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MyFsGoogleEarth 1.0 and widefs

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Hi Pete and Jurgen. I tested this good program with GoogleEarth on the same pc where FS9 is and all is working ok.

When I try to use Google Earth on a different pc with wide fs client i have some troubles to set it expecially for server ip. and locations. It is not clear for me which address to use either on setup either on GoogleEarth.

Is it possible to have a little tutorial?


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When I try to use Google Earth on a different pc with wide fs client i have some troubles to set it expecially for server ip. and locations. It is not clear for me which address to use either on setup either on GoogleEarth.

Is it possible to have a little tutorial?

Sorry, I only know as much as you can read about the GoogleEarth link. What sort of tutorial do you want? The documentation by the author seems excellent and I'm sure he'll answer questions if you have any.

If you mean WideFS tutorial, it is unnecessary. Don't use any IP addresses, just put the ServerName into WideClient.INI, as per documentation. If you download the Beta WideFs from this Forum you don't even need to do that providing both PCs are running Win XP. It sorts it automatically.


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Thanks Pete.

Nothing about widefs setup. It is a long time i use it and it is very clear and excellent

My question are about two widefs pcs use of FS GoogleHeart only. Tutorial is clear for one FS and GoogleHeart pc, but nothing for a widefs use.So

1° Where to put FSGoogleHeart 1-0-1 program? On FS pc or widefs GoogleHeart pc? And so on which ip address on its setup?

2° Which GoogleHeart address location have i to put if FSGoogleHearth program is on a different FS pc?

Securely something I understood about this setup is wrong. For this reason a step by step about how to do it would be welcome.

I'm sorry to ask these questions here, but i have no Jurgen mail address.

Thanks Pete again for all you do.


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Tutorial is clear for one FS and GoogleHeart pc, but nothing for a widefs use.

Surely, since the whole point of WideFs is to allow programs which interface to FSUIPC to run on another PC, you do exactly as the tutorial says but on the WideFS client PC instead of on the FS PC?

1° Where to put FSGoogleHeart 1-0-1 program? On FS pc or widefs GoogleHeart pc? And so on which ip address on its setup?

You must surely put it on the PC on which you want to run it? That is the point of having the program, so you can run it on the PC of your choice. There's no point putting it on the FS PC if you want to run it on the client PC.

As for IP addresses, why should any of that be any different? I don't understand why the Google linking and so on is changing simply because you install programs on PC2 instead of PC1.

2° Which GoogleHeart address location have i to put if FSGoogleHearth program is on a different FS pc?

I don't know, I haven't a clue what this question means I'm afraid. What is different about having it on PC2 instead of PC1 which gives rise to these questions?

I think you need to ask questions about MyGoogleEarth of the MyGoogleEarth author, please.

Securely something I understood about this setup is wrong. For this reason a step by step about how to do it would be welcome.

I really don't know how to answer -- should I reproduce MyGoogleEarth's long website instructions here? No, of course not. But what else? I don't understand what you are seeing different about installing it and setting it up on a different PC. Just pretend your client PC has FS installed in it and do the same as if it was.

I'm at a loss. Sorry.

I'm sorry to ask these questions here, but i have no Jurgen mail address.

He doesn't support his programs? Not even on his website?

Really, if I knew anything about all this I would maybe be able to be more excplicit, but I am not the author, I tried it but once, a few weeks ago. I don't actually get time to play with such niceties so I don't learn that much about them. But his instructions did seem to be clear enough. I am not sure how I help.



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Ok, maybe I can be of some help.

:arrow: First the "MyFSGoogleEarth"-Program, running on PC#2:

In the field labelled "Server IP" you put in the network IP of the PC on which "MyFSGoogleEarth" is running, normally the PC on which the WideFS Client is running.

:arrow: Then "GoogleEarth" itself, also running on PC#2:

When configuring the "network links", in the field labelled "Location" use again the network IP of the "MyFSGoogelEarth" PC. The entry in the filed should look similar to e.g.:

Hope this helps. :)

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Hope this helps. :)

Thanks for coming in here.

Tell me, is what you've said any different from what you do if you only have one PC and want to run it on the FS PC? That was what was confusing me about the questions -- why would it be any different?



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