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The mouse macro facility

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... in the beta FSUIPC is brilliant! Easy to use and works flawlessly. Thanks, your work is very much appreciated :D :D :D

Good, glad you like it. I've found a little bug when it is used on existing Macro files, so please do replace your version of FSUIPC when I release proper User versions, this week (versions 4.28 and 3.81).

Oh, and thanks for the positive feedback, it doesn't happen very often! ;-)



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morning peter......

i also have to congratulate you on the mouse macro's. they are excellent and writing one's own is soooo easy. i have just built a new overhead panel and now i'm going to have to 're-arrange' some of the wiring to accomodate the use of this function with the PMDG. i removed my K2M.dll yesterday and inside two hours i had got all my current overhead switches running on the PMDG737 (using your existing macro's) :o)

and i started to write my own as well to cover some of the niggly little things we have to put up with on the PMDG. the added bonus is not having to open the panel to action the switch yet still hearing the switch 'click' as confimation is a real winner.

once again my compliments on what can only be described as a real leap forward with the PMDG737. thank you.

best regardsian

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once again my compliments on what can only be described as a real leap forward with the PMDG737.

Thanks Ian. So nice to have more positive feedback, especially just before going on holiday (off later tomorrow for just over two weeks).

Incidentally, it seems it doesn't work on the PMDG CDU (see other thread), though since the CDU really needs to be seen to be used I would think Key2Mouse or a touch-sensitive screen would be appropriate in any case.

Best regards


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