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Hello Gang!

How can I program the arm spoiler function in FSX with GoFlight throttle quadrant and FSUIPC? I got the lever to work well when used manually, but I can't figure out how to get it to arm the spoilers when I move the lever to the arm detent position!

Thanks for your help!



Hello Folks!

Thanks for your input, but I know this already. What I need help is precisely doing what you recommend. I see that I can do this setup in FSUIPC, but I don't know where to start. I go to the Axis Assignment tab and all those setting look like chinese to me. Please help me understand how I can program my spoiler lever to arm the spoilers and also to control them in flight.

Thanks again!


  EW321 said:

It doesn't work in the same way like FS9.

I didnt't get it to work.

Hi Thomas,

I don't understand. It works the same way in FSX here. I simply copied over the same INI file sections to my FSX installation. Can you tell me what you are doing, exactly, and I'll try to follow it here to see why it isn't working for you?



  DMullert said:

I see that I can do this setup in FSUIPC, but I don't know where to start. I go to the Axis Assignment tab and all those setting look like chinese to me.

Don't go to that tab. The FSUIPC axis assignments are for clever folks wanting to do clever things not supported by FS itself. Spoilers are supported on an axis in FS itself.

Go to FS's Options-Controls-Assignments. Assign your spoiler to your axis there, following normal FS methods. There's really no need for you to bypass all of that. Make sure FS's sensitivity slider is full right (max) and the null zone full left (off).

Get it all working in FS without using FSUIPC first. Only then go to FSUIPC's Joystick Calibration tab and calibrate both end points (making sure to leave a little dead zone either end), and then set the two centre values to give you an "ARM" zone wherever you want.

There are simple numbered steps for calibration given in the User Guide.




Hi Pete!

You probably think I'm as dumb as they come. I still have some trouble fully understanding how these darn spoilers can be properly programmed. This is what I'm doing (which is not working by the way). I move my spoilers lever all the way up and press the Set 1 button. Move it down to the Spoilers Arm position and hit the second Set button, move the lever all the way down and hit the third Set button. Spoilers move up and down just fine when I move the lever, but they do not arm in flight - they do not deploy upon touchdown. Any ideas what i may be doing wrong?

Thanks again!

Thanks for your patience!


  DMullert said:

I move my spoilers lever all the way up and press the Set 1 button. Move it down to the Spoilers Arm position and hit the second Set button, move the lever all the way down and hit the third Set button.

Erthere are TWO values for the middle "Set" button. Don't you see them, one under the other? They define the RANGE for the Arm position. You cannot expect to find an exact position which always gives an exact value, and even if you could find it, values vary very slightly all on their own.

This is why I carefully prepared numbered steps in the document for you to follow. Please just follow them exactly. This is the relevant one:


6. For controls which have centres or intermediate ‘idle’ positions (aileron, elevator, rudder, spoiler, trim and the separate throttle and propeller pitch controls where centre (idle) is between forward and reverse), position the control in its centre, détente (e.g. “arm” for spoiler) or default position. Pressing the centre “Set” button will enter the value in one or other of the two boxes beneath. Each time you press Set the alternate value is recorded, and the boxes show the two most recent values in order (lower above higher). If the values are the same you will have no dead zone around the centre.



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