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Is there a reason why I don't have the Fsuipc.ini file in my modules folder?

I downloaded and registered last week. The only FSUIPC items I have in the folder are config settings, the manual text doc and the .dll module.


Paul White

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Is there a reason why I don't have the Fsuipc.ini file in my modules folder?

Yes, if you've not yet run FS with FSUIPC installed. The INI file is only generated when you have used the program at least once.

I downloaded and registered last week. The only FSUIPC items I have in the folder are config settings, the manual text doc and the .dll module.

Ah, you are running windows in its default "confuse the user" mode. What you see as "config settings" are represented by files with filetypes ".INI" or "CFG". That's what ".INI" means as a filetype!



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Does that mean it's ok then? Or, how do I get out of "confuse the user" mode!!?

Yes, it is okay. Microsoft try ty make it "easier" for you by calling CFG and INI files by fuller names. "config settings" means "configuration settings" which is another way of saying "option settings" or "initialisation settings". Hence .CFG and .INI.

If you want to see the real filenames use the Folder Options to tell Explorer to show you them.



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Thanks Pete, I'm very much obliged.

Oh, re my other post re PMDG autopilot, you were quite correct on that too! PMDG does have it's own assignments (in this case the letter A) and FSUIPC worked beautifully for that, so thanks again!


Paul :) :D

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