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Good evening!

I am using FS9 and FSUIPC 3.71 with 747-400 Aircraft and Project Magenta.

I use Rudder Axis, a Rudder Trim Axis and a Tiller Axis, all procedeed by FSUIPC.

The Tiller Axis on ground works very fine, also the Rudder Trim is working perfect.

The Rudder Axis in in FS9 calibrated to max. Sensitivity, with no zero zone.

The Rudder Asis is proceded by FSUIPC, going from aprox. -16000 to + 16000 (OUT) with a small zero zone, and a slope of 0.

In Flight if I use the Rudder, I can see the Rudder Position Indicator on PM-lower EICAS in STAT synoptic screen,

going to total left or total right position, depending on me feets.

BUT the aircraft only reacts a very little bit on the Rudder. So it is impossible to coordinate the Slip/Skid Indication and then BANK pointer in the PFD if Bank Angle grater then aprx. 10 deg.

If I use (for tests only) the Trim Knob to allign the Slip/Skid Indication and then BANK pointer, all works fine.

In horicontal leveled Flight Situations (without AP) if I press the Rudder Pedals nearly no effect can be observed on the ND Display (Course), but full movement of the Rudder Position Indicator on PM-lower EICAS in STAT synoptic screen.

So the efficency of the Rudder is very much lower then the Trim.

Can anybody help me with this?

Thanks a lot

Best Regards



  pap said:

BUT the aircraft only reacts a very little bit on the Rudder. So it is impossible to coordinate the Slip/Skid Indication and then BANK pointer in the PFD if Bank Angle grater then aprx. 10 deg.

Sounds like either an aircraft sensitivity scalar setting (in the specific Aircraft.CFG file), or possibly you have the Yaw Damper engaged and that is being rather over-effective?




Hi Pete!

Thanks a lot you got it, Yaw Dampers are the Problem. I switched them on like in checklists written, and never spend any idea more on them. If I turn them off, all is working fine.

The next question is how to reduce the effective of the Yaw Damper. Can you please help me again. In my Aircraft.cfg (747-400 from Pedro Oliveira) there is an entry yaw_damper_gain = 1.0. Is it possible to reduce this? Which Value?

Thanks a lot.

Best Regards



  pap said:

In my Aircraft.cfg (747-400 from Pedro Oliveira) there is an entry yaw_damper_gain = 1.0. Is it possible to reduce this? Which Value?

Well, obviously you can reduce it. For example, 0.9 is less than 1.0, so if you set 0.9 you would have reduced it!

I've no idea what value you should use. On my PMDG 737 the value is 1.0 and everything works as it should. Evidently the model aircraft you have behaves differently. Why not simply do a binary chop (halve it, then halve the difference etc) till you arrive at a value you like?



Thanks, didt another sesrch, a value of 0.05 will fitt. A very low value, but I cant find anoter solution.

Strange isnt it?

Thanks again and best Regards from Austria


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