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Discount when buying WideFS?

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I purchased FSUIPC v3 back in February, but back then didn’t believe WideFS would be of any use to me, so I opted out of the discount when buying both together. Then back in August, I purchased FSUIPC v4, and again didn’t buy WideFS at the same time.

I now have set up my laptop again, and believe it would be a useful addition in running 3rd party programs over a network. After logging onto http://www.simmarket.com, I am able to get a discount buying WideFS v7, but I do not use FSX anymore. I would like to purchase v6 for FS9, but I am not eligible to get this at a discounted rate.

Is there any way I am able to get WideFS v6 at the discounted rate? It’s obviously my fault that I didn’t buy them both together and got it at the cheaper rate, but if there is any way I would greatly appreciate it.

If that is not possible (and this is a long shot), would I be able to purchase WideFS v7 at the discounted rate, and afterwards get the licence key changed to v6?



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Is there any way I am able to get WideFS v6 at the discounted rate? It’s obviously my fault that I didn’t buy them both together and got it at the cheaper rate, but if there is any way I would greatly appreciate it.

If that is not possible (and this is a long shot), would I be able to purchase WideFS v7 at the discounted rate, and afterwards get the licence key changed to v6?

Sorry, all these things are matters for SimMarket. I have contractual arrangements with them, and they do the business.



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