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Hat Switch problems

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Hi Pete,

Wonder if you can help,please :(

I've programmed the Hat switch on my CH Yoke to cycle through the views in Spot View, but when I cycle through it is very jumpy between each view.

I put all the parameters in for each position of the switch but all I get is jumpy views and no height to the views except ground level.

In FS assignments I was able to move around the a/c from all angles and all heights very smoothly.



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I've programmed the Hat switch on my CH Yoke to cycle through the views in Spot View, but when I cycle through it is very jumpy between each view. I put all the parameters in for each position of the switch but all I get is jumpy views and no height to the views except ground level.

Sorry, I've really no idea what you are talking about, nor what you are seeing. Let me pose some questions to try to understand:

1. What views can you "cycle" through in "spot view"? Isn't that just one view? How do you "cycle" through one view? Maybe you need to be explicit about what FS controls you are trying to use?

2. What does "jumpy" between each vbiew man? The scenery goes up and down? I can't imagine it.

3. What are these "parameters" you mention? Parameters for what controls? Very few controls take parameters.

4. What has "height" of a view got to do with it? How are you trying set height?

In FS assignments I was able to move around the a/c from all angles and all heights very smoothly.

So why are you changing things? What FS assignments are you talking about?



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When cycling through views on FS , first there is , cockpit view, next Virtual cockpit, then Tower view and finally spot view which takes you outside the a/c.

In spot view I have a "Hat Button" on my CH Yoke which when I move it in 8 compass positions (360,45,90,135,180,225,270 degrees) it gives a view of the a/c from that position relative to the a/c. I've assigned this button in FSUIPC to spot view using, for example, "View Forward" from the drop down menu and a parameter in the box below of 360. This shows the a/c from behind the tail as if standing behind it.

Now, before I had FSUIPC and assigned this hat switch in FS the spot view was always smooth when moving between view positions as above, now it moves very rapidly and the only view I get is at zero altitude relative to the a/c. Before I could toggle the hat switch and have an outside view from any angle and height relative to the a/c.

Does this explain it better?


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I've assigned this button in FSUIPC to spot view using, for example, "View Forward" from the drop down menu and a parameter in the box below of 360.

None of the VIEW specific directional controls use a parameter. They are the same controls FS assigns by default to the Shift+arrow/home/end/pgup/pgdn keys on the keyboard. They won't do any more than that, and the parameter will be discarded by FS.

Now, before I had FSUIPC and assigned this hat switch in FS the spot view was always smooth when moving between view positions as above, now it moves very rapidly and the only view I get is at zero altitude relative to the a/c.

Without knowing how you had it assigned, I would say that this is because you were using Pan controls before, not the basic view contrtols -- try the VIEW controls on the keyboard for yourself. They are intended to work that way. I don't call that "jumpy but "responsive"! Anyway, if you reprogrammed your hat to work differently, you'd expect it to work differently, wouldn't you?

If with your previous method you had it selecting all 8 views on the one hat, how did the same hat manage to select the height as well? It sounds as if you had a 10-way hat, which I've never heard of. Are you sure it wasn't just programmed to pan left and right on the left and right buttons and up or down on the forward and rear buttons? That would be the standard PAN axis control -- a completely idea from having different actions on each of the directions, which is what FSUIPC button programming offers.

If you want panning instead you would need to assign the panning controls. There are examples in the FSUIPC4 user guide derived from one posted in this Forum -- see viewtopic.php?f=54&t=66828&p=414889 . That method should work okay in FS2004 too (you didn't say which you were using).

This won't give you height control as well. For both direct and height you'd need to look at the other pan controls, and look at losing some precise direction selection in favour of maneuverability. The possibilities are almost endless, but you'd need to work out what you really wanted and see how the FS controls actually work.

Alternatively if you just want what FS offers, why not leave it with FS?



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Thanks very much.

The thing I got wrong was that I programmed the hat switch to "Views" instead of "Pan View" :cry:

Now all is well, so thank you very much for your help....sorry I didn't explain it very well to start with :wink:



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