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mixw virtual serial port

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How and where can I get the MixW Virtual Serial Port? IN the FSUIPC Manual, GPSOUT section it says it is available on your Forum? I am unable to find it. I would like to setup the Lowrance 1000 emulator on my Client PC. I need simple instruction because I am a Dodo when it comes to manuals. I use the trial and error method as a rule.



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How and where can I get the MixW Virtual Serial Port? IN the FSUIPC Manual, GPSOUT section it says it is available on your Forum? I am unable to find it.

Well, you evidently must have clicked the wrong link in the first place, because you didn't even post your question to "my forum"! I am Pete Dowson, and "my forum" is named "Pete Dowson's FS Modules", so it should have been a doddle to check (even for a "Dodo with manuals").

Having got here you will, if you look, notice a number of Announcements at the top. One of them is "FSX downloads ...". MixW is in there.

Please don't ask for any 'good documentation' for MixW. It isn't my software, but freeware from elsewhere.



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Thanks for your help. I am new to forums etc. so I hope you will be patient with me. I am using FSX and Vista on my main PC and XP pro on my client. I have d/l the Mixw, but it seems it's not Vista compatible. I am having a problem with my FSUIPC Button assignments, I have assigned ap speed inc to one button and ap speed decrease to another. The problem is the decrease button is increasing setting? The button appears to be ok in the calibration. Any idea what could be the problem? Hope I am in the right Forum this time?


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I am using FSX and Vista on my main PC and XP pro on my client. I have d/l the Mixw, but it seems it's not Vista compatible.

But surely you will be using that on the Client in any case? What's the point of having it on the same PC as FSX?

I am having a problem with my FSUIPC Button assignments, I have assigned ap speed inc to one button and ap speed decrease to another. The problem is the decrease button is increasing setting?

Sorry, you'll have to be much more specific as to the names of the controls you are using. there are so many similarly named in FS. Write down the actual names.

The button appears to be ok in the calibration.

Calibration? Where are you looking? there's no "calibration" for buttons. you either assign actions to them or not, same as in FS's own Assignments.



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I have moved the Mixw Virtual Port to my client pc as you instructed. The Lowrance 1000 emulator does not seem to recognize it. I have enabled Gpsout and widefs FSX, I don't know how to get the Lowrance 1000 emulator to work. Have tried the GPS locate function on the Lowrance, but no luck.

Have located the key problem. It is with Leo Bonar's usb interface. for some reason maybe heat related, it seems to activate 2 different commands on one keypress. If I disconnect it and reconnect it after a time it rights itself. I will have to try to get support from Leo.



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I have moved the Mixw Virtual Port to my client pc as you instructed. The Lowrance 1000 emulator does not seem to recognize it.

"It" in this case is a COM port?

Sorry, I have no idea what the "Lowrance 1000 emulator" is, or whether it accepts any inputs from a COM port at all. But first things first. You do need to check which pair of COM ports are being emulated by MixW. Have you done that? What pair is it emulating?

And of course you need to set parameters in the Wideclient.INI file to enable GPS reception there and to tell it which MixW port to use there. have you done that?



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  • 2 weeks later...


Sorry for delay in replying to your last advice. I am undergoing some medical treatment which tends to interupt my progress with my New Obsession (Simpiting). The program I was trying to connect with Gpsout was the Lowrance Airmap 1000 Demo which I understood could be connected with Gpsout, anyway , I have temporarily given up on Gpsout and concentrating on getting my Autopilot working. I have a nigling problem which I have not solved yet. The button I have assigned to "AP Speed Increase Var", moves the speed indicator up, but when I release the button the Speed setting resets to "0". Do I have to clear FS key assignments to avoid any conflicts with Fsuipc? I have checked that there is no conflict with any of the buttons I have assigned in Fsuipc and the FS assignments. Also I have checked that the USB Controller for the Speed Increase button is OK. I just got FSXpand and thanks to Fsuipc and Widefs are working great. I have to confess that I have not quite figured out how to set the axis on my throttle, Spoiler and flaps, yet. But I will get there eventually. Is there A Complete Idiots Guide to Fsuipc? :oops:



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The button I have assigned to "AP Speed Increase Var", moves the speed indicator up, but when I release the button the Speed setting resets to "0".

Can you please double-check the name of the control you've assigned. There isn't one by that exact name, and there are several it could be.

It the button does something when released you must have programmed the release action as well as the press action.

Do I have to clear FS key assignments to avoid any conflicts with Fsuipc?

No. Keys and buttons are separate things. They only do things when touched in any case.

Is there A Complete Idiots Guide to Fsuipc?

It's called the User Guide, and I'm afraid it's about as idiotic I can provide.

If you need to check what is going on, please look at the Logging options in FSUIPC. On the left hand side enable Button and Event (non-axis) logging. Then operate your button and check the FSUIPC Log file (in the FS Modules folder) to see what happened. If you don't understand it, show it here. It's only a text file and you can cut and paste.



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