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Date and Time

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Hi Pete,

forgive me if I ask my question in the wrong forum.

I normally create flights (eg. from EDDH to LOWK) and save them. When I then use those flights again they use the Date and Time when they where saved.

Is there a possibility that my saved flights always use the current Date/Time?



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Is there a possibility that my saved flights always use the current Date/Time?

There is an option in FS which says to use System time or Flight time. Check the Options menu.

Mind you, some have said that doesn't work for them. It's been an option in FS for many versions now, but I must admit I use "FSRealTime" to control the FS time.



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Thanks Pete,

I have set the Option "Systemtime" (dont know if I translated it correctly) but as you mentioned allready it does not work.

Could you give me a link where to find "FSRealTime". I searched with Google, got a lot of hits but none pointed me to the "source" of that program.



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Could you give me a link where to find "FSRealTime". I searched with Google, got a lot of hits but none pointed me to the "source" of that program.

It's available in the Avsim library (http://www.avsim.com). Author is Joshua Robertson. The latest version is there now, filename realtime_159172.zip.



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