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Nav 2 selection

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I am using the pmrj suite and the setup I have for the radio uses one rotary encoder to change the values on the com and nav radios including the transponder and adf.

Now they all work except for Nav 2. I just cant seem to be able to select the .xx digits.

I was trying to use offset 0374 but cant work out how to get it to work in fsuipc.

Basically its just a joystick button mapped through fsuipc, but am unsure of which selection to use. Previously I was using the keysend feature ( N2) to select the nav 2 radio.

Any ideas welcome.


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I am using the pmrj suite and the setup I have for the radio uses one rotary encoder to change the values on the com and nav radios including the transponder and adf.

Now they all work except for Nav 2. I just cant seem to be able to select the .xx digits.

Sorry, I'm confused already. Does the "pmRJ suite" support the radio stack or are you talking about something independent of PM working with FS direct?

If you are talking about driving pmRJ then you need to ask your questions via the PM support webgroup or support email.

I was trying to use offset 0374 but cant work out how to get it to work in fsuipc.

As documented, neither 0374 nor 0378 have done anything in FSUIPC since FS2000 days. They aren't needed and have no function in any case. They are both being re-used for other things in FSX.

Basically its just a joystick button mapped through fsuipc, but am unsure of which selection to use. Previously I was using the keysend feature ( N2) to select the nav 2 radio.

But the N selections (I thought it was N for NAV1 and NN for NAV2, etc? But maybe they've changed to N1 and N2?) are to select the radios for use with the +/- type keypresses for incrementing or decrementing.

I am really at a loss to understand what you are doing. I don't know where "pmRJ" comes into it, so the rest of my answer here will be on the assumption that the pmRJ reference is spurious. If it isn't, if it is something to do with pmRJ's own radio treatment, then you need to talk to PM.

Okay then: if you are using the keypresses as you would on a keyboard, then you could stick to those and they should work. If you are using controls then I think the NAV RADIO control is the equivalent to the "N" but you'd then still need the 1 or 2.

However, there are FS INC and DEC controls to adjust the radios -- separate ones for each . They start "NAV1 ..." or "NAV2 ..." and are included in the drop down controls lists in FSUIPC's Keys and Buttons tabs.

For one rotary you could have your NAV select button switch between to lots of FS controls, via the conditional button assignment facilities as described in the FSUIPC Advanced User's documentation. It would mena editing the FSUIPC.INI file though.



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Sorry, I'm confused already. Does the "pmRJ suite" support the radio stack or are you talking about something independent of PM working with FS direct?

PM are just mimicing the standard lear radiostack. All commands are going through FS direct. Except for the rotary encoder. This is a phidget running through wideFS sending keystrokes - / +.

As documented, neither 0374 nor 0378 have done anything in FSUIPC since FS2000 days. They aren't needed and have no function in any case. They are both being re-used for other things in FSX.

Oops didnt see that in the doc. I do have FSX just waiting on the key for fsuipc for fsx.

But the N selections (I thought it was N for NAV1 and NN for NAV2, etc? But maybe they've changed to N1 and N2?) are to select the radios for use with the +/- type keypresses for incrementing or decrementing.

I just checked again, it is N1 N2. And I was using the + /- keypresses through the rotary encoder.

Okay then: if you are using the keypresses as you would on a keyboard, then you could stick to those and they should work. If you are using controls then I think the NAV RADIO control is the equivalent to the "N" but you'd then still need the 1 or 2.

yep thats it, I can select the the first three digits of the frequency, just not the last 2.

However, there are FS INC and DEC controls to adjust the radios -- separate ones for each . They start "NAV1 ..." or "NAV2 ..." and are included in the drop down controls lists in FSUIPC's Keys and Buttons tabs.

Yep I have tried them as well. I was just thinking if I had a rotary for each radio I wouldnt have a problem.

For one rotary you could have your NAV select button switch between to lots of FS controls, via the conditional button assignment facilities as described in the FSUIPC Advanced User's documentation. It would mena editing the FSUIPC.INI file though.

Ok I will do some more reading into that. (Baileys on the rocks, with the fsuipc manual to read, sounds good)

Anyway thanks for you help in this, I was hoping that FSX would have cleared that problem up, but it works the same as fs9.


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PM are just mimicing the standard lear radiostack. All commands are going through FS direct. Except for the rotary encoder. This is a phidget running through wideFS sending keystrokes - / +.

So pmRJ is irrelevant to the question?

Can't phidgets send button presses? That would be esier. Otherwise you might be better having it send unallocated key combinations like CTRL+ALT+X and programming the actions as controls in FSUIPC's Keys page.

I just checked again, it is N1 N2. And I was using the + /- keypresses through the rotary encoder.

So what is the problem?

yep thats it, I can select the the first three digits of the frequency, just not the last 2.

How would you normally do that via the keyboard? I'm still a bit confused here about what your question really is!

There are separate FS controls not only for NAV1 and NAV2 but also for the whole number part and the fractional parts.

Yep I have tried them as well. I was just thinking if I had a rotary for each radio I wouldnt have a problem.

It would be easier, of course. But it can be done with one provided you have a switch or button you can program to change a Button Flag and the use conditionals in the Button programming in FSUIPC. But I'm afraid there's no clever programming tricks in FSUIPC for Key presses. If your Phidgets driver can send buttons it would be better.

If Phidgets cannot send buttons directly, have a look at using the ButtonKeys facilities in Wideclient -- check the documentation section entitled "ButtonKeys: making use of FSUIPC’s virtual buttons facilities" In the WideFS documentation. You can use any keystrokes on the client to operate any of the 288 virtual buttons in FSUIPC, then program them there instead of messing with keystrokes.



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So pmRJ is irrelevant to the question?

yep, sorry.

Can't phidgets send button presses? That would be esier. Otherwise you might be better having it send unallocated key combinations like CTRL+ALT+X and programming the actions as controls in FSUIPC's Keys page.

yep they can. The rotary encoder is sending the keypresses + / - to increase and decrease selection depending on which radio was being tuned.

So what is the problem?

To put it simply. I cant select the fractional numbers on nav 2. I can get the whole numbers if i use fsuipc's keysend function using N on press and 2 on release.

On nav 1 I also use the keypress feature and just send a N to fs, once for whole numbers and twice for fractionals. (twice in quick sucession)

How would you normally do that via the keyboard? I'm still a bit confused here about what your question really is!

In fs that would be key presses N 2 for whole then N2 N2 for fractionals. This dosent seem to work very well even using the keyboard. Its very hit and miss.

But I'm afraid there's no clever programming tricks in FSUIPC for Key presses.

Was afraid of that.

If Phidgets cannot send buttons directly, have a look at using the ButtonKeys facilities in Wideclient -- check the documentation section entitled "ButtonKeys: making use of FSUIPC’s virtual buttons facilities" In the WideFS documentation. You can use any keystrokes on the client to operate any of the 288 virtual buttons in FSUIPC, then program them there instead of messing with keystrokes.

Ok, great I will look into to that as well.

Thanks again for all your help, I have only used fsuipc for a few weeks and have been finding it very helpful.


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yep they can. The rotary encoder is sending the keypresses + / - to increase and decrease selection depending on which radio was being tuned.

If they can send controls, why not send controls. Better than keypresses any day.

To put it simply. I cant select the fractional numbers on nav 2.

but you can on NAV1? How do you do it on the real keyboard -- I assume you are simply sending keypresses as if they were from the keyboard, so what's the difference?

I can get the whole numbers if i use fsuipc's keysend function using N on press and 2 on release.

Ernow it IS really confusing. The KeySend facilities are for sending keypresses from the SERVER to the CLIENT, not the other way around!

I think you need to start again, please and tell me what the actual problem is in the context of the way you've set it up.

In fs that would be key presses N 2 for whole then N2 N2 for fractionals. This dosent seem to work very well even using the keyboard. Its very hit and miss.

I'm not surprised. Why not use FS controls?



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but you can on NAV1? How do you do it on the real keyboard -- I assume you are simply sending keypresses as if they were from the keyboard, so what's the difference?

I think it is in the way the keypresses are delivered.

press N and you can change whole numbers on Nav1.

press NN and you change fractional numbers on Nav1

This is why nav 1 is easy, have a joystick button mapped to N and works fine.

For nav2:

press N2 to change whole numbers (which I can get by mapping N to a press and 2 to a release in fsuipc)

press NN2 to change fractionals <-- this is the problem I cant get the button to imitate this.

I think my problem is very unique, maybe its not able to be done this way with just one button.

It would be so much easier if FS had a keyboard (or joy) command to go straight to the NAV 2 fractional selection and whole numbers for that matter rather than pressing N's and #'s. That being said 1 rotary per frequency as in the 737 would solve the problem. Unfortunatley the Lear dosent have that feature.

On a side note I tried using NAV 2 Set in the buttons and key presses section of fsuipc but to no avail, i have no idea what this does.

Thanks again, I think I will have to try and nut it out, there has got to be a solution somewhere.


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It would be so much easier if FS had a keyboard (or joy) command to go straight to the NAV 2 fractional selection and whole numbers for that matter rather than pressing N's and #'s.

Well, with already 12 controls available to do whatever you weant I suppose andding more, just for keyboard users, wouldn't even be a thought. I realy forgot all about those NNN tpye ways of selecting thing -- they date from about FS1 or FS2 or so when joysticks had only one or two buttons and keyboard operation was essensital. now its all buttons or mouse, and buttons use controls.

Actually most keys use controls too, in the end, but there are still those strange arrangements with numbers (== controls SELECT 1 to 4) which are a hangover from the early days.

On a side note I tried using NAV 2 Set in the buttons and key presses section of fsuipc but to no avail, i have no idea what this does.

All the SET type controls take a parameter. The parameter specifies the complete frequency to be set. In the case of radio frequencies they are in BCD (binasry coded decimal) in kHz I think.

I think I will have to try and nut it out, there has got to be a solution somewhere.

The solution is pretty easy with FS controls, as I explained. Trying to do it reliably with keystrokes will be a problem. Why not simply use controls?




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The solution is pretty easy with FS controls, as I explained. Trying to do it reliably with keystrokes will be a problem. Why not simply use controls?

Yeah I will probably go down that road it seems to be the better solution.

thanks again for all your help.


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Hi Jeff, Pete,

For nav2:

press N2 to change whole numbers (which I can get by mapping N to a press and 2 to a release in fsuipc)

press NN2 to change fractionals <-- this is the problem I cant get the button to imitate this.

I haven't used these key presses for a really long time but if I recall correctly the NN selects the fractional digits of whichever Nav radio was selected before. So:

N then 1 to select Nav1 whole digits, then +/- to adjust
           then NN to select fractional digits on Nav1 and +/- to adjust
N then 2 to select Nav2 whole digits, then +/- to adjust
           then NN to select fractional digits on Nav2 and +/- to adjust

But as I said it's been I think FS5 where I used these things, so I might be wrong.



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