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loading new aircrafts and add-ons?

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hi i have installed a f-14d tomcat, which idownloaded of simviation.com . i had to install it manually because when i installed it went to a module folder and it didn't show on the fsx. so i then i manually installed it. ican see the aircraft at the select aircraft point but when loading it stops at 69% and then it says i have to restart my fsx. pleace can u help me :?: :|

ps it also says i've got a later version of fsuipc, i think i have version 4.26


Black Jet of London

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hi i have installed a f-14d tomcat, which idownloaded of simviation.com . i had to install it manually because when i installed it went to a module folder and it didn't show on the fsx. so i then i manually installed it. ican see the aircraft at the select aircraft point but when loading it stops at 69% and then it says i have to restart my fsx.

Sorry, I have no idea about installing add-on aircraft. It sounds like it is one intended for FS2004 not FSX. Either way, best to ask at Simviation.com I would have thought.

ps it also says i've got a later version of fsuipc, i think i have version 4.26

Sorry, what says what where? How is this related to the above? Obviously 4.26 is later than any previous version, as I only published it today!


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ican see the aircraft at the select aircraft point but when loading it stops at 69%

get a version that does a proper install

if at first install you m(*&%d up the directories

then perhaps there are gauges missing or wrong directories, or bad tree dirs, or alias links within your aircraft folder not pointing correctly.

thats when FSx crashes

you should/could research how exactly the plane relates to all its files and sub directories, when you've done this ones, comes in handy with later problems

first thing I do with a new plane is resize all panels to my liking, but it takes a while before you know what does what.

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