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ADF dip ?

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hi Peter,

I don't think the functionality is here yet hence me asking, please forgive me if this already exists.

I am working on my (real) instument rating, one of the trickiest part is NDB holds, reason is the ADF dips towards the inside of the turn (10° for a rate one turn, this is the only given value for ADF dip), as there are no gauges for FS that can reproduce this I was wondering if it is possible to sneak in and add your own offset to the ADF needle position ?

Let me know if this is unclear or you need more details.

Best Regards,


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thanks, I was hoping I could get another way around it, I already use the JetLine II from reality XP, it features a HSI that can display ADF also which unfortunately does not have dip but I guess it uses the basic info from FS (in terms of needle position etc) so I thought that if there is a way to amend the FS ADF needle position then I could add dip to my JetLine II.

I have quite a big hardware setup and can hardly fit in another LCD screen for the RMI (http://FSBeech.ifrance.com)

thks for pointing me in that direction, if nothing else I will go for it


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I am working on my (real) instument rating, one of the trickiest part is NDB holds, reason is the ADF dips towards the inside of the turn (10° for a rate one turn, this is the only given value for ADF dip), as there are no gauges for FS that can reproduce this ...

You mean it actually shows the wrong direction? What causes that then?

I was wondering if it is possible to sneak in and add your own offset to the ADF needle position ?

If you mean change the reading on the gauge, then, no. Even if you could overwrite it it would be re-written by the FS simulation engine on the next frame or so. The only gauge you can offset is the gyro driven heading indicator where a "drift" can be applied.

As already mentioned in this thread, it can be done using gauges especially written to simulate such things, but not with the defaults which read the FS values directly.



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You mean it actually shows the wrong direction?

yes indeed, if you do a rate one turn to the right the ADF needle will have +10 degree error when established in the turn.

This is a geometrical error, imagine the ADF loop under the airplane, as you bank you change the antena position, also you change the magnetic environment around it (engines, wings going in the way and deviating signals).

It seem that in some airlines sims it is reproduced in other it is not, it makes a big difference to have a needle pointing to where you should stop the turn or to have to substract 10degs +-wind etc

I'm really surprized this has not been implemented in FS nor in FSX.

Even if you could overwrite it it would be re-written by the FS simulation engine on the next frame or so

This is what I figured out by writing 0 to the offset.. sometimes I read back 0 sometimes not, the FS needle never show 0..

thks for your input

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