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FSUIPC for commercial use

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I plan to use FSUIPC for commercial use in my own product.

I assume I can use FSUIPC from my Borland C++ Builder application, to read and set most status to a FS airplane or addon airplane.


Is there a list with all status/commands that are available via FSUIPC, and maybe even a developer free document ?


How does the commercial FSUIPC work for registring external products. What is the FSUIPC price for external products ?


I intend to use about all available aircraft controlls, position, speed, weather and indicator instrument.

It is a small freetime private project, but with some commercial interest. At the moment I just investergate the possibilities for my product.

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I assume I can use FSUIPC from my Borland C++ Builder application, to read and set most status to a FS airplane or addon airplane.

I would assume so also, but you should research your needs first before making any assumptions.

Is there a list with all status/commands that are available via FSUIPC, and maybe even a developer free document ?

Everything there is for developers is included in the FSUIPC SDK, see http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.

How does the commercial FSUIPC work for registring external products. What is the FSUIPC price for external products ?

There is only one "FSUIPC", not a commercial one and a free one. Programs need an access key to interface to it. This is all described in the Access Registration document inside the SDK. There is no fixed price -- see that document.



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OK I did look the develoop download and read initial relevant info.

Just BTW, it doesn't say "for FS2004" at your download site, but the package say it support FS2004.

It acctually included a Borland C++ Builder example. This example works in all matters, compile, connection=OK, request=OK, but the displayed FS local time say 00:00:00.

Note currently I have NO registred FSUIPC.


Is this normal that all looks OK, but the value is zero for unregistrated FSUIPC (similar as unregistred application Squawkbox) ?


Is the FSUIPC licens a singel user or single computer licence (i.e. do I have to pay one licence for each my own computer a EUR 23.20) ?

Regards !

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Just BTW, it doesn't say "for FS2004" at your download site, but the package say it support FS2004.

I don't have a site, only this Forum. Do you mean Enrico Schiratti's page containing my software? Someone would need to write to him and point out a mistake if there is one. Can you be more specific about where you are reading what, please?

I keep the lists of versions in this Forum up to date, and this would be the main definitive point of reference. See announcements near the top.

It acctually included a Borland C++ Builder example. This example works in all matters, compile, connection=OK, request=OK, but the displayed FS local time say 00:00:00.

Are you using a properly registered install of FSUIPC? If not, check the FSUIPC Log file -- I expect it will show that it's not an accredited program.

Note currently I have NO registred FSUIPC.

That probably explains it then. Didn't you get a Message Box from FSUIPC too?

Is this normal that all looks OK, but the value is zero for unregistrated FSUIPC (similar as unregistred application Squawkbox) ?

Unregistered programs can only get certain information like version numbers. But the fact that they are not accredited will be logged, and the first such one used in an FS session should give rise to a Message Box telling you so (and a beep). If you are in full screen mode that message may be hiding behind it.

Is the FSUIPC licens a singel user or single computer licence (i.e. do I have to pay one licence for each my own computer a EUR 23.20) ?

It's per user. I don't like systems which restrict installation to one PC.



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Can you be more specific about where you are reading what, please?

Of cause:


FSUIPC SDK 24th Release:

NEW Software Development Kit for FSUIPC programming, authored by Peter Dowson, Pelle Liljendal and Chris Brett. Contiains very large list of FS offsets as well as source code examples for C/C++, Delphi and VB. (for FS98, FS2000 and FS2002) March 4th 2005 (1.8 MB)

check the FSUIPC Log file

1075141 Client Application: "FSHello" (Id=188)

1075141 C:\Lv\fsuipc_sdk\bcb5\FSHello.exe

1076125 Illegal read attempt: offset 0560, size 3 [P188]

1076125Program or module not accredited for use with this unregistered FSUIPC

1115438 Client Application: "FSHello" (Id=336)

Didn't you get a Message Box from FSUIPC too?


Unregistered programs can only get certain information like version numbers

New try:

Now I did try read FSUIPC version (0x3304). It say LOWORD=0x0000, HIWORD=0x3450 = 3.45 as my FSUIPC version.

No doubt it communicate :D , I just need to buy the full registration.

Licens It's per user.


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(for FS98, FS2000 and FS2002) March 4th 2005 (1.8 MB)

It's just that Enrico hasn't updated the words themselves for a couple of years or so. I'll drop him a line.

1075141 Client Application: "FSHello" (Id=188)

1075141 C:\Lv\fsuipc_sdk\bcb5\FSHello.exe

1076125 Illegal read attempt: offset 0560, size 3 [P188]

1076125Program or module not accredited for use with this unregistered FSUIPC

Yes, that's it.

Didn't you get a Message Box from FSUIPC too?

It only happens once. Probably you didn't see it and it disappeared. I see this attempt is 1075 seconds into the FS session (18 minutes).

Now I did try read FSUIPC version (0x3304). It say LOWORD=0x0000, HIWORD=0x3450 = 3.45 as my FSUIPC version.

It's a little out of date then. I released 3.47 last week. :wink:



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It only happens once. Probably you didn't see it and it disappeared.
At least one Squawkbox user per week don't see it ether (Just for your info), I read all VATSIM post. They just don't find other airplanes/ATC (Latt=0, Long=0, 'cause haven't register).

Thanks for all help. I'll come back when I have something for sale. :D

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