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Problem with my WideFS need help please

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Project magenta checked my system because it was freezing and they send me the following:

As you can see from the wideclient log you failed to enter the servername or

IP address, please check WideFS documentation and provide these parameters,

you have to configure the communication to your own network specification.

If using IP we advise top provide the IP address instead of the servername

if possible...

Where Can I find the info and fixe this problem?

Thanks y'all


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Project magenta checked my system because it was freezing

Freezing? If, as they found out, you never told WideClient how to contact the Flight Sim PC (the Server), it would never have started at all, so how could it freeze? that doesn't make sense.

Where Can I find the info and fixe this problem?

The WideFS ZIP package comes with documentation. Please take a look at that some time. There's both a "DOC" and "PDF" version so it will be easy enough to open and rwad, or even print.

The "info" I presume you need, so you can give it to WideClient, is the name of your Server. This is the name you gave it, the name it is seen as by other PCs on your Network. If you've no idea what you called it you can find out easily by looking for the file "WideServer.log" in your FS Modules folder (it will be there once you have run FS once with WideServer installed). Look in that file for the line near the top showing as, for example:

Date (dmy): 21/07/05, Time 14:00:29.578: Server name is NEWLEFT

Here the Server Name is actually "NEWLEFT", because that's what I called it. Yours will be different.

If this is all still too difficult for you (though I assure you it is all a lot easier than flying an aircraft properly -- you just need to read some short documentation first, not many manuals) then please wait for a few weeks when I shall be releasing version 6.50 of WideFS, which has clients which find the Server for themselves. I have worked out how to do this recently from a new book -- but it can only be done if everything is running on Windows 2000 or Windows XP.



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I check my WideServer.log and teh server name was computer

Where do I modify that to the client server? Do I go to ClientServer.log ?

IP Adress are all the same but still freeze for a few second while the plane keep on going.

What the difference between WideClient.0.log and WideClient.log?

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I check my WideServer.log and teh server name was computer

Where do I modify that to the client server?

Please find the WideFS.ZIP file, the one you got WideFS from. Look inside that and you will see a WideFS.doc file (there is also a WideFS.pdf which is the same). This is called "documentation". Please take a look. it does tell you ALL these things, and in particular it tells you how to edit the INI files (not "Log" files which are logs of things that happen!) to make things work.

You set the ServerName parameter in the WideClient.INI file, in the [Config] section. Then it knows where FS is.

Quite honestly if you not bothered to look things up I am not going to continue to spell it all out here. I spend a lot of time writing documentation and it shouldn't have to be repeated here, at least not the basics like this.

If your problem is that you don't understand English at all then maybe we can get someone who does speak your language to help here. But quite honestly I don't understand how you can get complex systems such as Project Magenta up and running if you cannot even set one simple parameter in one INI file for WideFS.

IP Adress are all the same but still freeze for a few second while the plane keep on going.

I have no idea what you are talking about here. This seems to be nothing to do with WideFS. As I said before, if your Client PC does not know where your FS PC is then WideFS isn't going to even START to work. There's certainly no "freezing" going to happen because it won't start in the first place.

There's really no way you can have a successful Network with all the IP addresses the same. They have to be all different or they won't talk to each other.

What the difference between WideClient.0.log and WideClient.log?

One is older than the other, giving the results of the previous session so you can reload and carry on whilst still solving the previous errors if any. Just as for the ServerName business this is explained in the documentation. I do wish you'd take a little time out and try to read some of it.

I don't mind answering questions which are not answered in the documentation or which are for some reason obscure there, but everything you've asked indicates you have not even looked at anything like documentation at all. The basic setup of WideFS is so simple, involving very little work on your part. If you really want to do so little then please wait for the next version which will even find the Server for you.


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I set all that and the program is running fine. They only problem is that the gages freeze. What can be the problem and what kind I do about it. If it freeze it is not in your documentation that I printed and read. Projet magenta people told me to contact you because the problem was Wide Server ??? Sorry if I ask you but I need help on this.

Here's the log note pad.

********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.47] *********

Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

Date (dmy): 21/07/05, Time 08:43:46.312: Server name is COMPUTER

84109 Initialising TCP/IP server

85140 Initialising IPX/SPX server

85140 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10047] Address family not supported by protocol family

85140 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

85500 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3192)

85500 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3360)

85500 Connected to computer "AL-6B0" running WideClient version 6.470 (skt=3192)

85500 Connected to computer "AL-6B013BA69872" running WideClient version 6.470 (skt=3360)

85812 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3404)

85828 Connected to computer "AL-6B" running WideClient version 6.470 (skt=3404)

522703 Closing down now ...

Memory managed: Offset records: 393 alloc, 393 free

Throughput maximum achieved: 168 frames/sec, 17542 bytes/sec

Throughput average achieved for complete session: 47 frames/sec, 4344 bytes/sec

Average receive rate from "AL-6B013BA69872": 0 frames/sec, 24 bytes/sec

Average receive rate from "AL-6B0": 0 frames/sec, 21 bytes/sec

Average receive rate from "AL-6B": 17 frames/sec, 2038 bytes/sec

********* Log file closed *********

********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.47] *********

Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

Date (dmy): 21/07/05, Time 08:59:42.593: Server name is COMPUTER

55719 Initialising TCP/IP server

56500 Initialising IPX/SPX server

56500 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10047] Address family not supported by protocol family

56500 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

56891 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3344)

56891 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3356)

56891 Connected to computer "AL-6B" running WideClient version 6.470 (skt=3344)

56891 Connected to computer "AL-6B013BA69872" running WideClient version 6.470 (skt=3356)

57235 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3376)

57235 Connected to computer "AL-6B0" running WideClient version 6.470 (skt=3376)

********* WideClient Log [version 6.47] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 06/07/05, Time 10:41:15.484: Client name is FS

609 Attempting to connect now

3203 Error: TCP/IP needs ServerName or IP address!

3203 Failed to connect: waiting to try again

4218 Attempting to connect now

5906 Error: TCP/IP needs ServerName or IP address!

********* WideClient Log [version 6.47] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 06/07/05, Time 10:43:21.640: Client name is FS

563 Attempting to connect now

5031 Error: TCP/IP needs ServerName or IP address!

5031 Failed to connect: waiting to try again

6047 Attempting to connect now

12172 Error: TCP/IP needs ServerName or IP address!

23328 ****** End of session performance summary ******

23328 Total time connected = 0 seconds

23328 Reception maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

23328 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

23328 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0

23328 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********



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I set all that and the program is running fine. They only problem is that the gages freeze. What can be the problem and what kind I do about it.

I have no idea because I need to see the relevant logs. You have showed two logs from the same WideServer, and two logs from the same WideClient -- and the WideClient log you showed is from a PC which is not connecting in any case because you have still not given it the ServerName!!

Look at the Server log:

85500 Connected to computer "AL-6B0" running WideClient version 6.470 (skt=3192)

85500 Connected to computer "AL-6B013BA69872" running WideClient version 6.470 (skt=3360)

85812 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3404)

85828 Connected to computer "AL-6B" running WideClient version 6.470 (skt=3404)

You appear to have three PCs connecting:




This is a most weird choice of computer names, which is suspicious in itself, but worse your Wideclient log (for which you showed two) is for a completely different PC:

Date (dmy): 06/07/05, Time 10:41:15.484: Client name is FS

609 Attempting to connect now

3203 Error: TCP/IP needs ServerName or IP address!

3203 Failed to connect: waiting to try again

See? This is from a PC named "FS", and its WideClient cannot possibly connect because, as it clearly says, you have still not told it the ServerName!

Looking again at the WideServer log:

522703 Closing down now ...

Memory managed: Offset records: 393 alloc, 393 free

Throughput maximum achieved: 168 frames/sec, 17542 bytes/sec

Throughput average achieved for complete session: 47 frames/sec, 4344 bytes/sec

Average receive rate from "AL-6B013BA69872": 0 frames/sec, 24 bytes/sec

Average receive rate from "AL-6B0": 0 frames/sec, 21 bytes/sec

Average receive rate from "AL-6B": 17 frames/sec, 2038 bytes/sec

This part shows several interesting things.

First, you were up and running for over 7 minutes (522.703 - 85.828 secs) and WideServer recorded no problems at all. If there are problems reported they must be in the WideClient logs which you have not supplied.

The second thing to notice is that the PC called "AL-6B" performed well and provided 17 frames per second, whilst the other two contributed a lot less.

This may not indicate any error -- it is possible that AL-6B is running the MCP or the CDU or both, therefore writing a lot back to the Server, whilst the other two are merely displaying things -- the PFD.EXE program probably.

This is just guesswork of course, because you have not supplied the WideClient Logs for the three PCs which are running WideClient, only for one (called FS) which is not participating at all.

If you would try to provide relevant information I can tell you whether you have a Network problem or not. With the information you have supplied I see nothing wrong. In fact WideFS's performance seems rather good, look:

Throughput maximum achieved: 168 frames/sec, 17542 bytes/sec

Throughput average achieved for complete session: 47 frames/sec, 4344 bytes/sec

47 frames per second between the 3 PCs, as an overall average, it quite respectable and should easily assure you of smooth running.



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I run the PDF and EFIS in two different computers and it freeze up at the same time. Seems that the problem come from the main computer.

Anyway, my friend who tries to help me will take a look at it. He sells computer and knows about them. I will keep you inform. Hope to find the problem. We have the same Ip address as required but we will go over it all over again.



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I run the PDF and EFIS in two different computers and it freeze up at the same time. Seems that the problem come from the main computer.

From the logs you have 5 computers, the one called COMPUTER running FS, one called FS which you have shoed WideClient logs for but isn't ruynning anything correctly because you've not given it the ServerName, and the three PCs with odd names as listed above. It is the WideClient logs of those three you should be looking at.

Also, the wideClient log shows nothing freezing at all, everything is running fine according to that.

We have the same Ip address as required but we will go over it all over again.

You have said this before, and as I told you, you MUST NOT have the same IP address! They must all be different!! Where do you get this "as required" from?


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We did all this and it was still kicking. I turn off all computer except the FS computer and opened one computer at the time. Everthing worked fine until we opened computer 4 with CDU and as soon as it opened it started to kick again. I turned computer 4 off and no more kicking. Note that we did not load the cdu/fms. Maybe this is the problem. Will test it again tomorrow without computer 4.

Pete I just want to tell you how much I appreciate your patience with me. I am very very sorry about the problem and just hope to be able to enjoy it teh best way possible.


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We did all this and it was still kicking. I turn off all computer except the FS computer and opened one computer at the time. Everthing worked fine until we opened computer 4 with CDU and as soon as it opened it started to kick again. I turned computer 4 off and no more kicking. Note that we did not load the cdu/fms. Maybe this is the problem

I don't understand what "kicking" is in this context, but if this "computer 4" (what a better name that would be than the real ones you have! ) was not even running WideClient when it was interfering, then it sounds like it has a wildly misbehaving network interface or card.


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