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Goflight & pmSystems

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Good Day,

I was wondering if it is possible to control pmSystems by Project Magenta with Goflight modules? I have been reading the FSUIPC for Advanced Users guide and have tried several different things with no success. For example, I wish to control Batt 1 (5628 .0 Batt1 - from sysvar) in pmSystems. I have entered the following line in the FSUIPC config settings file : 66=R109,7,Cx05005628,x00 , however, nothing happens. FSUIPC recognizes the GoFlight Module as Joystick #109 and the switch as Button #7. I am using the latest version of FSUIPC, WideFS (Both registered). The Goflight module is connected to the FS computer while pmSystems is running on a second PC, successfully connected with WideFS. Am I on the right track? Please help.


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I got some help from my friends at Project Magenta Support and they have straightened me out. Had to make the following changed/additions:



Switch now controls pmSystems. Now, for my next question...how do I make the Go-Flight led light up? For example, I have assigned a toggle switch to Batt1 to switch it on/off. Is there anyway to make the associated green LED light up when on and go out when off?

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I have gotten a copy of GFDisplay, and I must say that it fit the bill. I am still not 100% clear on all this bytes/word/double word stuff, however. For example, in GFDisplay, how am I suppose to know what should follow the U in the following example: 0=X5628 U? ; Should the ? be replaced by a 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc... Also, I was wondering how to tell when I should be using the different "Offset" controls e.g. "x0100zzzz Offset Byte Set (offset = zzzz), hexadecimal" when programing buttons from within FSUIPC? I am just figuring it out by trial and error so far, however I would really like to know more of the logic surrounding it so that I can better understand it.


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I have gotten a copy of GFDisplay, and I must say that it fit the bill. I am still not 100% clear on all this bytes/word/double word stuff, however. For example, in GFDisplay, how am I suppose to know what should follow the U in the following example: 0=X5628 U? ; Should the ? be replaced by a 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc.

Doesn't the documentation which refers to offset 5628 tell you how big it is -- 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes? A byte has 8 bits -- multiply the size in bytes by 8 to get the number of bits. Or it might tell you how many bits there are instead. It isn't rocket science.

.. Also, I was wondering how to tell when I should be using the different "Offset" controls e.g. "x0100zzzz Offset Byte Set (offset = zzzz), hexadecimal" when programing buttons from within FSUIPC? I am just figuring it out by trial and error so far

Why not assign them via the dialolgue in FS instead of fiddling about editing the INI files? When using the NAMES of the controls surely their use is obvious? 'Set' sets a value, 'Set Bits' sets bits, 'Clear bits' clears bits, 'Toggle bits' toggles bits. They are in English.

I tried to make all this stuff easier by naming controls and providing full facilities for assigninging them in the dialogue, so why make it harder?


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Thanks Pete for the help. I am learning slowly, as this computer language is not my cup of tea; I am in health care :D

I did have another question if you can stand it...in GFDisplay, is it possible to have a led light up for two different values? For example, there is a switch in pmSystems (APU Gen; 5624 & 5625) that can have three values; 0, 1, & 2. What I want is for the led on the GFT8 to light for both value 0 and 2, as the switch in pmSystems automatically returns to value 1 after being turned on/off. I would like the light to come on momentarily when it gets turned on/off. I have been able to accomplish one or the other, but not both (3=X5624 U8, 4=X5625 U8, L1=C3 X5624 U8=2, L2=C4 X5625 U8=2). This gives me a momentary led light up when I turn on the APU Gens, then the switch returns to value 1 and the led goes off. This is fine, however I would also like to opposite to happen when turning it off. The only other solution that I can think of doing is have the led associated with TransBus1Fault (5637) for each APU bus switch, as the fault light in pmSystems goes out when ever the APU Gen is turned on. However, I can not figure out how to do this as these TransBus1/2Fault lights have 4 & 5 bits, and a value of either on or off; I do not know how to distinguish between the two. From reading the manual that came with GFDisplay, I believe that it has something to do with "Mask", but I am not entirely sure how that works.


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is it possible to have a led light up for two different values? For example, there is a switch in pmSystems (APU Gen; 5624 & 5625) that can have three values; 0, 1, & 2. What I want is for the led on the GFT8 to light for both value 0 and 2, as the switch in pmSystems automatically returns to value 1 after being turned on/off.

So, you stated the condition yourself: have them light up when the value is NOT 1? i.e.

L1=X5624 U8!=1

L2=X5625 U8!=1

You only need separate Conditions defined when you want to combine things. You don't want any combinations here, surely?

I can not figure out how to do this as these TransBus1/2Fault lights have 4 & 5 bits, and a value of either on or off; I do not know how to distinguish between the two. From reading the manual that came with GFDisplay, I believe that it has something to do with "Mask", but I am not entirely sure how that works.

A mask is a patten of bits "masking" or identifying the bits you need. Bit 4 is the 5th bit up, i.e. in binary in a Byte it is 00010000. The hex value is therefore x10 (4 bits in each hex digit) and decimal bit 4 is 2^4 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16.

For 2 bits, say 4 and 5, you simply add them. 00110000 = x30 = 16 + 32 = 48.


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