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FSUIPC error when trying to connect with PIREP Programs

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Hi All,

I appear to be having trouble connecting FSUIPC with my PIREP programs for different VAs.

With FS Flight Keeper, I get the following error message: "Error: IPC timed out all retries" and with GCP (Globe Cargo PIREP), I get the following: "Unknown FSUIPC Connection Error".

This happens with FSUIPC V3.80.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance :)

Ross Spargo

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  • 2 years later...

Hi there,

I am having some troubles with pireps with the VA that I fly with. Their pirep system is FSACARS - an older system. I recently reinstalled all of my FSX setups after the game began to crash, perhaps triggered by me installing FSX SP1 & SP2. Prior to these reinstallations, FSIUPC and FSACARS worked in synchronization perfectly. Now however, after I install both programmes, FSACARS fails, and shuts completely. I have raised this issue in my VA forums, and they suspect it is a FSUIPC problem. I am using FSUIPC 4, and have not registered it (ie, 'free' version). I guess what I'm asking is: Can anyone who has experienced this help me? Is there something that I am doing wrong?

I have been following installations instructions to every detail.

My specs are as follows:

Win Vista Home Premium 32bit, SP1 and SP2

FSX Deluxe w SP1 (SP2 may not have reinstalled).

I have removed, re-downloaded and re-installed FSUIPC and FSACARS a few times to try and combat this problem (to begin with a clean system, so to speak).

Thanks in advance,


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Hi there,

My complete FSX setup crashed recently, and so I have had to remove and redownload/reinstall virtually all of my FSX related programs; including FSUIPC and FSACARS, which is the PIREP program that my VA uses. I have since encountered many problems, the most major of which being that FSUIPC and FSACARS cannot synchronize with each other, and so I cannot submit any PIREPS. When I am using FSX, FSUIPC doesn't appear as an Addon under the tab like it use to, and doesn't "function" so to speak. When I try to begin a flight log with FSACARS, it freezes, as does FSX, and shuts down completely. Those at my VA are sure that this is a FSUIPC related problem (sorry) and not FSACARS. I guess my question is...Am I doing something wrong? Are there limits to the use of FSUIPC?

I have FSX Deluxe SP1, and use Vista Home Premium 32bit SP1 and SP2. I have the non-registered version of FSUIPC4, FSACARS is freeware. I have tried installing and running both programs as an Administrator and a regular user.

Thanks in advance,


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When I am using FSX, FSUIPC doesn't appear as an Addon under the tab like it use to, and doesn't "function" so to speak.

Does it generate a Log file in the FSX Modules folder? If so, show it to me please. If not, please show me the Install log file instead, in the same place. If there's no run-time log file produced then FSUIPC isn't even being loaded, so it is probably a DLL.XML problem -- though it sounds like a SimConnect problem.

FSX does not take kindly to re-installation -- it often seems to make a complete mess of the SimConnect part. The problem stems, I think, form the fact that the SimConnect side-by-side library doesn't get completely uninstalled, and this stops the installer re-installing correctly. In general it is better, if reinstalling FSX, to start with reinstalling Windows from scratch.

Of all the problems I hear of in SimConnect, they almost all occur after attempted re-installation of FSX. It's not a good move without also reinstalling Windows, especially on Vista or Win7 where there seems to be no work-around to fix SimConnect. On WinXP it is easier -- one can delete some WinSxS folders and reinstall just the SimConnect parts without too many problems. That doesn't appear to work, even if you could do it (which is difficult) on Vista or Win7.

When I try to begin a flight log with FSACARS, it freezes, as does FSX, and shuts down completely

Even if there is a SimConnect problem causing FSUIPC not to be able to connect to FSX (and the Log, if any, will show that), there is really no excuse for a separate program, as I assume FSACARS is, to 'freeze'. That cannot be directly to do with FSX or FSUIPC but more of a poor programmed response to non-connection. It should simply report that it cannot connect.



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