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FS9 future updates

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With the release of FSx....will you continue w/ updates to FSUIPC which effect FS9

Well, it won't be the priority. Certainly there may be bug fixes yet to come. I still have to release 3.71 of FSUIPC and 6.71 of WideFS.

In general there is so much new potential in FSX which can't be applied back to FS2004 that I doubt there will be anything new in the way of user facilities in FSUIPC3. This is why, in the earlier monthos of this year I went furiously at it, adding all of the facilities I had been asked for that were still on my list. There are actually none left on the list!

I someone comes up with a good idea which is easily applicable to both, I will probably implement it in both, however.

If no future updates are planned I will remove your site and not check for any new updates for FS9.

I assume you mean a shortcut?

Well as you like, but you are only saving a few bytes of space. Seems an odd 'saving' really! ;-)



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That is true the short cut...I have alot of sites on my "Favorites list" and when I see no further nn for them they get removed. But plz don't take this to mean I will never look again..To put it another way .....like some acrft I have when I know there are no more patches to be released I don't make a point of checking these sites each day or few days, hence the question asked of you. I am going to be absolete since I will not have FSX. I have to draw the line somewhere...I can't afford to update my system or acrft each time MS decides to release a new product. I loved FS2002 my system was built around it(hated FS2000 ) but FS2004 had things which were important to me and as such I went to it and in the process had to re-purchase my fleet at a cost that has now become prohibitive. I have learned alot from you and I still have much more to learn. Thank you again and for your fast reply....Vincent

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