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4.218 and SP1 doesnt work?

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4.218 is SP2 specific? I installed the .dll to see if it helped with the wind problem but it renedered FSrealtime V's 1.853 and 1.86 unresponsive with the set to now button.

No. All versions of FSUIPC4 since 4.10 should run fine on any state of FSX update. Only 4.0xx versions had any problems after SP1.

What was your previous version?

Does FSrealTime connect okay?

Please show me the Install log and the FSUIPC4 log from the Modules folder. Close FSX first and show me the whole file in each case, please.

You can also enable IPC read and write logging (on the Logging page), then try FSRealTime again and see what the log contains.



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4.218 is SP2 specific?

Ah! Sorry! I've just found that I built it with the wrong list of Simconnect manifests, so it only looks for SP2 and two recent Betas.

I'll fix that and upload a fixed version over the weekend, or Monday at the latest. I'm in the midst of some other changes. Look for 4.219 before Monday.



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4.219 worked good with FSrealtime., Flight was B707-3 KBFI-KADW @ FL350 I noticed quite an improvement with the wind smoothing enroute and on descent with the 3 wind shift boxes ticked with the default settings. Although I noticed my IAS guage was going a little nuts while the wind direction was changing the AC itself was getting blown around quite smoothly. Not the normal abrubt shifts seen prior.

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4.219 worked good with FSrealtime., Flight was B707-3 KBFI-KADW @ FL350 I noticed quite an improvement with the wind smoothing enroute and on descent with the 3 wind shift boxes ticked with the default settings. Although I noticed my IAS guage was going a little nuts while the wind direction was changing the AC itself was getting blown around quite smoothly. Not the normal abrubt shifts seen prior.

Yes, the problem with my new Wind Smoothing on SP1 and before is that it can't stop the "ratcheting" action on the ASI, which does become rather annoying. I found a way of dealing with that too in the SP2/Acceleration updates, via an actual coding hack ("patch"), but although I've spent hours looking I cannot find the same routines in SP1 or before. I think MS must have changed quite a bit in this area.

Note that version 4.222 is now up, with some minor corrections to some problems with the option settings.



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