file) the name of the Server PC. You gave each of your PCs a name when you installed Windows -- the names are also shown in the Windows Explorer, and in WideServer's own LOG file after you've run FS with WideServer installed.

By using a server name rather than an IP address you are leaving it up to Windows to translate it for you. That's fine for WideFS.

The advantage of having static IP addresses is not really related at all to WideFS. It is to make FS itself, and some or all applications, run "smoother". With dynamic IP addresses, things take just a little longer whilst addresses are resolved. Additionally, the occasional enquiries, by Windows, sent to the "dynamic name server" (DNS) to convert IP addresses or vice versa, can cause noticeable stutters, especially in FS itself. These tend to manifest themselves as several stuffers over a period of perhaps a second or so, at regular intervals.

This was actually a much bigger problem on Windows 98 than it is now on Windows XP, so it may not bother you at all.

The complications which can arise with Internet access and fixed IP addresses are something to do with routers/modems and the way they are configured. I don't know how you access the Internet, but my ADSL modem needed some changes to operate in fixed IP address mode. I just followed all the instructions in its documentation. I can't say I understood them all, I'm afraid.



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