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IPC Request Contains Bad Data

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I am getting the message "IPC Request Contains Bad Data" inside ShowADV Display. I am using WideFS 6.47 and FSUIPC 3.47 (full version). On my client I am running RADAR Contact 3.1, FDC 1.60, AS2004.5 and Flight Tracker 8.0.1.

The message seems to occur when Route Processing in AS2004, before starting Flight Tracker. I will get the message for what seems like 1-2 minutes, then a reconnect. However, FDC remains disconnected, and will not reconnect because it is out of sequence (not enough hot key slots).

My normal procedure that has always worked until now is start FS on the host, then WideClient / ShowADV / RADAR Contact / FDC / AS2004 / and finally Flight Tracker.

This has happened with two different flights and two different add ons.

Any help or suggestions appreciated.

Joe Lorenc

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I am getting the message "IPC Request Contains Bad Data" inside ShowADV Display. I am using WideFS 6.47 and FSUIPC 3.47 (full version). On my client I am running RADAR Contact 3.1, FDC 1.60, AS2004.5 and Flight Tracker 8.0.1.

I don't know ShowADV. Is that like the ShowText utility packaged with AdvDisplay? Is it running on the same PC as all those others?

The message seems to occur when Route Processing in AS2004, before starting Flight Tracker. I will get the message for what seems like 1-2 minutes, then a reconnect. However, FDC remains disconnected, and will not reconnect because it is out of sequence (not enough hot key slots).

What has "not enough hot key slots" got to do with the sequence? there should certainly be enough slots for both Radar Contact and FDC!

This has happened with two different flights and two different add ons.

What "add-ons" other than those you list above? Sorry, you lost me there.

Check the WideClient.Log and WideServer.Log files. See if there any errors reported. Have you made any changes to the WideFS INI files? I don't know all of those programs you mention, but you may need to change the ApplicationDelay -- it should be defaulting to 0, but this may enable one of your programs to monopolise the interface.

Also, I think both Radar Contact and FDC need good use of the sound card. Don't they clash somewhat on the same PC?



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I don't know ShowADV. Is that like the ShowText utility packaged with AdvDisplay? Is it running on the same PC as all those others?

Show AdvDisplay is what the window heading reads using ShowText - should have just said "ShowText".

What has "not enough hot key slots" got to do with the sequence? there should certainly be enough slots for both Radar Contact and FDC!

Well it seems to have a lot to do with it. In the FDC forums there have been reports about the "start sequence" when using multiple add ons on the client. Not Enough Hot Key Slots is very commmon if not starting in a proper sequence with FDC. I can not restart FDC once the IPC REQUEST error occurs, same as if FDC is started out of order.

What "add-ons" other than those you list above? Sorry, you lost me there.

Sorry - should have clarified - two different aircraft add ons - Level-D 767 and PMDG 737NG, and the default Cessna 172 as well.

Also, I think both Radar Contact and FDC need good use of the sound card. Don't they clash somewhat on the same PC?

Other than the starting sequence issue above I have been running both on the client PC without issue (I purchased FDC over two years ago and have been running in this fashion for almost that entire time).

Will check log files - no changes to ini files - just dropped latest DLLs and executables in their respective positions.



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Well it seems to have a lot to do with it. In the FDC forums there have been reports about the "start sequence" when using multiple add ons on the client. Not Enough Hot Key Slots is very commmon if not starting in a proper sequence with FDC.

It sounds like FDC is just wanting to grab so many slots from the start of the table then, instead of doing as documented and scanning down for the vacant entries. :(



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Just for the record there are no requirements to start FDC before or after Radar Contact. That issue was addressed way back in version 1.2, released 30th January 2003.

Taken from that readme and subsequent readme's under the heading 'Version History'

MADE a small change to ensure compatibility with Radar Contact 3 where we were getting some Hotkey contention. This change should allow you to start RC3 and FDC in any order rather than having to always start RC3 first.

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Just for the record there are no requirements to start FDC before or after Radar Contact. That issue was addressed way back in version 1.2, released 30th January 2003.

Thanks for the clarification Dave! Seems that some folks are still using very old versions!

Best regards,


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Just for the record I am using version 1.6 (as clearly stated in my initial thread), and if I do not start in the proper sequnce (RADAR CONTACT then FDC then AS2004) I do get the error.

I am not some folk using an old version.

My ini and log files for Wide FS:

Wide server ini:

; PLEASE SEE the documentation for parameter details

; ==================================================










; -----------------------------------------------



; ===============================================



WideServer LOG:

********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.47] *********

Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

Date (dmy): 06/03/05, Time 19:55:42.593: Server name is BIG-DADDY

107453 Initialising TCP/IP server

107532 Initialising IPX/SPX server

107563 ServerNode=256.31029.0.0.256

107563 *** WARNING! *** This ServerNode is probably incorrect! Running IPXROUTE to get list ...

107563 IPXROUTE config >"D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\MODULES\WideServer.ipx"

109625The correct value is probably one of these:

109625 ServerNode=0.0.16384.50275.50948 ("Local Area Connection")

109625 ServerNode=0.0.29366.21024.21313 ("NDISWANIPX")

155188 Restarting service due to total lack of use

220110 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=2300)

220141 Connected to computer "BIG_KAHUNA" running WideClient version 6.470 (skt=2300)

411047 Error 10053: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=2300)

438860 Closing down now ...

Memory managed: Offset records: 134 alloc, 134 free

Throughput maximum achieved: 12 frames/sec, 505 bytes/sec

Throughput average achieved for complete session: 1 frames/sec, 35 bytes/sec

Average receive rate from "BIG_KAHUNA": 1 frames/sec, 338 bytes/sec

********* Log file closed *********

WideClient Ini:

; PLEASE SEE WideFS documentation for parameter details



















; -----------------------------------------------




WIdeClient Log:

********* WideClient Log [version 6.47] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 06/03/05, Time 20:01:45.397: Client name is BIG_KAHUNA

550 Attempting to connect now

711 Trying TCP/IP host "BIG-DADDY" port 8002 ...

711Okay, IP Address =

711 Connection made okay!

3985 New Client Application: "ShowText" (Id=3540)

15782 New Client Application: "rcv31" (Id=3612)

20770 New Client Application: "Flightdeck_Companion" (Id=3188)

30744 New Client Application: "AS2004" (Id=2016)

191455 ****** End of session performance summary ******

191465 Total time connected = 189 seconds

191465 Reception maximum: 11 frames/sec, 467 bytes/sec

191465 Reception average whilst connected: 5 frames/sec, 163 bytes/sec

191465 Transmission maximum: 12 frames/sec, 3794 bytes/sec

191465 Transmission average whilst connected: 2 frames/sec, 393 bytes/sec

191465 Max receive buffer = 368, Max send depth = 20, Send frames lost = 0

191465 **************** Individual client application activity ****************

191465 Client 3540 requests: 220 (Ave 1/sec), Data: 31500 bytes (166/sec), Average 143 bytes/Process

191465 Client 3612 requests: 2845 (Ave 15/sec), Data: 98937 bytes (523/sec), Average 34 bytes/Process

191465 Client 3188 requests: 25804 (Ave 136/sec), Data: 6452995 bytes (34142/sec), Average 250 bytes/Process

191465 Client 2016 requests: 394 (Ave 2/sec), Data: 52596 bytes (278/sec), Average 133 bytes/Process

191465 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 20, Alloc 30374 Freed 30374 Refused 0) *********

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Well I do sincerely apologize. It just seemed as if my original post which stated I was using the latest versions, and that the fact I stated the problem is occuring now was being ignored. :oops:

The issue iwith FDC is secondary though.

I do believe the IPC Request Contains Bad Data issue is not caused by FDC. Maybe I need to discuss it with the Active Sky folks as it occurs when it is processing a route in AS2004.5. A lot of times it is hard to know where to begin, I figured they would refer me here since the error shows in WideFS. The effect causes a problem in FDC, but I do not see FDC as the source since it is idle when I get the BAD DATA message.

Again Pete, please accept my apology.


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