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GoFlight GF-TQ6 Throttle Quadrant

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I posted a previous post on this subject on 11 July 2006, which you answered promptly. However I have carefully applied the flap and spoiler (partial success, but still wont ARM properly) procedures laid down in the FSUIPC Manual, but to no avail. As you said to do this in flight, I set up a low level scenic (6000 feet) around the Seattle area at 160kts in a PMDG B737NG.

With the flaps and setting the UP position I was getting (L to R) 0 (IN) SET (1) 0 SET (2) 1 SET (3). Next line -16383 (OUT)

The Flaps 1 gave my 978/1304 (IN) then 0, 978, 10084.

In attempting to get Flaps 2 the keyboard beep started to go off.

I am getting very frustrated and starting to think the GF-TQ6 is a lemon, but I hope not as the throttles and reverse thrust levers work very well.

What am I doing wrong?


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I have carefully applied the flap and spoiler (partial success, but still wont ARM properly) procedures laid down in the FSUIPC Manual, but to no avail. As you said to do this in flight

The "ARM" zone can be as large or as small as you like, but get it working in a default aircraft -- more complex aircraft may be interfering with their own control.

With the flaps]/quote]

You don't need to be doing that whilst flying. I trust you parked the aircraft first?

and setting the UP position I was getting (L to R) 0 (IN) SET (1) 0 SET (2) 1 SET (3). Next line -16383 (OUT)

The Flaps 1 gave my 978/1304 (IN) then 0, 978, 10084.

Sorry, I don't really understand what you are doing or saying there. I cannot even envisage where you are reading these numbers, except for in an out -- the Centre number, where you seem to say you have "1" is merely a default. YOU have to calibrate that for the detente number shown above (#1 to start) -- and there are TWO numbers for centres, not one, it is a RANGE of vlues, not one value!

Let's start from a known position. Calibrate your flaps axis just like any other -- don't try detente setting yet. If you already tried things, press "Reset" then "Set". Set your flaps up as "Min", full flaps as "Max". Make sure you leave a little room either end for slight variations.

Put the axis back to flaps up, press the "Dt" button. You should see the #0 #1 #2 labels at the top. The entre heading indicates it is ready to set detente #1. Move the lever either side of the first detente and set the "centre range" in the column. Make sure there's enough space either side to cater for variations.

Use the scroll buttons above the centre values to move to #2, and so on.

Don't worry about the IN and OUT values. All you are concerned with is setting a series of "centre" values, a pair for each detente.



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