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Hi, I just started experimenting with FSUIPC CLient DLL for .NET.

I hope the development will go on, it seems that a lot of things is getting easier under .NET

My actual problem is to re-open a connection.

The situation is following:

FSX is up and running, I open the connection with FSUIPCConnection.Open, anythings works well.

The next situation:

FSX is down or loading.

FSUPCConnection.Open gives an exeception, o.k,

To handle this I close the connection and tr again after 5 seconds.

But I am afraid, under that condition I will never get a connection even if FSX is up after some time.

Stopping the program under VS2005 and restarting solves the problem (which is the first situation)

Any ideas ?


FSX is down or loading.

FSUPCConnection.Open gives an exeception, o.k,

To handle this I close the connection and tr again after 5 seconds.

5 seconds is probably not a long enough gap for fS when it is really seriously busy loading scenery or something. I've known it take many seconds indeed for complex textured scenery on initialising or after a Flight load.

Best to simply retry the current FSUIPC_Process at, say, 2 second intervals, for maybe 10 or 20 times before deciding to disconnect and re-connect in case of FS reload.

But I am afraid, under that condition I will never get a connection even if FSX is up after some time.

Stopping the program under VS2005 and restarting solves the problem (which is the first situation)

I don't know the Client DLL for .NET -- perhaps you should post this in that sticky thread to be sure to attract the author's attention, but as far as FSUIPC is concerned a new FSUIPC_Open is indistinguishable from the previous one, so should work the same. Possibly something in the Client DLL isn't being initialised properly, but being assumed to be zero or whatever? Hopefully that will be something easy for the author to find.





I'm Paul, author of the .NET dll.

I've never tested it against FSUIPC4/FSX because I don't own it but FSUIPC4 should be no different to 3 as far as the DLL is concerned.

To check if there is a problem in the DLL or not, can you please try running one of my example apps provided (C# or VB.NET). They handle FS not being ready or being closed unexpectedly. See if they eventually connect if loaded before FSX, or if you shut down FSX and restart it while using the test app.

If they work then the DLL is OK. Look at the source of the example apps and see if it different to what your code does.

If the example apps show the same problems as your code or you need more help then let me know.



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