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Weather / Local Time


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is it possible to set FS2004 to the current local Time of an area and to fix the problem not initialy using the current weather when choosing current weather updating every 15 minutes with FSUIPC?

Are their two questions there? I'm not sure what you are asking in either case.

For time control in FS I use FSRealTime bu 3D Softworks. However, I recently found that this can cause some problems in FS2004 because the way it changes time doesn't get recognised properly in the AI traffic routines and so on -- I've fixed this by changing FSUIPC and that will be in the next release.

As for "not initially using the current weather when choosing ...", I'm afraid I don't understand that part. Can you elaborate?



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Yes 2 questions.

First problem the guys of flight simulator haven't thougt to the end implementing choosing current real weather but not current real time.

Second if I choose real weather in the create flight dialog its loaded and shown to me but if the flight is started not used. ATIS allways says wind calm sky clear. I have to choose real weather again from the Eviroment/Weather Menu and then its used and I have to do it fastly (some seconds) ore ATC allready have choosen the wrong runway and will not change it anymore even with the strongest tailwind on the runway.

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First problem the guys of flight simulator haven't thougt to the end implementing choosing current real weather but not current real time.

Living and mostly flying where I do, in the UK, local and Zulu time are the same, usually, so I don't notice any problem, if there is one at all. Weather METARs are timed in Zulu time in any case, not local time -- is that the "problem" you see? I'm really not sure I understand.

Second if I choose real weather in the create flight dialog its loaded and shown to me but if the flight is started not used. ATIS allways says wind calm sky clear. I have to choose real weather again from the Eviroment/Weather Menu and then its used and I have to do it fastly (some seconds) ore ATC allready have choosen the wrong runway and will not change it anymore even with the strongest tailwind on the runway.

You can fix the latter by reloading the AI traffic. In FSUIPC I've provided an additional control to toggle AI traffic off and on -- if you do that, when it is reloaded it will obey the current weather.

As for the first part of this 'problem', sorry, I've not experienced that, but then I tend not to use the "create flight" dialog. A matter of long-term habit, I suppose, over many versions of FS. I prefer it to load straight into a flight. If I want to download weather I do so then via the Menus, but mostly I use ActiveSky or FSMeteo in any case.

Sorry if I'm not being much help. Maybe this is a better discussion for the FS2004 Forum?



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Living and mostly flying where I do, in the UK, local and Zulu time are the same, usually, so I don't notice any problem, if there is one at all. Weather METARs are timed in Zulu time in any case, not local time -- is that the "problem" you see? I'm really not sure I understand.

So fly somewhere else in the world and you will easy understand.

You load the actual weather but can't set the actual time only by calculating it yourself.

It makes no sence to have the current weather but not the current time and this is the problem.

You can fix the latter by reloading the AI traffic. In FSUIPC I've provided an additional control to toggle AI traffic off and on -- if you do that, when it is reloaded it will obey the current weather.

H'm I will see how I can do this.

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So fly somewhere else in the world and you will easy understand.

Oh, but I would so love to find time to fly other than my standard test flights. I need to be able to notice every little difference, so on the few occasions I do manage to fly it is usually the same routes.

You load the actual weather but can't set the actual time only by calculating it yourself. It makes no sence to have the current weather but not the current time and this is the problem.

I'm very sorry, but I still don't understand. I thought you were referring to the Zulu time on the weather being different from your local time, which of course it will be except in the Zulu time zone.

Surely if you are creating your own flight you can set the time and date how you wish it to be? I don't think this is dependent upon time zones.

When I go to the "Create a Flight" dialogue I see, in box 4 ("Selected time and season") the current date and time. This is obtained by FS from my PC system. For example, I am just looking now and it says "12/02/2005 02:06". Now, I did not enter that. This is FS's setting because I have the option set (Settings - General) to use System Time. Perhaps you haven't set this?

There are some problems with crossing time zones, which is why I recommended FSRealTime to you. Have you looked for it? Maybe it will answer your needs (which I plainly still do not understand)?



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Hi Pete,

I think he means that if he sets up a flight to start for instance in China he wants the time to be automatically set to the local time of that location instead of the system time of his computer (local time where he lives). If you use system time your local time is applied to the location where your plane is which is not allways correct. When it is daytime in Europe it will be nighttime in China and considering there's difference between day weather and night weather (temperature for instance) it may be useful to also set the appropriate time from the "create a flight" dialog.

While this is not possible in FS there's a utility that can do this. It's called FS Time Keeper and can be found here.



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I think he means that if he sets up a flight to start for instance in China he wants the time to be automatically set to the local time of that location instead of the system time of his computer (local time where he lives).

Oh, right. Sorry, I would never have understood that from what he said. Thanks!

But if you are Creating a Flight initially in any case the date and time are presented to you so it is easy enough to change there and then.

While this is not possible in FS there's a utility that can do this. It's called FS Time Keeper and can be found here.

Thanks. I've not heard of that one. I do use FSRealTime, which allows you to set an offset to your system time -- I'll look at Time Keeper.



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