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AdvDisplay and ATIS from IVAO, VATSIM, ecc...

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Hi all,

I have an home cockpit with AdvDisplay running and Ivap in a remote pc. Every time i want to display the Atis of an online ATC i get only the last line in AdvDisplay.

I tryed changing mode (continuous and single line) under FS "options -> general" settings, i also tryed several AdvDisplay settings (multiline for exemple) with no results.

I make an exemple. If this is the Atis in Ivap:


This is Alghero Approach information ECHO recorded at 0930z

Landing rwy 20 / Take-off rwy 20

LIEA 120845Z 00000KT 9999 SCT025 BKN080 09/07 Q1031

Transition Level FL60 / Transition Altitude 5000ft

Confirm information ECHO on initial contact


i only get "Confirm information ECHO on initial contact" (the last line)displayed for some seconds and nothing more.

Can someone please help me?

Thanks in advance


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I tryed changing mode (continuous and single line) under FS "options -> general" settings, i also tryed several AdvDisplay settings (multiline for exemple) with no results.

Did you make the Advdisplay window big enough for all the lines?

Also, that ATIS transmission seems a lot bigger than the 128 bytes AdvDisplay can cope with, or FSUIPC come to that.

Isn't there any support for Ivap. No one who can tell you how to use their system? Is it supposed to be usable with AdvDisplay?



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Hi Pete and thanks for reply,

yes i enlarged AdvDisplay window but i only can see something for just a moment (much less than a second, very fast) and then the last line appears and covers everything written before.

So the text is not written on many lines but only in one and last part of the message is the only one visible at the end

Thanks again


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So the text is not written on many lines but only in one and last part of the message is the only one visible at the end

Hmmm. I don't know how that's supposed to work, then. Seems as if they've got something wrong with the programming. They need to implement a delay between the messages. Neither FS nor FSUIPC queue them. If a new message arrives it will replace the preceding one.

There is a facility to specify a number of seconds for a message to be delayed before it is cleared down automatically, but another message arriving supercedes that. This has been how it worked since FS95 days (when it was "adventures" which did the displaying, hence the name of AdvDisplay).



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